Chapter 35 Chop Stick Fights and Friends Counterparts

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Ross eventually came back around half twelve, I was helping Katie, maybe hindering I am not sure, with her jewellery like packing and writing addresses. Trott and Smith were teaching Kim how to play war hammer since she was given some models by her parents when she and Ross went to visit. They had painted a couple but they wanted to play so she played as Smith walst he told her how to play.

Ross walked in the room and looked around, 'Oh god not you too.' He said and we all turned to face him. 'Hey, you alright?' Kim asked and he nodded, 'Yeah just needed some time.' He said and sat on the sofa and watched them play as Katie and I carried on in the sitting room.

Katie and I finished boxing up all of her orders and went through to the living room, it looked like Kim had given up and was sat on the sofa with Ross watching the projector and Trott and Smith were back to painting. I sat on the opposite end of the sofa to Kim and Ross and pretty much remained there the rest of the day.

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa and was rudely awoken by Smith making circles on the bottom of my foot with his finger which tickled. 'Nice of you to join us.' He said as I flickered my eyes open. 'We have ordered dinner in and it's going to be here soon.' He said now sitting on the sofa next to me. I shuffled and rested my head on him and he put his arm around me. 'So where have Lewis adn Hannah gone for their honey moon?' He asked trying to keep me awake. 'I think they have gone to France. Left this morning then they get back Friday I think.' I mumbled with my eyes closed. 'I though you were coming to wake her up, dinner is on the table.' Trott said coming in. 'I am awake, calm your tits.' I said sitting up and opening my eyes. 'Come on then.

We all sat around the table and shared out the Chinese food amongst us. I saw sat next to Smith and Trott. Ross was telling us all about how he had seen this dog running around the park and his owner running around after it and he had caught it. He seemed happier in himself. 'The guys were trying to teach me how to paint them diddy little guys. I haven't got a steady enough hand.' I was trying to listen the conversation but both Trott and Smith had found a new use for their chop sticks. They kept trying to prod each other around me and Trott managed to lad a very sharp jab on Smith's shoulder making him yelp. 'Aww you git.' He said clutching his arm. 'Oh man up.' I said to him trying to listen to Kim. Smith stopped momentarily before poking me with the chop stick gently, more annoying than anything else. I managed to put up with it for a little while, 'Smith stop before I shove that where the sun don't shine.' I said interrupting mine and Kim's conversation. He poked me again and I picked up mine and challenged him to a sword fight.

It finished with all of us playing with our chop sticks pretending they were little swords, it sounds strange I know but it was a lot of fun. Which was brought to a halt by the house phone ringing. I managed to withdraw myself from the fight and get to the pone in the hall and answer it. 'Hello?' I started. 'Hey Abbey, it's Turps.' I could barely hear him over the noise in the dining room. 'What the hell is going on? Is everything alright?' He asked, 'Yeah we are just having a sword fight with chop sticks.' I said and there was a slight pause in our conversation. 'Oh. OK. Anyways I am calling to ask whether you lot want to go to Insomnia next week end?' He asked. 'I don't see why we couldn't. I will let you know tomorrow.' He agreed and we said goodbye and I put the phone down.

Everyone had calmed down when I came back and Smith had started tidying up. 'Who's was on the phone?' Katie asked and I told them what Turps had said. 'Insomnia is fun, we should all go.' Kim said and we all agreed that we would go. That would be my first convention ever, I had never been to one and now I was going I was one of the events. To an extent. 'Come on then let's tidy up this mess.' Kim said standing up and we all tidied away plates, leftovers and stray chopsticks.

We finished tidying by seven and were sat in the living room watching Friends on the projector. 'Ross you're a little bit like Ross.' Katie said. 'Well I would hope I am a lot like Ross what with me being Ross.' I don't think he was really paying attention, the lads weren't really into Friends. 'No like the way that you act and compose yourself is similar to the Ross in Friends. 'OK then so Ross is Ross. Who am I?' Trott asked and I looked at him. 'Chandler.' I said. 'What? No way am I Chandler. Smith is Chandler.' Trott sounded offended which is understandable. 'Smith is not Chandler. I think Smith is Joey.' Kim said. 'Fine then that means Abbey is Phoebe, Katie is Monica and Kim is Rachel.' Trott said the girls on the sofa looked at each other. 'Sure why not' Katie said. 'It's alright for you, you are Monica, I am Phoebe. She is insane.' I said and Smith chuckled. 'You are getting very caught up in this.' He said.

We carried on watching Friends until half ten and we all decided to head to bed, Smith had fallen asleep, Kim kept dozing off and Katie and Trott were out of it. Smith went off with Kim and Ross and I was left to wake up Trott and Katie. I nudged Katie and she woke up and I told her we were going to bed and she woke up Trott and we went up.

I went into our room and Smith was putting some of the washing away in the wardrobe. 'I will do that in the morning.' I told him and he carried on. 'It was on the bed and needs doing.' He said I shrugged my shoulders and went into the bathroom. 'What's Insomnia?' I asked from in the bathroom. 'It's like a massive game festival and we do signing s and a couple of shows on stages. Then there is stuff like parties and pub quizzes for us to do after hours.' He said and made it sound exciting. 'Sounds fun.' I said coming back out as he closed the wardrobe. 'Yeah it is, the fans are nice to meet and it runs fairly smoothly.' He said walking round his side of the bed and we got changed for bed. We both snuggled down and fell asleep pretty quick.

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