Chapter 82 Dota Shirts and Mats

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I woke up with my head on Smith's chest which was warm and his heartbeat was soft and calming. There was a beam of light on the duvet where the curtains weren't closed properly and there was the odd bird song playing outside. I looked up at Smith, he wasn't the loud, crude guy that played video games and joked around. Not now. Now he was my world, my everything. I sighed lightly before putting an arm over his stomach.

In only laid there for a little while, until i was properly awake. I sat up, holding the duvet up over myself and looking around the room for some clothes to put on. I spotted my shorts on the floor and smiled to myself and picked them up. Sitting on the side if the bed I slid them on. I felt Smith's warm hand on my back and I looked over my shoulder. 'Morning.' he said and I smiled, 'Morning.' he took his hand off of my back and his hand started at my shoulder and trailed down to my hand and he held mine in his. 'Stay here, just a little while longer.' he asked and I smiled, 'Ross is leaving soon, I have to say good bye.' I told him and he shuffled in the bed. 'Just a little longer.' he whispered. I lifted the duvet cover back up and shuffled underneath and laid my head back on Smith's chest. 'I was trying to get changed.' I told him, 'I know, found your shorts this time?' he asked and I nodded. 'the shirt, not as successful.' I told him and he chuckled before kissing the top of my head.

I finally managed to get out of bed and put on one of Smith's dota shirts on along with my shorts and went down stairs.

I walked into the dining room, Ross and Kim were both sat at the table. 'Good morning.' I chirped walking Into the kitchen Turning on the kettle. 'Why you so happy?' Kim asked and I looked at her past the cupboard door. 'Good nights sleep.' I told her before going back to choosing my mug for the morning. 'If that's what you call it.' Ross said getting up and putting his cup in the sink, 'what?' I said and he smiled, 'nothing, talking to myself.' he said and Kim chuckled and I just rolled my eyes. 'Haven't you gone yet?' Smith said walking into the room. 'Good morning to you too.' Ross said leaning on the work top. I walked over to Smith handing him his mug of tea. 'You sleep well too?' Kim asked Smith. 'Yeah I guess so.' Smith said sipping from his mug. Ross and I giggled, 'what?' Smith asked. 'Nothing mate. You enjoy your lovely mug of tea.' Ross said. Smith sipped again and Ross and no giggled again and Kim looked at us confused as did Smith. Smith looked at the bottom of his mug. 'Very funny.' he said sipping again. Printed on the bottom of his mug was, in big black letters, office tart.

We all sat and drank our tea until Ross finally decided to head off at gone eight. 'Right I will see you all later.' he said when he had gathered all his stuff together, 'Drive safe mate.' Smith said, I gave him a quick hug, 'have fun.' I said. He turned to Kim, 'Call me when you get there.' she said before she kissed him. 'I will.' he said. Smith helped him put a suitcase in the back of his car and he drove off.

I shuttle door, 'right I should probably start heading off too.' Kim said running upstairs and Smith walked back through to the dining room and I followed. 'Well then what should we do today?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 'Whatever you want to do.' He stood and thought for a moment, 'Let's just go driving.' he said, 'no destination just drive and explore. Like the dream you had.' he said. I nodded, 'sure let's do it.'

Once Kim had left Smith and I got changed packed up a small bag with drinks and food and we got in the car and headed out if the city. I turned on the radio and it was playing Christmas songs which Smith sung along too. I think he really liked Christmas although he acted slightly humbug at times. 'Which way?' he asked, we were on an old country road which you could either turn left or right. 'Left.' I said and we carried on down the road splashing through puddles.

We bad been driving for maybe two hours before Smith pulled over in a layby. 'Where are we?' I asked stretching, 'no idea.' he said pulling out his phone. I was looking out the window at some of the sheep out in a field. 'We are in Somerset by the looks of things.' he said. 'Isn't this where you were born?' I asked and be nodded, 'yeah, we lived here before Dad had to move to Guildford for work. I think our old family house isn't far from here.' he said scrolling on his phone. 'Can we go there?' I asked and be looked at me, 'you have seen where I grew up.' I said and he raised his eyebrows. 'Only because you were in trouble.' he said, 'please, pretty please.' I said and he rolled his eyes before starting the car again and turning around.

I will admit I fell asleep for maybe half an hour but I woke up when we went over a speed bump. 'Sorry, forgot that was there.' Smith said letting someone pass by with a horse trailer behind them. I looked around we were in a quiet village. The houses were all grey stone built some still with thatched roofs with smoke tumbling out of the chimneys. The car windows were slightly steamy and little drops of water were running down them. We carried on down a road and more and more trees started to pop up and less houses. We turned off of the main road and down a little trail with a tree with a plaque such read Rosewood House. We went down the drive and arrived at the house. It was smaller than the one in Guildford, it too was grey stone built with rose bushes along the front. The Windows were wooden frames and the door was a large dark wood with a small window.

Smith stooped in front of the house looking up at it. 'When was the last time you were here?' I asked him and he took a second to reply. 'Dad's birthday a few years ago.' he said folding his arms on the steering wheel, 'If was the summer and we were all sat over there, we had like a barbecue picnic thing.' he said pointing at a grass patch to the side of the house. The sound of rain hitting the roof filled the silence. 'Come on then.' Smith said unbuckling his seatbelt and opening his door.

We both walked up to the door the rain getting harder now and Smith lifted up the mat and found a key. He put it in the lock and turned it and the door creaked open, 'after you.'

Authors note.
Ok k has plan. I will upload the next part as soon as this part gets lets say 5 votes, I feel like this would be a good way to get through the back log and plus I just wrote a really (I think) good part and I want you guys to read it. So thumbs up and let's see how many chapters we can burn through, it think we can do maybe around 4 until we reach the juicy part. So vote up peoples, thanks for everything love you all.


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