82 • Kai

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For WitchyWood , thanks for waiting so long aha hope ya like it :D

Imagine being with Kai and every time a guy flirts with you he gets angry.


It seemed strange that for you because of your slightly quiet personality, well quieter than his, that you ended up with someone as loud and just all around destructive as Kai.

However for some unknown reason something just clicked between the two of you, you just seemed to get on so well and understand each other. Another thing that you had in common was that you were a witch and Kai a heretic, meaning that you were both very much in the supernatural loop and knew everything. That meant no secrets, and no secrets meant trust.

The only hurdle that seemed to keep on reappearing in a constant cycle was the fact that Kai got jealous very easily. It was almost stupid how jealous and protective he could get, even when someone like Matt was just asking how you were. You always tried to calm him down, but sometimes he just went off the deep end; resulting at the start of your relationship in you deciding that overreacting was one of his many powers.

Today you were out at the grill with Kai for lunch, just enjoying each other's company and finally getting time to talk. These last few days had been extremely busy for the both of you so you wanted to sit back and just relax. Kai was sitting in the seat opposite you in a dark booth, the two of you just making small talk about the last couple of days.

"...so then I went with Matt-"

"Matt Donovan?" Kai cut you off and questioned as you frowned but nodded.

"Uh yeah...Anyway we went and-"

"How long were you with him for?" Kai asked as you continued to frown at him, knowing what was coming.

"Does it matter?" You questioned back with a sigh, wanting to avoid another argument at all costs.

"Yes." Kai stated firmly as you rolled your eyes.

"I don't know... maybe an hour? Two?" You shrugged as Kai bit the inside of his lip in thought. "Why is it that big of a deal?" You questioned as he shrugged, looking down.

"Just wondering." He muttered as a dead silence fell over the booth. "Carry on." Kai added and waved his hand carelessly.

"Kai you seriously have nothing to worry about you know." You laughed lightly and squeezed his hand which was clenched into a tight coat on the table, you ran your thumb soothingly other it as he huffed.

As if on cue, the worst person that could have possibly come over at that time did. Matt.

"Hey do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" He asked with a naive smile, not knowing how angry Kai was at him.

"Yes I'll just have a Coke and toasted sandwich please." You smiled politely at Matt, avoiding eye contact with Kai.

"Sure that's fine Y/N, what about you dude?" Matt smiled brightly at you before turning to see a beyond angry Kai glaring at him.

"Kai seriously." You grumbled and lightly kicked him under the table, praying that you could just have some lunch in peace.

"I'll have the same as my girlfriend, thanks dude." Kai spoke slightly sarcastically when he emphasised the two words, Matt looked at you in confusion as you just sighed and shook your head at him.

"I'm sorry about him..." You began but were swiftly cut off.

"It's fine, honestly." Matt awkwardly chuckled before hurriedly walking off to go tell the kitchen your orders.

"What the hell?" You turned to Kai as soon as Matt was out of earshot. "Kai what's your problem?"

"I just don't like the guy." Kai shrugged and smirked slightly at you, seeming to enjoy how riled up you got.

"But this doesn't just happen with Matt, this happens too much. Why are you so jealous of everyone?" You sat back and searched his face for an answer, looking for anything that screamed insecurity. But nothing did. Kai was rather good at hiding his emotions, maybe too good.

"I-it doesn't matter." Kai shrugged as you huffed loudly, tired of going round in circles about the same thing.

"Whatever." You grumbled as Matt reappeared with your drinks, going to place them down on the table.

Suddenly you felt a strange tingling in your arm as Kai laced his hand into yours, it felt so foreign; As if Kai was draining you of all your energy in your body. That's when you realised what he was doing and groaned.
He was siphoning your magic.

You glanced at him as he stared intently at a frowning Matt, he had a questioning frown on his face as he wondered why you suddenly looked so pained.

"Is everything alright?" Matt asked cautiously as you nodded through gritted teeth.

"She's fine." Kai answered for you, causing you to shoot him a dark glare. Kai held his over hand up towards Matt and suddenly Matt was wincing in pain; Kai was using your power to create pressure on Matts brain, resulting in excruciating pain.

"Kai stop." You seethed as he raised an eyebrow at you.

"Sorry what?" He smirked as you pushed his hand out of yours, stopping the signal and finally Matt breathed out a long breath. His hands had been shaking as he gripped the drinks tightly, causing them to slosh over the sides and drip onto the floor.

Matt quickly put your drinks down before rushing off again, no doubt to change the waiter for your table.

"Why did you do that?" You looked at an amused Kai angrily. "You may have hurt Matt to get your point across, but in doing so you hurt me." Your voice trailed off at the end as Kai's smile slowly subsided.

"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Yes you did, you know it too." You sighed and stood up. "Call me when you've calmed down because I hate being around you when you're like this, you take everything out of proportion and just... hurt people." You muttered as a few tears built up in your eyes.

Determined not to let him see you cry, you headed for the exit without another word. Leaving Kai behind.


Would anyone be interested in reading a romance book?? I've got one planned and can't wait for you guys to read it :D

Love you guys for all of the support on this book :)

Stay Weird


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