9 • Kai

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This is for SleepingIrwin, hope you like :D

Imagine being with Stefan and Kai tries to win you back.


"So tonight at my place, okay?" You smiled at Stefan as he nodded and smiled back.

"Sure, don't worry I'll be on time." He spoke as if you were his mum and he would get told off if he was late. You started laughing at him and playfully hit his arm, Stefan pretended to be in pain and fell to his knees which only made you laugh more.

"You're such a dork." You giggled as he got up and hugged you, you felt safe in his arms.

You had been dating Stefan for a few months now and you loved his company and he loved yours. The two of you were adorably cute with each other, always making random silly jokes.

"Well I'm your dork." He pulled away slightly but didn't let you go completely.

"I have to go now but I'll see you later." You smiled up at him as he pretended to pout.
Instead of letting you go, he leant down and connected your lips with his.

Your lips moved together in a sweet and passionate kiss, your arms were wrapped around his neck tightly as he cupped your cheek with one hand.

Eventually after kissing for what seemed like eternity, you broke away and grabbed your bag.

"I'll see you tonight, don't be late." You spoke as he chuckled and opened the door for you.

"Bye." He mumbled before kissing you one last time. "Love you." You walked out the door and shouted back at him.

"Bye, love you too." His face lit up at your words and he didn't close the door until you were safely in your car and on the road home.

You smiled to yourself as you drove down the quiet road, the silence became a bit boring after a while so you turned the radio on and turned it up quite loud.

Love yourself by Justin Bieber came on making you smile even more, it was a song that had grown on you because it was played on every radio station.

"I love this song!" A male voice shouted from the backseat making you yelp in surprise and stomp on the brakes. You looked in the mirror to see an all too familiar face, you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Kai get out of my car." You snapped, not in the mood for your ex's tricks. When he didn't move it only annoyed you further. "Now!" You practically yelled in the car.

"Now I've seen my competition, I don't think it'll be that hard." Kai murmured with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What are you talking about? Do you have ears? Get out of my car!" You shouted again but once more he seemed completely unfazed by your yelling.

"You seem to have a thing for supernatural guys, don't you?" Kai chuckled slightly making anger bubble up inside of you.

"Kai, we ended this months ago. Get over it and get out of my car." You were becoming bored of saying the same things to him.

A car horn behind you jolted you and you realised that you'd stopped in the middle of the road. You had no choice but to keep driving, always having an eye on the road and one on Kai.

"Why should I have to get over somebody that I still love? Why can't you see that?" Kai's words caught you off guard, when you ended it he'd agreed with you that you guys were better off as friends. Obviously you never have been friends since it's just been really awkward.

"Kai, y-you agreed with me that it was working." You stuttered and pulled over, no longer able to concentrate on the road.

"I only did that to make you happy, now I see that he makes you happy and it makes me sick." Kai spat, his sudden anger scaring you slightly. He leaned forward making you tense up as you could feel his warm breath fan your hair slightly, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "I've never stopped loving you and seeing you with him is worse than being in that damned prison world." He whispered in your ear sending a wave of chills down your spine.

You were stunned at his words, you didn't realise how strongly he felt about you and you didn't know what to do or say.

"K-Kai, please just get out of the car." You whispered under your breath but you could tell he heard when all he did was grunt.

"I was stupid not to tell you when we were together and I'll never get over that, like I'll never get over you." He mumbled before finally you heard the car door open, he got out and slammed it shut.

You cursed yourself because of the fact your window was open, it was an incredibly hot day. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Kai so you kept your eyes on the road, however you feel his staring at you.

"I'll see you around Rachel." He spoke, hoping that you'd look at him. You didn't trust your voice and you feared that tears may spill if you turned to look at him. So you drove. You drove and you only looked back in your mirror to see Kai had already gone.

After he was out of sight you let down your guard as tears spilled down your cheeks, you didn't understand why he had to come back into your life and make things so complicated. You pulled into your drive and just sat in the car staring at nothing in particular.

Why did he have to make things so confusing?

You didn't know how long you'd been sat there, but the next thing you saw was Stefan opening the car door and making you jump. You looked at him and didn't know what to do.

Did you love him fully?

Or was Kai slowly creeping back into your heart?


This isn't that good sorry :/
Thanks for reading everyone it means a lot and it's great to know that so many of you actually enjoy my writing :)

Stay Weird


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