58 • Klaus

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For mysticgarden1 , enjoy! :D

*WARNING: There's mentions of suicide in this chapter that could be triggering or a sensitive topic for some people.*

Imagine Klaus wanting to kill himself so going to Damon who has the stake, however Damon know's your pregnant.


Being alive for over 1000 years was becoming more and more difficult for Klaus to comprehend, a lot had changed since the 10th century. Friends had lived and died as had family. People had betrayed and trusted him, both of which were a mistake.

He was tired of being known as the big bad hybrid who could shake a town at the mention of his name. Everywhere he went people feared him. People despised him. 

He thought he would be redeemed when he met you, how innocent you were. Nobody had ever been kind to him like you were. It was a pleasant change from the glares and snarls that people made when they saw him. 

However he should have guessed that all good things must come to an end. 


You stood pacing in the bathroom, looking at the test on the side. Counting down the seconds until the result should be ready. Your mind hurt from thinking about how to tell Klaus if the test read positive.

The sound of your alarm made you jump slightly as you looked down to see that the timer was done. The result was ready. 

It read positive. 

You didn't know whether to jump in happiness or panic because of what Klaus would say, you didn't know if it would make him angry and upset or if he'd be as happy as you felt. 

Slowly you exited the bathroom and went to the kitchen, disposing the test and grabbing a glass of water. Klaus wasn't home thankfully, you still had to figure out a way of telling him.

"What's that?" Damon asked scaring you and nearly making you drop your water, you turned to glare at him.

"How did you get in here?" You asked as he pointed at the back door, you rolled your eyes and took a seat. Damon was your best friend, which naturally caused a lot of conflict between him and Klaus. 

"You didn't answer my question." Damon narrowed his eyes as you looked up.

"Hmm?" You stalled, hearing him perfectly fine the first time he'd asked. You couldn't just tell him that it was a pregnancy test, could you?

"What was that thing that you just put in the bin?" He questioned as you looked down.

"It was a...uh...well I t-took a p-pregnancy test." You whispered the end part as his eyes widened in surprise before his face set back to his natural annoying smirk.

"Been busy then Mia?" He teased as you groaned.

"No Damon, I don't know how to tell Klaus." You sighed as he thought for a moment.

"Catch him in a good mood." Damon advised as you nodded, although you already knew that. "Also loosen up a bit, maybe it would be easier to tell him after a few drinks." Damon reasoned as you looked at like he was mad.

"Damon I can't drink, I'm pregnant." You scoffed as he groaned.

"So I have to find a new drinking buddy for the next 9 months, great." He sounded annoyed as you looked at him and rolled your eyes.

"I need some fresh air." You sighed and grabbed a bag and your keys. "Would you mind getting out of my house so I can lock up?" You asked as he reluctantly nodded.

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