77 • Damon

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For xXJokers_PuddinXx , hope ya like :D

Imagine being a vampire hunter and hunting Damon, but things take a surprising twist...

The task had run through the family for generations, each one vowing to rid the world of the creatures of the night for good. None of them succeeding though, the supernatural beings seemed to multiply each year.

From an outsider's perspective, it must seem like an impossible feat. However to your family it was the one and only goal, no matter how long it took. It was important for each generation to secure the next; making sure that as long as there are vampires, there are hunters.

Your family said that one day someone would finally wipe them all out, that it couldn't continue forever. You were certain that you were the one.

Currently you were tracking a vampire in Virginia, following him to a town called Mystic Falls after hearing several reports of 'animal attacks.' You knew well enough that most of these claimed attacks were committed by animals, just not the type that most people would expect.

You sat in the Mystic Grill by the bar, watching the regular towns folk around you whilst scanning for your target. Instead of more traditional methods of hunting vampires like catching them off guard, you preferred to approached them first. Study their weaknesses and strengths so that you're ready for anything, because at the end of the day they would win without a fight if they caught you off guard.

Finally the door opening caught your eye and in walked an extremely attractive guy, his raven dark hair contrasted his pale blue eyes. You watched discretely as he stalked across the room whilst seeming to radiate an aura of cockiness and arrogance.

After he ordered a drink, you decided to move closer, maybe even dare to talk to him.

"You've been staring for a while now, am I that interesting?" The guy spoke without looking up at you, however you knew it was directed at you.

"Not at all, just trying to figure out how one guy can come across as such a dick after only saying a line to me." You shrugged as he raised an eyebrow and looked up at you, shamelessly glancing at you up and down.

"Damon Salvatore." He nodded to you as your eyes lit up in interest, Salvatore. You knew the name; the two brothers had been high on your list for years, when you began tracking him you had no clue he was a Salvatore.

"Alexandra." You smiled falsely at him as he seemed to smirk slightly.

"Pretty name for a pretty face." Damon spoke smoothly as you rolled your eyes. You could already tell by his arrogant persona that his biggest weakness was definitely his pride and ego. Shouldn't be too hard, you thought to yourself with a slight disappointment, expecting that a Salvatore would have put up a better guard than this. "Flattery gets you everywhere they say." He added after a short pause, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

"Is that right?" You teased as the corner of his lip tightened into a cocky smirk. "Excuse me a second." You smiled and got up from your seat, heading towards the bathrooms all the while feeling the Salvatore vampire's eyes following you the entire time.

As soon as you walked into the bathroom, you turned on the tap and splashed some of the cold water onto your face. Feeling heat radiating off of yourself and a pang of embarrassment ran through you at how flustered the dangerous vampire had made you. You turned off the tap and dried your face before looking up and gasping in surprise.

Damon stood behind you and was visible in the mirror, a hard expression on his face. You whirled around and looked at him in shock and confusion.

"I know what you are." He spoke as a shiver ran down your spine, your heart rate increasing to the point where you were sure he could hear it.

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