62 • Klaus

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For TheHourOfNox , enjoy :D

Imagine Klaus turning you and using your daylight ring as something special :)


"Are you sure this is what you want love?" Klaus whispered for the one hundredth time as you wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder.

"More than anything. I want to be with you forever." You replied, as he sighed. Klaus had always hated the idea of you having this life, he didn't want you to suffer. However you'd told him countless times that you'd suffer more as a human.

Today was your birthday and Klaus had finally agreed to do it. He was going to turn you. 

Surprisingly you weren't scared, sure slightly nervous, but no fear made itself known in your body. You pulled away from Klaus' embrace and looked at him in the eyes. 

"Okay." He nodded and moved his wrist up to his mouth, slowly sinking his teeth into it. "Drink this." He spoke and offered his wrist up towards your own mouth.

At first you were slightly hesitant, but eventually you steadied your breathing and gently moved his wrist up to your awaiting lips. 

The thick liquid entered your mouth as you crinkled your nose up at the taste, hoping it would get better. You struggled to swallow the metallic crimson, it was starting to sink in about what you were about to do as your throat tightened. 

"That's it." Klaus cooed as his other arm wrapped around your waist and rubbed soothing circles on your side. "You're doing so well Cara." He spoke and moved his wrist away from your mouth, signalling that you'd drank enough. You couldn't speak; slightly in shock from the taste and more in apprehension at the fact you were about to...die. "Are you ready?" Klaus questioned as you became more grounded at his words.

"Yes." You managed to whisper out as he nodded and stood facing you.

"It's not too late to change your mind you know." He tried as a last resort to change your decision, but you stubbornly shook your head.

"Klaus please, I want this." You smiled at him as he reluctantly nodded and huffed.

"Okay." He mumbled and placed both of his hands in strange positions on your head; one hand on the side of your chin and the other on the back of your head. "Don't move, alright love?" He looks at you with stern eyes, wanting to do this in the most painless way possible.

"Okay." You say, trying to sound confident and not at all scared, however your voice failed you. 

"I love you." He whispered, you opened your mouth to say the exact same back. But suddenly Klaus swiftly and strongly moved his hands, a sickening crack was barely audible for you as darkness swept over your vision in a split second. As if someone had turned off the lights at the flick of a switch. 


You sat up and gasped loudly, scrambling for breath that you no longer needed. With no clue how long you'd been dead... the thought still felt foreign. Even more so now that you'd experienced it. 

You stared around until your eyes landed on Klaus, he was looking at you cautiously as you lay back down.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned and sat next to you on the edge of the bed. 

"Fine." You nodded and winced when looking up, the lights hurting your head and your gums felt like they were on fire. Your vision was sharpening and your hearing intensifying by the second as your eyes darted around the room, you felt like an animal caught in headlights. 

You didn't know what to do, you felt so helpless and frustrated as you lay in agony. Klaus sighed and shook his head before wrapping both of his arms around you and moving you towards him.

"You don't have to act tough around me you know Cara, as much as I love you, I know when you're lying." He reassured you as you nodded and let the strong act slip. Tears formed in your eyes as your emotions became unbalanced and slipped into mayhem. You didn't what to focus on; the happiness that you were now a vampire and you'd always wanted to be one, or the fact that the process was excruciatingly painful. 

"It hurts." You moaned and clutched your head.

"Shhhh I know, it'll be okay I promise love." He whispered and rocked you in his arms, as if you were a child. "Before we go out to get you some fresh blood, I...have something for you." He stuttered at the end as you looked up at him and frowned. 

"What is it?" You asked as he smiled and moved you off of home, keeping hold of your hand though. He stood up and pulled you up with him, so that you faced him.

"This is something that I never want you to take off...for a few different reasons." He smiled to himself as you frowned, with no clue what he could be talking about. 

His hand left yours for a moment to open a nearby draw, from it he retrieved a small black box. Klaus opened it to reveal a small dainty silver ring, with a light blue stone on the top. You gasped at it's beauty and stared at Klaus in disbelief. 

"It's beautiful! Isn't it a bit extravagant for a daylight ring-"

"Maybe it's something else too." Klaus smirked as he cut you off, lowering to one knee in front of you. Your jaw dropped as you completely didn't expect it, the pain in your head subsiding as your happiness was magnified. "Cara will you be my wife for the rest of our extremely long lives?" He asked as you put a hand to your mouth to suppress the growing cheshire cat smile that stretched from ear to ear. 

"Of course! I love you so much." You smiled as he stood up and gently guided the petit ring onto your finger, breathing out a sigh of relief when it fit. 

"I love you more." He replied and pressed his lips to yours lovingly, instantly you kissed back roughly. It was filled with passion and heightened love for each other on a new level that you didn't even believe was possible. The entire time you smiled against his lips as he broke away and rested his forehead on yours. "I will always love you. Forever."


What's up everyone, sorry for not updating :(

So school started this week and it's mega busy, I don't know how often I'll be able to update but I will try my best to on the weekends :D


I've also been planning a new story about Calum Hood from 5sos and I'm really excited for anyone who likes them to read it :D

The writing competition is still   O P E N   and I'm loving all of the entries that I'm receiving, you guys are super talented!

Thanks so much for all of the reads, votes and comments!

Stay Weird


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