Chapter 49 Selfies and Posters

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I woke up forgetting about yesterday and sat up a little too quickly, 'whoa slow up.' Smith said sitting up with his arm around me, 'I am fine just a little dizzy.' I told him before getting up and going to the bath room.

When I came back out Smith was on his phone sat up in bed, 'what time do we need to be over at the place?' I asked him, he looked at me, 'Not for a little while, do you feel like breakfast? We can wait for an hour or so.' I walked over to our bag of clothes, 'I could drink a cup of tea.' I told him as I bent over to look in the bag and my head throbbed a little, I picked out some jeans and my fluxed Hatfilms shirt and walked back over to the bed and placed my clothes on the duvet. 'Are you sure your up for today?' he asked and I nodded, 'well make sure you take brakes alright.' He said as I took my shirt off over my head, 'I will be fine stop worrying.' I told him and he smiled at me, 'I love you.' He said as I put my arms in my shirt, 'I love you more.'

We walked into the restaurant, Smith had his hand in my back pocket as we walked in, 'I will get your tea you go and sit at a table.' He said before kissing me on the top of the head and splitting off. I sat at a small circle table that was next to a window, there was a spider weaving it's due drop decorated web on the outside in the purple and white flowers. I watched as it intricately walked along the petals of the flowers. I was brought out of my daydream as Smith placed a tray on our table with two steaming mugs on it. 'What were you looking at?' he asked and I told him nothing , 'just daydreaming.' I told him and he poured sugar into both of our cups. 'What's the time?' I asked him and he looked at his watch, 'half nine, the others will be here soon. We don't start signing until eleven today and it's going to be far crazier, Saturdays are always the busiest.' He slid my cup across to me and I held it with both hands.

By ten everyone was sat around eating and talking quietly, most of them had come over and asked how I was feeling, Hannah asked my twenty odd questions about everything and anything before she went and sat with Lewis, Kim and Duncan. Ross didn't say a word to me, he was sat eating with Katie and Trott. Maybe he was mad that I snitched on him yesterday or maybe he was hung over, I didn't know. 'Ok people let's start moving.' Turps said and we all stood up and wandered as a group back over to the convention. Katie walked one side of me and Smith the other, I kept feeling Smith's hand brush past mine as we walked but knew I couldn't hold it which only wanted me to hole it more.

Once we got the big blue tent and back to our stand Turps ran through the day, 'We are onstage at three, Hatfilms and Lewis, Sips.' I looked at Turps, 'Are you up for it?' he asked me and I nodded, 'Well Sjin can stand in for you if need be. It's basically a quiz and I not really sure what's going on so that's great. Signing will cease at half five today and then the pub quiz it at seven. We will decide teams later.' Turps concluded and we all started dumping our stuff. I managed to peel away from Smith walst he was talking to Sjin about something or other and meander over to Ross. 'Heard you took a tumble yesterday.' He said as I stopped next to him. 'You alright to do this?' he asked, 'Yeah I am fine, what about you?' I asked him. 'Yeah, not too bad could be worse I suppose.' I sighed, 'look I am sorry for snitching on you yesterday I just didn't want you to do something you might regret.' I told him quietly and he stopped looking around in his bag, 'I know, I didn't know what I was doing, thanks just not handling seeing Kim happy very well, she seems to be doing a lot better than I am.' He said looking across the room at her, 'It's like we never happed.' He said and I nudged him, 'hey don't go all soppy on me man, you will get better, this shit is always...well... shit but it goes away, I promise you.' He smiled down at me and I smiled at him. 'Ok people let's go.' Lewis said leading the way out of the room.

The fans cheered and my head throbbed a little but I walked down to the end where we were yesterday and sat down. 'Take it easy.' Ross said as he sat next to me, I managed to get right at the end, further away from the crowd. People started moving down the line and a little boy and his mum stopped and took pictures with me and the guys. 'Hey dude, sit up on the table just don't tell Kevin.' I said winking patting the table between Ross and Trott, he hopped up and his mum took the picture and they left. The smile on his face made me forget about my head and made me feel happy. More and more fans came down taking selfies with stupid faces. I noticed at the back of the queue that there was a girl who couldn't be any older than seventeen, her friends were trying to get her to join the queue but she was shaking her head, 'It's fine Tash, you came here for this you can't quit now, it will be fine.' Her friends said trying to get her to join the queue. I watched out of the corner of my eye as I carried on signing. She looked like she was nervous to do it not like she didn't want to do it. 'Hey I will be back in a second.' I said to Ross, the queue was being held up by some girls talking to Hannah and Kim. 'Are you alright?' Ross asked, I walked over to the three girls. 'Hey you guys alright?' I asked and one of them turned to me, 'She really likes you guys but she is anxious.' I looked at Tash. 'I know where your coming from. Come with me.' I said she looked at me confused, 'Trust me.' I said and she followed me over to the table.

'I am guessing you know who these three weirdos are?' I told her as we got back to the table. I had cleared it with Kevin quickly before I brought her over. She nodded but had her head down. 'Smith, Trott and Ross this is Tash and she is a bit anxious to meet us.' I told them and they all looked at me. 'Do you want them to sign something?' I asked her and she nodded and produced a rolled up poster from her bag. She layed it on the table, it was her own work, it was amazing, all of the guys were on it in the form of some amazing car chase. 'You drew this?' I asked her as Smith signed it and she nodded again, 'This is phenomenal.' I told her and she looked up and smiled at me, 'Thank you.' She said and the other two signed it. 'I am going for a break now Tash, fancy meeting some of the other Yogs?' I asked her and her eyes lit up, 'None of them bite other than Kim sometimes.' I told her as we walked around and into our room.

Sjin, Turps, Lewis and Hannah were all sat taking a break in the room and looked at me funny as I walked in with this random girl. 'Hey guys this is Tash, she is a little nervous about meeting us but she has done this amazing poster.' I said and Lewis stood up and walked over to us, Tash unravelled the poster and Lewis looked at it, 'Bloody hell, this is amazing I like that fact that each have the logos on very clever.' I hadn't even noticed the trials of durpulies logos on the side of each of the cars. 'It's a cross over with GTA.' She said quietly. 'Do you want us to sign it?' Lewis asked her and she nodded. Lewis signed her poster then we walked over to Hannah who signed it too as did the other two. 'Now then Tash who is your favourite Yog?' I asked her after Sjin had finished signing. 'It's a toss up between Sips and you.' she said now looking far more comfortable. 'me? Good choice.' I said, 'you wait here for a second, talk to the others even if they aren't me, your favourite.' I said and she giggled.

I walked out to the signing area and tugged on Sips' hoodie, 'Can I borrow you for a second?' I asked him and he finished signing and he followed me back, Hannah and Lewis went back out as we came in the room. 'Sips this is Tash.' I introduced her, 'Oh hey Tash how's it going?' he asked he looked slightly puzzled, 'Can you sign her poster, Tash do you want a picture too, I am sure Turps or Sjin could help out there.' I told her and her eyes lit up and she nodded. Sips signed the poster and Sjin took our picture with her, 'now then see if you hadn't queued then you may have never got that, I know anxiety can be a real pain in the ass but you need to show it who's boss, that doesn't mean go and bungee jump of a bridge, little steps and before you know it you will be able to do anything.' I told her and she smiled at me, 'Now if you follow Kevin I am sure you will be able to get any signatures and pictures you need.' I said looking at Kevin and he nodded.

Tash left the room with Kevin and I picked up a bottle of off the table and sat in a chair. Smith came through and stopped and looked at me. 'Lewis just told me what you did.' He said walking over to me, 'I know how she feels, why should she miss out.' I told him.


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