76 • Damon

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For lcstyourmind , hope ya like it :D

Imagine being Tyler's twin but dating Damon who promises to stop killing people, but... he breaks it :/


You could remember so vividly the night you'd been dreading for ages, telling Tyler about Damon.

At first he had freaked out in anger and confusion, annoyed that you hadn't told him sooner. However he slowly moved out of this phase, shortly after directing all of his hatred towards the older Salvatore vampire.

You weren't going to let your twin brother's bad reaction stop you from behind happy though, in fact you used it as motivation to prove him wrong. That was easier said than done when your brother convicts your boyfriend of being a murderer.

That was the first obstacle, getting Damon to stop killing people. You knew you'd have to be careful on how you address this because he could take this the completely wrong way.

"Hey um can I talk to you." You bit your lip as you put down your book and turned towards Damon.

"Sure, you know you always can." He smiled which you were grateful for, the only problem was that Damon didn't show this side of him to many people. Which is why you were in this position, trying to convince him to not kill or be malicious around Tyler.

"Well you know how Tyler feels a-about us... and well...you know c-could you maybe dial it down around h-him?" You question as Damon frowned and walked over.

"What do you mean?" He questioned and you began to rack your brain for a clear explanation.

"I-I well...you know the k-killing and I know you have to drink blood to survive, but you d-don't have to k-kill right?" You wove your answer into a question so that it sounded more innocent and easier for you to backtrack.

"Y/N are you scared of me?" Damon questioned as you shifted uncomfortably.

"No I-I'm not I promise, I'm just scared of your answer." You breathed out as he chuckled, making you feel slightly better.

"Well don't be." He smiled as you nodded but frowned, it didn't sound like Damon at all.

"What do you mean?" You questioned as he sighed in thought.

"I promise you that I won't kill people from now on." He spoke after a long pause of thinking as your eyes widened in surprise, he was making an effort and you were grateful. However you only meant for him to not be so boastful about the killing, not to stop it completely.

"Really?" You questioned with a frown as he nodded.

"Yep, can't be that hard can it?" He shrugged and brushed it off as if what he just said was the most normal thing in the world. 

Later that evening you were finishing your shift at work, your annoying boss had made sure that you worked an hour later just to get on your nerves. You got into your car and began the short drive back home, the night very dark and slightly crisp in the cold. 

You drove on until you reached the bridge and frowned, seeing a figure stood by a car that was stopped in the middle of the road. You pulled over and got out to see what was going on, approaching cautiously as you heard a small shriek. 

Your eyes widened in realisation as the car headlights illuminated Damon tearing out some random innocent persons throat. 

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