Chapter 18 Stag Do Carnage and 20 Questions

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I finally got through to Ross after trying Smith for ten minutes straight of calling and texting. 'You guys want picking up?' I asked Ross hearing music in the background and shouting. 'I think that would be best, we are all tipsy some more than others.' He told me slurring slightly. 'Ok we can come and pick you all up and bring you back here just tell us where you are.' He told me and I went through to the girls. 'Is anyone good to come and pick up the guys?'

Katie, Kim, Ruby and I all left the house and Hannah and Charlie were going to stay at the house. I went in Kim's car with her and we formed a convoy type thing and headed into town to get the guys from the pub.

When we got to the pub all of the guys were stood outside some stumbling and laughing. 'Good day lads, your chariots await.' I said getting out of the car along with the girls. Ross walked over to me, 'some of us are better than others.' He said holding my wrist taking me to the back of the crowd. Lewis, Trott, Smith and Sjin were sat on a bench laughing and talking. 'Bloody hell, how much did they have?' I asked and Ross shrugged his shoulders. 'Hey look it's you. Are we going home?' Smith said trying to stand up and pretty much falling over again. 'Ok sit down.' I said putting both hand on his shoulders, 'Wait here until I come and get you. All of you.' I told them and they kind of giggled.

We had Sjin, Duncan, Sips who had come over just for this but I wasn't aware of it, and Turps were in Ruby's car. In Katie's car there was Trott, Tom Clarke, Simon and Martyn and in the car with Kim and I was Smith, Lewis and Ross. We started heading home and I don't know what the story was in the other cars but there was a lot of gibberish in our car, Lewis was in the front with Kim and I was in the back between Ross and Smith which I feel was a mistake. They were talking no sense about random rubbish like what had happened at the shooting range and the bar.

When we got home all of the guys stumbled in the door Charlie and Hannah had set up some rooms for the guys to sleep. 'OK you guys everyone though to the living room.' To told them as they trudged through the hall. Everyone made it though without really falling but they were either in hysterics or half asleep. 'Ok Turps give me your phone so I can call your missus to let her know where you are.' I told him kneeling in front of him. He handed his phone over and I went though to the kitchen where Kim and Ruby were pouring glasses of water and Katie was getting all of the headache tablets that we had and putting them in a little wicker basket for the morning I assume.

The phone rang a couple of times before I got an answer. 'Hey it's Abbey.' I said, 'Turps is here with us we can drop him round in the morning.' I told her. 'It's ok I will come and pick him up in the morning. Good luck, you are going to need it if you have all of them.' I chuckled and said goodbye and put Turps phone on the table. Before going back through to the living room, all of the girls were in the kitchen and the living room smelt rather bad a mixture of beer and sweat. 'Alright then people let's get you to bed, if you live here go to bed.' Trott, Ross and Smith stumbled towards me, 'Will you be long?' Smith asked me stopping. 'I don't know just go to bed. And just heads up if you throw up in the bed there will be trouble.' I said tapping his chest and sent him on his way. Once they were gone I turned back to the lads. 'Ok Duncan, you and Charlie can take the office, Sjin, you and Ruby can have the other side of the attic.' I seemed to be the one who had taken charge walst the girls were setting up beds for people. So it was Hannah left with me and the others. 'Ok are you guys alright to sleep in here and the sitting room? Lewis and Hannah you can take the spare room.' I told them and Hannah went over to help Lewis of the sofa and they both stumbled upstairs. Turps, Simon, Tom, Martyn and Sips were sleeping in the living room and I went upstairs with a pint glass with water for Smith.

When I walked in Smith was laying face down on the bed still dressed. 'Alex?' I asked walking around his side of the bed and putting the glass on his bedside table. 'Come on let's get you changed.' I said standing next to him. He struggled to sit up, 'you need an award.' He said finally sat up. 'Oh yeah? What for.' I asked him brushing his hair with my fingers, 'You just handled a horde of drunk fully grown men. That is like Nobel prize worthy.' It was pretty obvious that Smith had drunk a lot walst he was out since he was talking more rubbish than normal. 'I don't think getting you lot to bed is something that the Nobel prize community acknowledge.' I said lifting his shirt up. 'who do you reckon will get married next?' Smith asked as his head popped out from under his shirt. 'I don't know, I am not sure if you will all be up for another stag do after this.' I told him looking though his bedside table for his PJ shirts. 'Do you ever want to get married?' He asked, 'I know we have spoken about it before but has anything changed?' He asked trying to unbuckle his belt. 'Sure someday at the right time.' I told him rummaging through the wardrobe. 'So what about kids?' he asked and I turned around. 'Well maybe, same sort of view, right time, right person.' I told him producing a shirt from the wardrobe. 'This is a very deep topic to be talking about in your current state.' I told him putting the shirt over his head. 'I know. I was talking to Lewis about it all.' We were interrupted by a fairly loud crash outside the door. 'You wait here we don't want you falling over.' I told him walking over to the door. Trott was laying face down on the floor with a glass rolling on the floor and Katie trying to help him up. 'Do you need a hand?' I asked Katie which she took gratefully. We managed to get Trott up, 'Hey look a rose between two thorns.' He sniggered as we made our way to their room. 'You need to go to bed you are trashed.' Katie said opening the door. We got Trott on the bed and he laid there giggling to himself every now and then. 'Good luck.' I said to Katie leaving the room, 'Yeah you two.'

When I got back into the bedroom Smith had managed to undo his belt and was now trying to put his PJ bottoms on. 'Come on let me help.' I said walking over to him. 'What happened?' He asked slurring his words. 'Chris fell over he is ok.' Smith sniggered and I just rolled my eyes. 'We had fun at the pub. They had karaoke.' Smith started and I took and interest. 'Yeah it was funny Paul and Chris, the one from Jersey not our Chris sung 'We don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time.' It was funny.' He told me before giggling again. 'Well I am glad you had fun, now put your leg in this hole.' I said and we managed to get his PJs on. 'I spoke to Ross a lot.' He randomly changed the subject. 'That's good.' I told him getting him into bed. 'Yeah I like Ross he is nice. He said he looked after you walst I was gone.' I nodded as I got myself ready for bed. 'Do you like Ross Abbey?' He asked me. 'Sure I do he is a good friend.' I told him, 'I feel like we have a lot in common, same views and opinions, we are fairly similar.' I told him. 'Maybe you should go to sleep Alex.' I told him. 'I am not tired.' He told me sitting up in bed more. 'Do you know what?' He started again. 'What?' I asked getting in bed beside him. 'I am looking forward to the wedding. It will be fun. I like it when we are all together.' He said and I noticed his eyes kept closing and the next time I looked he was out for the count. I turned the bedside light off and snuggled down to sleep.

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