3 • Damon

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This request is for melinatzor1 hope you enjoy :D

Imagine living in Mystic Falls and not realising that Damon has been stalking you for a long time.


You moved to Mystic falls a few years ago to start again, you lived on your own in apartment and got a job at the local grill, you found it very peaceful living here. However lately that peace had been disturbed as many people were becoming victims of some sort of animal attacks, you found it very fascinating how they had never caught anything or even made any kind of effort to track this animal down. You didn't really believe in anything supernatural but it did get you thinking sometimes when the news was on talking about bodies being found drained of blood.

Tonight you were working a late shift with one of your good friends Matt, the two of you had met at the grill and been close ever since. You served some of the regulars their drinks before grabbing your notebook and going to take some food orders, making your way around the crowded bar you walked towards your first table.

A guy with dark hair and piercing blue eyes sat on his own smiling at you, it was kind of creepy but you shook the feeling off and continued over to his table.

"Hello welcome to the Mystic Grill, what would you like to order?" You smiled as you spoke whilst looking down at your notepad and avoiding eye contact with the guy. The entire time you spoke you could feel his eyes on you which creeped you out on a whole new level.

"Oh I'm not eating don't worry, I'm good with my drink." He smiled still as he spoke, it was more like a smirk now though.

"Okay just let me know when you need a top up or anything else." You maintained the 'good waitress' standard and smiled at him before walking off to another table.

Throughout your shift whilst whizzing round the tables you kept catching that guys eye, as the time neared the end of your shift you glanced one last time at him. His drink was empty so maybe he was just trying to catch your attention to get another one, you though. You walked back over to his table vowing that he would be your last order tonight, his eyes almost lit up when he saw you coming over.

"Hi do you want another drink?" You asked politely, this time looking him in the eye.

"No I'm good thanks Melina." He smirked as you furrowed your eyebrows, how did he know your name? You thought as you began to think if you'd ever spoken to him before, then you remembered your name badge and felt yourself blush slightly.

"O-Okay then." You stuttered before walking off behind the bar to finish up, you saw Matt and smiled at him. "Well I'm finished for the night so I'll see you tomorrow." You spoke as he nodded and said goodbye.

You grabbed your coat and walked out of the grill, checking your watch you saw it was 1 am. You better be getting payed good for this, you thought as you groaned at how tired you'd be tomorrow. You got out your keys and unlocked your car which was no comfort from the slight chill of the night air, as the cool leather seats made it even colder.

After putting the keys in the ignition and pulling out of the carpark you put the radio on to pass the time, some random song was playing as you made your way home. You were approaching the bridge and thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye, it looked like some kind of crow. You shrugged it off and scolded yourself for being so jumpy, you looked back at the road and your eyes widened as you saw a man lying in the middle of it.

A small gasp escaped your lips as you stomped on the brakes so you didn't run the guy over, the car came to a screeching halt throwing you forward slightly. You were breathing heavily and scared to death of getting out of the car, scared that if the man was dead you'd be scarred for life. You didn't know what to do but call for help so you got out your phone to call the police, you quickly looked up to see the man was gone from the ground.

You got out of the car because the fear was being numbed slightly by curiosity and confusion as to where he had gone, you walked around to the front of the car to see that there was no trace of him. You suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder and span round to be met with the blue eyes of the guy from the grill, it was him that had been lying in the middle of the road. How did he get up so quickly? How did he get here on foot before you? He was still in the grill when you left...wasn't he? Thoughts whirled around your brain looking for an explanation but before you could ask any questions he had strong grip on either of your arms. Your heart was beating out of your body and you felt sick as he began to smirk like he did back at the grill.

"Hello again Melina." His smirk seemed to grow as fear became obvious in your face, "I don't think you realise this but I've been watching you." You breathed out and closed your eyes for a second, this isn't happening. You told yourself as he spoke again, "I don't think you remember this either but we've spoken before tonight." Your eyes snapped open as he said this, you'd never seen him before tonight. He gazed at you and you found yourself gazing back into his eyes as his pupils dilated, you suddenly felt very light headed and dizzy. "I want you to remember everything," he whispered causing you to shiver.

Images floated around your brain of him and you realised you had seen him before, he'd done this before, you'd met him here at the bridge and he'd somehow made you forget about it. You'd seen him around the town and outside of your apartment but you'd never remembered it until now, why? It was becoming too much for you to handle as you tried to step back and away from him, but it was no use as the grip he had on your arms only tightened.

"W-Who are you?" You squeaked out as you began to take deep breathes in an attempt to calm yourself down.

"That's not important, I just wanted you to know that we've met before." He replied and looked at the ground, you furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" You asked in a small voice, "Why are you stalking me like this and making me forget about it. How did you make me forget?" Your voice got a bit louder causing him to look up at you.

"You don't need to know," He suddenly glared at you causing you to swallow hard. "I shouldn't have done this, god I'm stupid." He spoke more to himself than you.

"What? What shouldn't you have done?" You asked as his eyes narrowed and he stared straight at you again, your eyes locked with his and you felt the dizziness return.

"I want you to forget everything and anything you've learnt tonight about me." He spoke through gritted teeth as if it pained him to say it, you blink and when you opened your eyes you were alone.

You couldn't remember why you'd stopped and got out of your car, but you got back in and continued to drive home. Any memories of your stalker seemed to be buried as you could no longer remember any conversation you had with him, you couldn't even remember that you had a stalker.

Damon's P.O.V

I wasn't ready for her to know, I thought I was ready to be in her life but it turns out I couldn't do it. I know I told my brother that you can't just sit and wait for life to come that you have to go and get it, well I tried. But she's too good for me. The way she looked at me, the fear, I just wish I could introduce myself to her but I know that if I did then one day she'd find out that we'd already met. Would she forgive me for that?


Hope you guys enjoy it :D

I just looked and this book is ranked #559 in fan fiction! It might be quite high but it really made my day to know this :') Requests are open for anyone :)

Thanks everyone for reading, voting and commenting! :D

Stay Weird


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