Chapter 2 Sandwiches and Shower Songs

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I walked in and instantly saw Smith's desk, nothing had been moved, it was left just how he had left it, it looked like he had just stood up and left the room just that second. I took and deep breath and Ross rubbed my back. I looked at him and nodded this time managing to keep control. Ross went and sat at his desk walst I put my bag down on my desk. Trott stood up and grabbed a pile of paper from the sofa and asked how I was and I nodded back. I pushed my chair over so that I was sat next to Trott's desk. 'You know what these thumbnails are not as good as yours.' Trott told me scrolling through some pictures. 'What do you think about this one?' He asked pointing at a screen shot from a GTA session where two cars were in mid air jumping over each other. 'Yeah but you should make it look like they are jumping out of an explosion.' I added and he clicked his fingers and pointed at me, 'See this is why you do this.' He said and clicked around before an explosion appeared behind the cars. 'Done. Thank you.' He said, for the first time in what felt like ages I felt a sense of fulfilment and it felt good. 'How many have you got to do?' I asked and it turned out quite a few. 'I can do them if you want?' He asked me if I minded and I told him it might keep my brain busy rather than dwelling on Smith.

I was doing thumbnails for two and a bit hours and I had my headphones on playing music so I didn't even notice Hannah come in. When she tapped me on the shoulder I almost shot through the roof since she made me jump. I slid my headphones off and she asked if I was ready for lunch. I left my stuff where it was and I followed her into her office which is where we had been eating since.

She sat at her desk and handed me a sandwich and I sat on a chair. 'So Ross told me you got yourself in a bit of a state earlier.' I nodded and told her what I thought, 'He wouldn't do that honey, he has a heart.' I looked up at her. 'He just left. Surely if he had a heart he wouldn't do that.' She nodded, 'He was going through a very difficult time, I am sure there was a good reason to leave. He will be back.' She said doing a very bad terminator impression at the end and i smiled. For real. 'Anyways what are your plans for the rest of the day?' She asked taking bite of her lunch. 'I think I am going to finish the thumbnails and see if anything else needs doing.' I told her, 'Sounds good and then go home and chill out.' She suggested, 'Well there is one episode of Orange is the new black that I need to watch.' I told her and she told me I needed to since it was good but the very end was slightly disappointing. We finished up our lunch and I headed back down to the Hat office with a cup of tea in hand and sat at my desk.

Ross and Trott came in a little while after I had sat down and they told me that would could probably head home around half four. I carried on working with the Google doc to the side on the separate monitor which is what we used to talk to each other. Ross and Trott were chatting over it since they both had head phones on. They were talking about some series that they had started in our absence. I carried on with the thumbnails and the next time I looked up there were cats, nothing but cats on the Google doc. This made me chuckle which was the first time in while.

We finished up closer to five o'clock than we had anticipated, we gathered all our stuff up and headed out. I was walking with Ross and Trott with Kim on the phone to her mum behind us. They were still yet to meet Kim's parents but the meeting with Ross' family went well apparently. Trott and Ross were talking about recording more tomorrow and ho they wanted to get as many people as possible. 'I will join in if you want?' I suggested and they both kind of looked at me. 'It's fine, it would have to happen sooner or later, I would prefer it to be sooner.' I told them and we carried on walking until we got home.

We walked in the door and Kim hung up on the phone and went upstairs and I walked into the living room with Ross walst Trott went to see Katie who was sat reading in the dining room. Ross left his stuff by the door and I did the same, the dogs ran up to him and he made a fuss of them. I sat on the sofa with my legs up watching them play for a moment until both lost interest and one went into the garden the other went into the hall. Ross flopped onto the sofa next to me. 'Bloody hell, if dogs are that tiring then god knows how kids are.' He said and I nodded. 'What do you fancy for dinner?' he asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders. 'Let's go and have a look, the shopping got delivered today.' He said standing up, 'Come one.' He said holding his hand out to me and I took it and stood up and he led me, still holding my hand, into the kitchen. Kim was sat on the counter top drinking a glass of water and looked as Ross and I walked into the room. 'What are you two up to?' She asked I let go of Ross' hand. 'We are hungry.' Ross said opening the fridge. 'Are we?' Kim asked looking at me but not smiling. 'How about we have chilli, that's your favourite isn't it?' He asked looking at me and I snapped my stare away from Kim and nodded at Ross. 'Chilli it is.' He said taking things out of the fridge and putting then next to Kim on the counter top. Kim jumped down from the counter top and went into the living room. Ross stopped and watched Kim leave the room. 'Is she OK?' He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

I hung around the kitchen as Ross cooked and Trott sung in the dining room along with the radio with Katie joining in occasionally. Dinner was done around half six and we all sat around the dining room table to eat. I sat next to Katie with Ross opposite and Kim next to him and Trott next to Katie.

Trott and I washed up walst Katie did her nails at the table and Kim watched and Ross went out to walk the dogs. Around half seven we were sat in the living room and I had decided that I was going to go for a shower before I turned in for the night. I grabbed my stuff as I went upstairs and as I walked I checked my phone. I had stopped hoping for a message from Smith. I got undressed and stepped into the shower and pressed play on my phone and 'Let her go' started playing I sighed but I didn't change it, it was one of the first songs that Smith and I had listen to together and he was learning to play it on guitar for me. I couldn't tell whether I was crying the shower washed away any tears that might have been there.


GOOD DAY! I would like to incorporate the letter that Smith left Abbey however I have written on quite a bit so it may have to come later on. I can try to re jig the story to make it fit but the likely hood is that it will come later rather than sooner. But on the plus side it's back and I am so glad that you are happy that it is back, this has been a great hobby of mine and I am excited to keep it going. 


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