87 • Klaus

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For livlovesbooks343 , hope you enjoy :D

Imagine waking up one night to find Klaus in your room (Yes please :')

[Fluff warning, overdose of fluff]


You rolled over in your warm bed, eyes opening slightly in the darkness as you stirred from your sleep. You had an overwhelming feeling that you were being watched. As if someone's eyes were staring at you as you slept.

You peered in the darkness and realised that you weren't the only presence in your bed, looking up to find a pair of eyes staring down at you.

You gasped in shock and fear as you realised that there was someone lying in your bed with you, however they weren't under the sheets.

You tried to make out their features in the half light, working out that it was a man from the short hair. Slowly and discreetly you tried to move away and get out of the bed.

"I can see that you're awake." The accent made you halt your actions. British. You knew that voice all too well.

It was the man who had been terrorising your friends to no end, trying to kill your best friend Elena and make the rest of your lives a misery. You'd seen him a few times when you'd been with the Salvatore's and he had come to confront them. However you'd never been in such close proximity with him. And you wished that you weren't right now.

"W-what are you doing here?" You spoke bravely, although your voice wavered slightly. You were still in shock that an Original vampire had got into your room. "How did you get in here? I've never invited you in?" You frowned, knowing that you where your vervain perfume everyday.

"I compelled you to let me in, then compelled you to forget that you ever did so." He explained but it still didn't make sense.

"But my perfume-"

"I swapped it, it was easy really, then all I had to do was wait a day for all of the vervain to leave your skin and voila." Klaus smirked as you shuddered, you'd been compelled and you hadn't even realised it.

"B-but why are you here?" You asked and sat up in your bed, pushing your messy hair out of your face. "Why are were you just lying on my bed staring at me?" The question caused another shiver to plummet down your spine.  

"Because I like to watch you sleep Olivia, it fascinates me." Klaus replied as you frowned.

"Why did you call me Olivia? People just call me Liv?" You tilt your head to the side in confusion.

"Because it's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled which caused you to blush, which you begged that he couldn't see in the dimly lit room. You couldn't deny that Klaus wasn't attractive, maybe even ten times more with that accent of his.

But you knew that this whole scenario was wrong, this was the man who had tried to kill your friends.

And you were letting him lie on your bed and compliment you.

"Klaus what are you doing?" You looked down and shook your head. You could hear rustling as Klaus too sat up on the bed. Suddenly you flinched slightly as two fingers touched your chin and lifted it upwards until your face was inches apart from his.

"There's something about you Olivia, something that I can't quite put my finger on." Klaus muttered as you breathed heavily. You knew the power that this man had, and it felt like he had a power over you.

Klaus' silhouette seemed to be leaning towards you, and for some reason you let him. You closed your eyes as his breath fanned over you, and that's when you realised that you too were moving forwards. You leaned in until your lips came into contact with his and kissed him deeply. His lips moved perfectly against yours as you stomach came alive with butterflies.

His hand cupped your cheek as you leaned back, resting your head on your pillows.

"You are so beautiful." Klaus whispered as you blushed, still in amazement of what you were doing and who you were doing it with. You smiled and leaned your forehead against his as his arms wrapped around you.

Although it seemed so wrong, to you it was staring to feel so right. However you knew the consequences, and you knew the risks. You knew that most if not all of your friends would protest.

But right now in this moment, with Klaus holding you, you didn't care.

You moved so that you were leaning slightly on his chest, listening to his steady breathing.

"Go to sleep love." Klaus whispered as you nodded and gave up with trying to stifle your yawning. Slowly you closed your eyes and let sleep overcome you as you felt safe in Klaus' arms.


Awwwwwewe ahaha, I can't believe how close this book is to finishing. It'll be finishing on either 25th or 31st, depends if I have enough time :D

Hope ya guys like it :D

Stay Weird


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