Chapter 74 Random Visits and Surprise Family members

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Smith and I walked down stairs, everyone was sat in the dining room drinking their morning beverage of choice. 'we are going to go and see Lewis and Hannah, be back later.' I said popping my head around the corner whilst Smith got ready to go. He handed me my coat and we walked out of the door, 'honey your car is a mess.' I said as Smith unlocked it. 'you should see the state of the one back at my parents house.' he said And his demeanour changed instantly. I put my arm so they were linked and used my free hand to rub his arm comfortingly.

We got into the car and neither of us said word. I finally broke the silence, 'have you spoken to your Dad or brother since?' I asked and Smith looked at me, 'no.' he said and I signed slightly, 'I've spoken to my sister about it though.' I looked at Smith, 'SISTER?!' I exclaimed, and he nodded, 'yeah she lives in Yorkshire, I thought you knew.' he said as we stopped at a traffic light. 'No she never was mentioned.' Smith shrugged his shoulders, 'don't you have any secret siblings?' he asked looking at me, I thought about it, mum was still pretty young when she ran off. I probably have some half sibling out there somewhere. 'maybe.' I said and Smith looked at me, 'you alright?' he asked and I snapped out of it and nodded. 'you might have some siblings soon anyways,if Hannah and Lewis have a kid it would be like your brother or sister.' he said as we turned down the last road. 'yeah I guess so.'

We pulled into the car park opposite their apartment and got out of the car. Smith closed my door for me and we crossed the road. We got to the door and pushed the bell and those in Hannah and Lewis door number and it rang until Hannah answered. 'Hello, we have come to visit.' I said, 'Ok come on up.' the door buzzed and we walked in.

We got to their door and Smith knocked and Lewis answered opening the door. 'Come in, Hannah is just making some tea.' I Smith and I walked in, 'what brings you here?' Lewis asked as Smith and I took off our coats and Smith hung them on the door. 'just thought we would drop by since there was nothing else to do.' I said going to sit on the sofa and Smith sat next to me. 'Smith do you have one sugar or two?' Hannah shouted through from the kitchen, Smith stood up and went to the kitchen which left Lewis and I sat in the living room. 'Do you and Hannah want kids?' I asked and Lewis looked at me with a look I could only describe as confusion. 'Errrm, I think we do. Where is this going Abbey?' he asked, 'Smith said if you and Hannah have kids it would be like I had siblings. It was what we were talking about on the way over.' I told him, 'yeah I guess so.' Hannah and Smith came in and Hannah placed a tray with four mugs on it on the coffee table in the middle. Smith and I sat side of the sofa and Lewis and Hannah the other. 'Have you recovered from Friday?' Hannah asked handing us our cups of tea. 'we were alright I think, everyone else was a little rough but we fared alright.' I told them and Smith nodded along. 'yeah we were not too bad, you were a bit hung over,' Hannah said nudging Lewis who looked slightly embarrassed. We spoke for a little while, we talked about the livestreams and plans for them and Lewis seemed to approve of the ideas we had come up with. 'well they start Tuesday so it's good that you have some idea, I need to talk to Simon about what we are doing since we were on the first night.' Lewis said.

We watched for around three hours before I felt my tummy rumble and Smith must have heard it too. 'Right we best be off, we still need to pop into town and Trott and Katie want me to pick up some stuff for dinner.'Smith said standing up. 'Before you go.' Hannah said standing up, 'we found some of your stuff that you left here I kept it in the spare room.' Hannah left the room and Smith and I put on our coats. 'Are you and Hannah going to move?' I noticed some folded up boxes tucked behind the table. 'Oh no, my mum and dad just moved and we gave them some boxes and they brought them back.' he explained, I looked t Smith and he looked as confused as I did. 'Here you go, just some old clothes I think. What are you talking about?' she said handing me a bag, 'I thought you might be moving.' I told her pointing at the boxes. 'Oh, no well not yet at least. Maybe next year, get a house.' Hannah told us. 'come on then you, it's getting on.' Smith said opening the door. I said goodbye to Hannah and Lewis and Smith and I headed to the car.

'Why do we have to go to town?' I asked getting in the car with Smith. 'Well, I know you're hungry and I could eat.' I rolled my eyes and turned up the radio. We got to town, parked up and walked into the main reason centre. The Christmas market was up and running with the smell of hot sausages and people dressed in Christmas jumpers shouting out what they were selling. Smith and I walked down to the little cafe that we all loved and sat at the back. The and waitress came over and took out order, a blueberry muffin with tea and Smith had a hot chocolate and brownie. 'we should just permanently reserve this table.' I said and Smith chuckled. 'Might as well.' Smith and I were just chatting waiting for our order and doesn't notice the man approaching from the opposite corner. He arrived and stood at our table. 'Hello?' Smith addressed him since he doesn't say anything. 'Sorry for interrupting but you remind me of someone.' he said looking at me, 'sorry I don't recognise you.' I felt my anxiety start to rise. 'Should I?' I felt like I was analyzed by this man. 'The name is Abbey right. Haven't seen you in a while.'

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