36 • Klaus

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For Stan_Fan_Eminem , hope it's okay and sorry for the wait!

Imagine being in love with Klaus and he takes you to meet his siblings.


"Are you sure about this?" You sighed as the car pulled up outside the grand house that stood before you proudly.

"Yes I'm sure love, it'll be fine." Klaus reassured you before helping you out of the car like a gentleman. You quickly adjusted your hair and just prayed that they'd like you. "They want to meet you and I just hope they're thankful that I finally agreed to this."

You'd never been more determined to be more likeable, as scenarios of the worst outcome ran through your head. Imagining if you said something wrong and you'd be judged forever by them, or because you were human they'd judge you for the fact you're weaker. You sighed and tried to push the negativity out of your mind, besides these were supposed to be calm family bonding events right?

Klaus opened the door and lead you inside, instantly your eyes widened as the sound of your footsteps echoed around the grand entrance. Everything looked so elegant and strategically placed to look like perfection, probably the work of an expensive architect.

Paintings littered the walls that created an older vibe for the house, some of them looked like one of a kinds whilst others you could tell were painted by Klaus himself. He often tried to convince you into being the feature of one of his magnificent paintings, however you always rejected the offer.

The sound of far off voices drifted through the open doors that lead off into the vast unknown corridors of the mansion, you turned to look at Klaus for directions.

"This way love." He gestured to the first open door on your right.

You stepped through and immediately the atmosphere changed, this room was much darker as many of the curtains were shut and a large fire burnt brightly despite it only being mid afternoon. Bookshelves lined the room that were stacked and almost overflowing with the amount of volumes that had somehow been squeezed into every gap available. Your eyes continued to scan the amazing design of the room before they landed on something slightly unexpected.

Three people stood in the centre of the room but hadn't noticed your presence yet, which made you feel slightly better as they startled you. Two men and a woman were stood talking, you turned around to find Klaus walking in and gave him a pleading look. He simply chuckled at you and coughed, gaining the attention of the three people that you assumed were his siblings.

"This is Danni everyone, please make her feel welcome." Klaus spoke to the three before giving you a small nudge forwards, you awkwardly smiled at them and walked over to greet them properly.

"Hello love, pleasure to meet you. I'm Kol." The first of the two guys smirked at you before pulling you into a hug as if he'd known you all his life. You hugged back hesitantly and sort of knew what he was up to, trying to make Klaus jealous by his over friendly gesture.

Finally he pulled back and you looked to see Klaus trying to hide his annoyance, this caused you to laugh lightly before turning back to Kol.

"Pleasure to meet you too." You smiled at him, feeling slightly more confident.

However that was completely knocked when Klaus' sister decided to introduce herself.

"Well you don't look like the brightest girl Klaus has ever brought home, but I'll give you points for your looks." She spoke whilst looking you up and down, your eyes narrowed and fists clenched in anger at her words.

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