35 • Stefan

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For cxkatelyn , hope you enjoy it!

Imagine being in love with Stefan but the two of you have only just told each other after a century and going on cute dates with him.


I love you.

The three words that Stefan normally used on a daily basis, he'd used it for just over a century, however it had become as casual as saying 'hello' or 'goodbye.'

You said it back, obviously. Although those three words where never used in an intimate or passionate way. They were never used in the correct context, some would say if they heard your conversations.

Every time he'd say them as you were saying goodbye, or just randomly, it still sent your stomach into a flipping frenzy of fluttering butterflies that created a feeling far from friendship. You had always liked Stefan, each day that you remained friends was just a painful reminder that he'd never know.

Although at first you were extremely close to telling him, that was a century ago however. Things have changed. People have definitely changed. But your love for him wouldn't budge. No matter how many years your friendship had been alive for.

You thought that you were destined to live an eternity of never telling him, having to watch your best friend fall in and out of love forever. It pained you to see him with Elena, so happy and content yet always still thinking of you and how much of a great 'best friend' you were.

Until recently when his heart had been yet again broken, he'd accidentally let it slip out that he loved you in a deeper way than he thought was possible. The entire time that you thought you'd been struggling alone, he'd been having the same confusing feelings as he told you that you were mostly the reason for a lot of his breakups. It made you ecstatic to think that after all of this time, he'd actually liked you in the same way back.

You were quite known for not showing feelings too well and being quite reserved when it came to expressing yourself, so it took you a minute to think of what to say after Stefan told you. In the end you didn't say anything, instead you simply yet passionately kissed him.

That was the best day of your life for many reasons, however you didn't yet know that being with Stefan meant that he'd make everyday feel like it was the best.

Today was no disappointment either, as he'd told you to be ready at 11 am because he was picking you up. Not telling you where and leaving you in anticipation was killing you as your brain thought about all of the possibilities as to where he might take you.

Just as he promised, 11 o'clock on the dot his car pulled up outside of your house. It had only been a week since he'd confessed his true feelings to you, and you still felt slightly nervous around him.

As you walked down the drive way to meet him, he smiled at you before giving you a soft tender kiss. He treated you like you were the most precious and delicate thing, yet he knew how strong you were inside. That didn't stop him from treating you like a princess though.

"Hey." He smiled as he leaned back.

"Hi." You replied and giggled slightly, still not believing that this was happening. It felt like a dream that had been reoccurring for years.

"So we're going somewhere but it's a surprise." He smirked at you as you groaned in annoyance.

"Really? You know I hate surprises, can't you just tell me?" You pleaded causing him to chuckle.

"No Christina, that would ruin it." He laughed before taking your hand and leading you towards the car.

After the two of you were inside his plush cherry red car, he set off to an unknown to you location. All you could think about was where he was going to take you, trying to remember if you'd ever said anything to him in the century that you'd known him that could hint at somewhere.

You spent about 15 minutes on the main road, until Stefan turned down a small dirt track that you'd never noticed before. It was a lot smaller than the main road, causing the branches of the enclosing trees and bushes to scrape and claw against the windows. Eventually the darker track lead out into a beautiful secluded field, it had a mixture of brightly coloured flowers growing in every direction and not a single other soul in sight.

A small stream cut around one of the edges of it and random trees were scattered around the outskirts as if bordering the field in and protecting it. You gasped in admiration at the large expanse that looked like it had never been touched by human hands, just left to nature.

"What do you think?" Stefan asked as the two of you exited the car, immediately your senses were overwhelmed with the strong scent of flowers mingled with the freshness of the air.

"It's so beautiful Stefan." You admitted, trying to take it all in as you spun to look at everything. Stefan chuckled as you looked like a child who'd just walked into a sweet shop for the first time, before walking around to the boot of the car and getting out a large basket.

"Hmm where should we sit?" Stefan asked out loud as you glanced at the basket and immediately knew what he was planning. A picnic.

"Over there, by the stream." You pointed to a small area where the long grass wasn't as tall as the rest. Stefan nodded and lead the way; One hand holding onto the basket, the other holding your hand.

You smiled at the serenity of the area as Stefan put down a blanket and gestured for you to come sit next to him. You slowly sat down next to him as he put at arm around you, pulling you into his chest.

You wanted to stay like that forever, just gently cuddling Stefan whilst watching the sun set and the world go by. It felt so right, after all the years of hiding your love for him behind a friendship that you thought was all you'd get.

It felt strange to you, strange yet at the same time the best thing ever. Never would you have imagined that you'd be somewhere as romantic as here with Stefan by your side, in a place that wasn't your dreams.

"What are you thinking about?" Stefan asked, pulling you out of your daydream. You looked up to see him staring down at you, slowly you moved your head up higher so that your lips met. He kissed back passionately, but then slowly pulled away still waiting for an answer.

"I was thinking about this." You smiled up at him. "How perfect it is to be here with you."

"I love you Christina." He almost whispered, despite the fact that you were the only two here.

"I love you too Stefan." You whispered back as he squeezed you slightly and hugged you tighter, watching the sun as it crawled down the sky and caused a soft rosy glow to settle over the secluded meadow that had just became your favourite place in the whole wide world.


Wow so this is definitely a contrast to the last chapter haha 😂

This is so cute and I wish I could do this, #foreveralone

Stay Weird


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