Chapter 77 Facing Fears and Poles

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Kim just looked at me, 'what are you planning?' she asked looking more worried than anything. 'I need to go somewhere can't tell you where because if you told anyone I would probably be in a whole heap of trouble.' I told her and she sat down next to me and thought. 'You with me or not?' I asked her and she looked at me. 'Let me go and grab my coat.

Kim and I drove for fifteen minutes or so since the traffic at half one was alright. I hadn't told her where we were going but I gave her directions until we came to a council estate and drove down some of the smaller roads until we got to a very run down looking house. The grass was overgrown and dewy, the paint on the windows was peeling off and there was litter on the path leading to the old brown door. I looked up at the second floor and into the familiar window and let out a small with.'Where are we?' She asked. 'Stay here, don't come in. I have to do this alone.' I told her getting out of the car . There was freezing rain starting to fall from the Bristol winter grey sky. I heard Kim roll her window down, 'what are you doing? This doesn't look safe Abbey. Come back, I am sure we can work this out.' I turned to her, pulled up my hood and turned back around and she rolled her window back up.

I walked up the cracked path with the odd bit of grass brushing on my hand making me shiver. The cold meant that every breathe was steaming in front of me and I would have the odd rain drop make it to my cheek. It was oddly quiet, no birds, no cars. Just silence.

I got to the door and took a deep breath before knocking using the rusted knocker. there was no answer right away but I saw movement through the half boarded window to the side of the door. After a minute or so the door opened a crack and a small chain stopping it from opening all the way. 'Well, well, well what do we have here?' he said I adjusted my stance, 'I think we have some talking to do.' I said and he huffed and un chained the door before opening it to let me in.

The house stank of damp, beer and cigarettes, he was wearing an old pair of stained jeans and blue t-shirt with was not much better. 'What can I do you for then? Scare you and your man the other day did i?' he asked walking through to the pit that was the living area. 'You don't scare me. Not any more.' I said standing in the doorway as he sat in his arm chair. 'Oh don't I. Is that why you brought her rather than your man?' He asked looking out the window. 'Why did you do that yesterday?' I asked him bluntly. 'Why not just leave me alone?' I stood my ground. 'Why not? You ran off without any warning, when I told your mum she was horrified.' he told me i tried to ignore the fact that he brought my mum up. 'What choice did I have? You were vial!' I shouted and he just smirked. 'You want to know why? Why I treated you the way I did? You try bringing up a child that just gets left with you. It's not easy.' I looked at him, 'you are getting no sympathy from me. You made my life hell! The shouting and violence i had no choice but to run away!' he looked at me with cold eyes. 'And how's life now? With little lover boy and co? You're all very sweet together, going to that cafe in town a lot don't you, get the same waitress every time. I see you and your friends in there a lot. I first saw you with the couple who looked after you.' He had been watching me. How could I not have noticed? 'Don't look so shocked of course I knew where you were and what you have been up to. What you thought you had lost me? You can never get away from me Abbey. I will always be there waiting just waiting for you to notice.' I stepped back as he looked out the window. 'What about mum?' I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. 'Turns out her American man wasn't all he cracked up to be. She came back, couple years ago maybe.' I leant on the wall slightly. 'where is she now? Does she live near?' I asked with a shimmer of hope. 'Closer than you think.' he was distracted by something out of the window.'It looks like your friend called in the cavalry.' I looked through the window and Ross and Smith were getting out off Smith's car. 'Shit.' I whispered through my teeth. 'They are not going to be pleased Abbey. You did it again Abbey. You fucked up again. Just like every time.' there was a loud bang on the door. 'excuse me it would appear that someone is at the door. Take a seat.' he said pointing at the sofa and I shook my head. 'I said take a seat!' he said raising his hand until it swung down making contact with my cheek knocking me to the floor. He picked up a cobweb covered old curtain pole that was leaning against the wall and went to the door. My face stung as I looked up at him as he went for the door. As he opened it I screamed as loud as I could, 'WATCH OUT!' as the door swung open Ross and Smith were stood and he barely missed them as he swung. He stepped back into the house towards me blocking me from Ross and Smith. I was still clutching my cheek which was now bleeding covering my hand in crimson. Smith stepped in first with rage in his eyes and Ross followed him in and looked down at me before filling with more rage. Smith and Ross looked scary, 'What did you do?' Smith asked through gritted teeth. 'chill out lover boy, she's used to it. You should try it sometime. Keeps 'em in their place.' he said back before lifting the pole for another swing. Smith dodged out of the way and Ross held up his arm blocking his face before it made contact with his forearm. Ross shouted out in pain and Smith swung for my uncles jaw and caught him knocking him back to the wall and Ross swung at him knocking him go the floor. He started laughing and standing back up. 'All this for this little bitch. Huh is she fucking both of you?' he mocked and Ross took a final swing and he went down again with blood pouring from his mouth,he landed with his head right next to me. Smith stood over him and stood on his arm, 'her name is Abbey.'

Ross helped me up and we walked towards the door with Smith following, by this time Kim was talking to some policemen who went rushing into the house as we came out. Ross had his arm around my waist holding me up and Smith caught up and held the other side as we walked to Kim's car. 'holy shit.' Kim said with her hands covering her mouth.

I had my arms around Smith as we watched him get taken away in the police car after they had finished with all their questions. 'Let's get you home, Kim you call Lewis, Hannah and Trott get them to meet us there.' Smith said opening the door for me.

Kim drove us home, luckily my cheek stopped bleeding in the car, Smith tried to clean me up best he could. When we got there Hannah and Lewis' car was already there. Ross opened my door for me and I held Smith's hand as we walked up to the house. Smith opened the door and we walked in, instantly Hannah and Lewis ran out from the dining room and looked at me. 'Oh thank god.' Hannah said before running up to me and hugging me and Lewis just stood behind her and looked at me. 'Did he do that?' Lewis asked pointing at the cut on my cheek which had now dried blood around it. I nodded and Hannah cupped my face with her hands. 'Why did you do this, it was too dangerous.' she told me. We all went through to the dining room where Katie and Trott were waiting.

Smith and I were the only ones left in the dining room after the others had gone through to the living room. 'You need patching up.' he said looking at me before going into the utility room and returning with the first aid box. He produced a bandage and made it wet with the two and pulled his chair closer and in front of mine so our knees were touching. He was gentle around the small cut on my cheek.I inhaled sharply, 'Sorry.' he said before putting the bandage down on the table. He held my hands with both of his, his knuckles were red and one or two had split slightly. 'Promise no more stunts like these.' he asked and I nodded, 'I promise.'

I had been tossing and turning In bed since we went up around half ten and I couldn't get to sleep. At half one I got up and went upstairs. There was a slight glow coming from the room opposite the office and I followed it. Ross was sat looking out if the window. 'Can't sleep?' I said walking In sitting on the chair next to him. 'No, guessing you can't either.' I shook my head and looked out the window. 'Thank you for today.' I said looking at him and he looked at me. 'I would do it again any day.' he said and slightly smiled at me.

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