85 • Damon

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For Live_to_Write_, hope ya like :D

Imagine Damon saving you but compelling you to forget about it, but a few months later he returns.

*Mentions of suicide, just a warning for people*


"Eliza." Someone called your name from behind you as you were walking out to your car. You turn to see a dark figure stood staring at you, with no idea who he was you frowned.

"W-who are you?" You questioned as the figure began to walk forwards, getting closer to you.

The stranger stepped into the low orange hazy light of the street lamp and you could see his features for the first time.

His raven dark hair was pushed out of his face and contrasted his pale skin and light blue eyes, a small devilish smirk was etched onto his lips as if he knew something that you didn't.

"I feel offended that you don't know who I am." The man seemed to mockingly take a step back and act hurt, fear was beginning to rise up from inside of you as your knees felt like they would give way at any second.

"Well...uh...goodnight." You muttered before turning around and carrying on walking towards your car. However as you turned around, you bumped into someone's chest and looked up in horror. It was the stranger. "But how..." You began to question but your voice trailed off when you saw him up close.

"Eliza!" A familiar voice called out and you breathed out in relief. It was your boyfriend Matt, you turned to see him jogging over to you.

"Thank god Matt, this guy he-" You motioned to the stranger behind you but when you turned around, he'd gone.

"Who?" Matt questioned with a frown as you stood there in confusion.

"I-it doesn't matter now." You shook your head, not wanting Matt to think you're crazy.

"Well you left your phone in the grill so I got it for you." He smiled and retrieved your phone from his pocket.

"Oh thanks, I would have been screwed without this." You laughed and leaned in, kissing him lightly and smiling.

Unbeknown to you was that in the shadows lurked the stranger, filled with jealousy and rage at what he was witnessing. Ever since your first encounter with him a few months ago, you'd constantly be on his mind. That's why tonight he decided to step out of the shadows, however now he has to compete with Matt. Why is love always a competition for me? The figure questioned in his head.

You said goodbye to Matt and began to drive home, eager to get to bed and sleep. You parked up your car and began to unlock the door.

"So you and Matty boy then." You instantly recognised the voice as the one from the strangers before.

"You followed me home?" You breathed out and turned around to find your suspicions were confirmed.

"Uh-maybe." He looked down slightly.

"What do you want from me?" You questioned in confusion, the fear making your heart pound fast.

"I want you to remember." The man stepped out of the shadows and came slightly too close to you, grabbing your arm and forcing you to stare into his pale blue orbs. It was as if the entire world stood still, everything felt hazy and your mind seemed to not respond to your own pleads. Instead it followed his words, making you close your eyes as it now all came flooding back.

[A few months ago]

You were done.
Your parents were dead, your best friend had left you and your boyfriend had just broken up with you.

You felt useless and alone, as if there wasn't anything left for you.
As if there wasn't any point living.

You felt as if that had been the final straw, but when he said those words 'I don't love you anymore.' It hurt.

More that you ever thought you could handle. Resulting in a catastrophic mess as you spiralled down to the deep dark thoughts in your mind.

The thoughts that told you to die.

In such a vulnerable state, for the first time; you listened to them.

You were walking towards the bridge, ready to jump, ready to drown. It was where your parents died, and now you were ready to join them.

"You seriously gonna jump?" A voice sounded from behind you as you stepped away from the edge.

"Who's there?" You asked as a man stepped into the dimly lit light.

"Why are you gonna jump?" He asked, ignoring your question.

"I just- I have nothing to live for." You shrugged, annoyed that this guy was about to witness your suicide.

"You have everything to live for, maybe some people left your life, but you still have yourself. Your hopes and dreams and plans for the future. You can't just give up on your life, I won't let you. That's too easy and you don't look like the kind of person to take the easy route out. You look like you'd go down fighting." He spoke, getting closer and closer. "What's your name?"

"Eliza." You breathed out as he smirked slightly.

"Well Eliza I'm Damon, and my piece of advice is this: Go home, forget you ever met me or ever spoke to me, forget about how sad you are and go live a happy life and never try anything like this again." His words seemed to engrave themselves into your mind as you blinked for a moment, feeling slightly dizzy as you held onto the side for balance.

You frowned, why had you stopped at the bridge? Nobody was here? You shrugged and got back into your car, driving away.


"Damon." You spoke, testing the name on your lips, he hummed in response.

"You-you stopped me from..." You were trying to make sense of it all as he nodded. "How did you make me forget? Why are you here now?" You had so many questions but Damon just seemed to shake his head.

"I don't know, I just couldn't stay away for some reason. Seeing you with Matt just made me so angry." He spoke as you raised an eyebrow.

"Damon I don't really know who or...what you are. But thank you, I wouldn't be here without you." You spoke truthfully, moving towards him and placing a small tender kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." You smiled as he nodded and breathed out, you could tell that he wanted more than just that kiss on the cheek. However you had a boyfriend and you weren't going to be disloyal to Matt.

"I'll see you around then." Damon muttered, that same smirk reappeared on his lips.

"I plan to." You smiled and stepped inside your house, sighing out a breath you didn't even know you were holding as soon as the door closed.

You weren't lying, you were hoping to see much more of Damon. He was so strange and mysterious, you felt like you still had a lot to learn about the guy.


Awww it's kinda cute but bordering cheating, but it's Damon so it's okay 😂

Thanks so much for all of the reads and support :)

Stay Weird


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