73 • Marcel

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For OnPrononcePasLeC, hope ya like it :D

Imagine falling in love with Marcel but thinking he is still into Rebekah.


"Oh come on Y/N." Marcel held his hands up as you sighed. "You know you want to." He tried to persuade you, but in return you simply shook your head.

"You know I can't just sit next to you and pretend to be queen of my friends." You argued back, causing Marcel to frown.

One of your close allies Klaus had originally introduced you both to each other a few years back; you couldn't remember if it was his charm or persuasive words, but you'd never planned on staying this long in New Orleans.

"Look I think you'd be a great fit. When I'm not around you take charge anyway, I'm only giving what you already do a title." He shrugged as you groaned and thought about it.

"Will I still get to do stuff or will I be locked away like Davina was?" You questioned, knowing that all of the effort he was putting in to get you to stay wasn't because he liked you that much. It was so he could use you for his own personal gain, just another piece in the game. You shook the thought of how selfish he was off, he wouldn't like you like that though... Would he?

"Of course you won't, you'll be able to do what you want. Just under my protection instead of on your own." Marcel offered as you narrowed your eyes, you could tell there was a catch.

"Why are you asking me now though? After all these years of me being here, why now?" You questioned as he laughed nervously.

"Well...uh I don't know- it only just crossed my mind." He shrugged and brushed it off, however you could tell that he was hiding something.

One thing that you hated was secrets, even the good ones. It was a well known fact in the city that Marcel could manipulate people and keep deviously precious little details from you, resulting in their downfall to help whatever cause he wanted to be the top of at the time.

He always managed to snake his way into a deal, you didn't know how but it seemed he always got what he wanted.

You shook your head as you remembered why you'd stayed after all these years. You liked him.

You couldn't tell for sure how much, and you wouldn't say that you loved him.


Although the way that he cared about you made your heart melt, always trying to keep you out of trouble or danger. However you knew that he wouldn't feel the same way, why would he? He's still pining for Rebecca. Why would he pick me over an original? You questioned and sighed as Marcel raised an eyebrow, the look snapped you back to reality.

"I-I'll think about it." You muttered before leaving and walking back up to your room, your head a complete mess.

That night you were getting ready for bed when a knock at the door startled you. You frowned at who would want something at this time in the night, it was nearly the early morning.

However the person at the door didn't wait for you to answer and simply entered, a dark silhouette in the half light emerged. You sighed in relief when you recognised the features of the figure as Marcel.

"Marcel what are you-"

"Shh, have you got an answer yet?" He cut you off, referring to your earlier conversation.

"No...yeah- I-I don't know." You breathed out, did you really want to rule at his side? It would involve being around him all the time, eventually your true feelings for him would come out.

"But why? Isn't this all you ever wanted?" He questioned with a frown. "I just want you to be happy y/n."

"Why? It's not like I'm your first choice." You sighed as he frowned in confusion.

"Y/N, is there something I'm not getting here?" He questioned and narrowed his eyes, although you could tell he was playing dumb.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about; you wouldn't be asking me this if Rebecca had stayed." You spoke as he looked slightly stunned at what you'd said.

"You know what? You're right." He huffed and clenched his fists. "And you wouldn't be so wary of me if Klaus had never introduced us." He fired back as you frowned.

"What do you mean?" You questioned.

"Y/N you must know by now, it has to be obvious." He sighed and rubbed his eyes as you shook your head in confusion.

"What's obvious?" You asked daringly.

"That I like you!" He blurred out as you stared at him with wide eyes. "I always have, you have always been the first choice. Not Rebecca. Not anyone else, and seeing you so close to Klaus makes my blood boil. As if you're on his side, and not mine. He knew what he was doing and he enjoyed it, I always saw that Y/N but you never did. That's why I was with Rebecca, to piss him off as much as he pissed me off being so close to you. And pushing me away from you." He confessed as you felt as if all of the breath had been knocked out of you.

"Marcel I-I never knew. I'm so sorry." You whispered and stepped forwards to embrace him. "I didn't know that he got to you so much, or what he was actually doing behind my back. I've always been so jealous of Rebecca, the way you looked at her. Just...everything. But now I guess I never should have." You shrugged and broke away to stare at him, noticing him leaning forwards slightly.

The slight gesture was all you needed and you leant in too, pressing your lips on his and trying to suppress the butterflies in your stomach. His lips moved against yours and his arms wrapped around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck.

"I like you Y/N, in fact no... I love you. I really do." He spoke as your eyes lit up at his words. "I always have, and I always will." He smiled as you nodded.

"I love you too Marcel, I always have and always will." You spoke too as he chuckled lightly. "What?" You questioned as he shook his head.

"Maybe this is our version of Always And Forever." 


Sorry for the scarce updates, I'll try to do a few more this week so if you have requested anything then don't worry because I will get around to it :D

I'm currently watching The Originals but I'm not up to date (I'm nearly finished season 1) so sorry if it doesn't go with how season 2 or 3 are but I'm a bit behind aha

Thanks so much for 550K reads!!! You guys are amazing :)

Stay Weird


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