10 • Prologue

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A/N: So this isn't an imagine for anybody who's requested one, but it's the prologue to my new book I've published (Night Time Creatures) I hope you guys like it :D

Mystic Falls 1864
Aliona's P.O.V

I lay wide awake on my bed with no sign of sleep anytime soon. The night had worn on whilst I was out of bed and doesn't seem to be going any faster whilst I lie here.

I could hear the faint voices of one of my brothers from down the hall, however then I heard a second voice signalling that both of my brothers were out of their rooms and in the hallway.

Earlier today Katherine had been captured by my father, he'd told me that she had lied to us about who she was. He never told me any other details about it though, saying that I'm too young to understand.

I don't really get on with Katherine that well, maybe she doesn't like the fact that I'm 15 and I give her 'attitude.' At least that's what father calls it. He says that if I want any chance at marrying someone I'll have to change my bad attitude towards people.

I blame my brothers.

I could hear their footsteps that descended the stairs and went out of the door, my curiosity got the better of me as I climbed out of bed and looked out of the window.

My brothers were bolting down the lawn towards the church, why were they going there?

I didn't understand what was going on at all but I felt that if I followed them then maybe it would become clear. Not caring that I was in my night gown, I grabbed some shoes to wear before bolting out of the door.

I practically jumped down the stairs two at a time and by the time I made it to the door I was out of breath. I turned the handle and was greeted with the night air that was temperate despite it being mid September.

Just as I was about to run out a hand grabbed my shoulder, I turned to be met with the enraged face of my father.

"You stay here and do not leave this house." His voice boomed in my face, all I could do was nod and gulp at his angry tone.

I slowly walked back to bed with a heavy heart wondering what had gotten into my brothers, it wasn't like them to run off in the middle of the night. I sat on my bed as sleep still wasn't any closer than before, outside of my window screams and shouts could be heard loudly.

I jumped up and looked out to see the church on fire and many locals running around like headless chickens. At the same time I could hear gunshots and watched in terror, praying that my brothers had found safety and weren't caught up in it.

Finally I dragged my eyes away from the window and lay down on my bed once more, forcing my eyes shut and willed sleep to come.

I don't know when it happened, but the next time I opened my eyes it was morning. I thanked the Lord that I had slept through most of the commotion that had occurred last night.

After getting ready for the day with the help from my maid, I walked down the hall and knocked on Damon's door. After a few moments of waiting I knocked again. Still no reply.

"Damon! Get up it's morning." I shouted through the door whilst smiling, I enjoyed winding up my brothers a lot.

However I frowned when there still was no reply, so I walked over to Stefan's door and knocked as loudly as I could. My confusion became too much when there was still no reply. They are probably already up. I told myself as I continued down the stairs and into the dining room.

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