Chapter 15 Random Sleeping and Memory Boxes

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Smith was jumping up and down on the bed trying to wake me up and was in a very good mood by the looks. 'Come on get up.' He said jumping off realising I was awake now. He was fully dressed shoes and all and he looked like he had even had time to kind of brush his hair. 'Ok I am up. What did you put in your coffee?' I asked sitting up holding the duvet up over myself. 'Nothing but we want to get in early so we can record and leave earlier. Come on we leave in half an hour.' He said and I grabbed one of his shirts to wear so I wasn't walking around the room bare before walking over to the wardrobe and grabbing some clothes still half asleep. I chose a plain black t-shirt and black jeans with my green converse before heading down stairs. 'Morning sleeping beauty.' Ross said handing me a mug of steaming tea. 'Is it even morning?' I asked him sipping on my tea in the kitchen. Kim, Trott and Smith came in from the living room and they looked like they were ready to leave. 'You barely look awake. You feeling alright?' Kim asked and I nodded putting my now empty cup on the side, 'Come on then crew lets go.' I said walking past them all and heading to the door.

We walked to the office and recorded some GTA playlists for a couple of hours and then we recorded some Rocket league all before lunch time. I went to the common room to get a drink and Turps was sat with Lewis . 'Hello, were you lot making enough noise?' Turps asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 'You alright?' Lewis asked and I nodded lying slightly. 'You don't look it. Come and sit down for a second.' Lewis told me and I tried to walk away but he told me again to come and sit with him and Turps so did. 'You look tired. Are you sleeping alright?' Lewis asked and I shrugged, the nightmares seemed to have returned I had one last night where I came home and no one was home and my uncle was sat on the sofa and he a court order to take me with him and he just took me away. I told Lewis about it and he put his arm around me. 'He doesn't know where you are Abbey. He can never find you. I promise.' He said and I rested my head on his shoulder walst he kept his arm around me. Turps politely excused himself and I sat with Lewis and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in Hannah's office curled up on a bean bag and she was sat at her computer editing. 'Hey, how you feeling? You fell asleep on Lewis.' She explained and I sat up slowly with a sore neck. I asked her what the time was and she told me it was half six. 'Are the guys still here?' I asked her and she shook her head, 'Well Smith is here, he is still in the office I think, Lewis offered to drop you both off one you woke up so we can leave in a bit if you're ready?' She asked and I nodded and she went to find Lewis and I decided that I would go and find Smith.

He was sat alone in the Hat office and looked surprised when I walked in. 'Come on we are heading home.' I told him. 'How are you feeling? You were out for some time?' I told him I was fine just tired and we met Lewis and Hannah in the corridor and headed home.

When we got in I was more awake and feeling better than I did this morning and everyone was eating dinner in the dining room. Smith and I joined them after we dumped all of our stuff by the door and joined them.

I cleared up with Katie and Trott walst everyone else did whatever. After that was done I went with Smith upstairs since we had to do some washing and tidy the room since it was a tip and we had agreed to do it.

Smith was already half done when I got upstairs, most of the dirty washing was in the basket in the bathroom and most of the other clean washing was away. 'Look I am tidying.' Smith said pleased with himself. I smiled at him and started putting the washing away on the wardrobe. 'Hey I found this shoe box under the bed. Is it yours?' He asked producing a shoe box from the bathroom. 'Yeah it's like a memory box.' I told him hanging yet another one of his burgundy shirts in the wardrobe. 'What's in it?' He asked and I walked over and he handed it to me and he sat next to me on the bed. I opened the box, there wasn't much in there. There was a napkin from when we first went out together, there was a 3d model of my Minecraft character that a viewer had sent in for me and the letter that Smith had left me before he vanished. 'Why did you keep that?' He asked looking at the slightly scrupled letter I shrugged my shoulders, 'I don't know if you were coming back I guess.' I told him looking down at the letter before putting it back in the box and putting the lid back on. I walked over to the wardrobe and put it on the top shelve. 'I was always going to come back. I couldn't live without you.' Smith uttered still sat on the bed. 'I didn't know that, it sounded like you were never coming back for one reason or another.' I said closing the wardrobe doors. 'Come on let's finish tidying.' I said tuning around, Smith was sat looking at the ground. 'I should never had left. It was such a dick move.' He didn't look up. 'Your mum died, I wasn't so much worried that you left it's what you would do walst you were gone. I have met people who have been in dark places like you. And they didn't come out the other side. I was worried that I would never see you again, worried that someone would show up on the door step telling me...' I choked up and Smith looked up at me. 'I am just glad you are here.' I sighed, he got up and walked over to me and hugged me kissing the top of my head. 'I promise I will never leave you. No matter what happens I will be with you.' He whispered, rubbing his hand up and down my back and I listened to his heart beat through his chest. I sound I would never get bored of hearing.

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