78 • Tyler Part 2

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For lcstyourmind , hope it's okay for you :D

This is a part 2 for Imagine #65, a lot of people were requesting this :)



"This gift you sent him?" Klaus questioned as this time you smirked before heading for the stairs.

"Well let's just say that you'll never meet Rachael, brother." You spoke, gesturing to the blood on your top before ascending the stairs.

Tyler's P.O.V

I swiftly paced backwards and forwards across the room, I'd argued with Rachael earlier about y/n. She'd started to insult her and I just couldn't handle it, I lost it. I hate my rage and the way it can so easily spiral out of control. Y/n seemed to be the only one that could tolerate it.

However now I feel like I've lost her. I haven't heard from her all day and can only pray that Elijah hasn't told her.

If he has then I'm as good as dead.

A sudden knock at the door stirred my tiresome pacing and snapped me back to reality. Mom was out for the night so it was just me home alone, making me wonder who would come knocking at this time of night.

I unlocked the door and frowned as it opened, revealing nobody there. Slowly I peered outside to look around either sides of the door, that's when the blood caught my eye. My head snapped down as my heart dropped into my stomach, the world began to spin as I tried to look away from the sight that lay sprawled at my doorstep.

The nauseating feeling overcame my senses as I staggered back, unable to tear my eyes away from her ripped out neck. The crimson stains dripping over the doorstep and into the house. I backed away and rested my hands on my knees as I bent over and tried to control my breathing.

Would Elijah do this? I didn't think he'd get this involved? But who else could have?

That's when my eyes widened in realisation. It was her. She knew. And now she's after me.

Finally I managed to stir up the courage to shuffle forwards and over to the doorway, inspecting the corpse sprawled out on the porch. Her matted hair clung to the dried blood in clumps, her skin already turning pale with a sickening grey tinge; however the most harrowing sight was her eyes which had sinisterly been left wide open in a concoction of shock and fear.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I realised that this was my fault, she had died because of me. I slowly sunk to the floor next to Rachael's lifeless body and allowed the tears to fall. She didn't deserve this, I did. She shouldn't be the one dead, she should never have gotten caught up in this.

Eventually I managed to pull myself together and dried my eyes, taking one last shaky breath before rising to my feet. All I could think was now what?

Rachael's dead and y/n definitely hates me.

I'm alone.

A sudden scream of pain split the silence as I jumped in shock, it was coming from the driveway.

Your P.O.V

"You're worried sister." Klaus stated as he watched you pace, you rolled your eyes and wanted to shout at him but refrained from doing so.

"Good observational skills, brother." You countered sarcastically as Klaus shook his head in distaste.

"Are you thinking about Tyler?" He questioned as you nodded and sighed.

"I just don't understand why he did it, I need to talk to him. Comprehend everything that happened, why it had to happen and what happens next." You spoke slowly, feeling mature as normally you would just slaughter everyone in sight.

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