Chapter 14 Club Hands and Oven Gloves

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I was just sat on the floor organising some random crap that was in the office, basically having a cleanup, when Sjin walked in followed by a tired looking Smith. 'Hey, how'd it go?' I asked both of them. Smith held up his hand ,bandaged differently this time, before slumping on the sofa leaning his head on the back of the sofa. 'It took forever, we must have walked around the whole hospital.' Smith complained. 'Well I am sure they let you nowhere near the maternity ward sweetie.' Smith stood up and I asked him where he was going. He was going to the toilet, 'Do you need a hand?' Ross joked and Smith just ignored him, he must be tired. Sjin held out a bit of paper, 'This is what the doctor said and everything.' I thanked Sjin and read through the paper before putting it in my back pocket.

Smith came back just after Sjin left and slumped back on the sofa again. 'We can go home soon just let me finish tidying up.' I told Smith picking up a box of N64 games. 'How goes the editing?' Smith asked Ross who was still leaning on my desk arms folded. 'I think we have caught up. We will need to do a bunch of GTA. Trials and Rocket league recording tomorrow so that we can focus on Stunt lads and live streaming. Like abbey said we can leave soon, should be out of here by half six no worries.' Ross told him going back to his desk. It was quarter to six now and I had pretty much finished mine and Smiths area for cleaning and wiring and I had started Ross' but Trott's didn't really need tidying and he said he would wire it up later.

Like Ross said we left the office at ten past six and the sun was covered with a dark cloud and we were walking fast since Trott was convinced that there would be thunder soon. I was on the other side of Smith to normal holding his good hand and he was complaining, being salty just like normal about the hospital and the NHS and I just nodded and agreed. We were stopped at a crossing when a loud clap of thunder jolted though my body, 'Hey I would like to be able to use one of my hands.' Smith said as I gripped hold of it tighter than ever. 'Sorry, thunder is not my favourite thing.' Smith just chuckled and we carried on walking home, luckily the rain hadn't started yet.

We made it home just in time as another rumble rattled my chest and large rain drops started hurtling down. All of the lights were on downstairs and Katie walked into the hall from the living room. 'That was good timing.' She said before hugging Trott and then catching sight of Smith. 'What on earth have you done now?' She said putting a hand on her hip. 'Burnt it.' Smith said bluntly heading up stairs. 'Is he alright?' Katie asked me and I told her he was just tired and followed him upstairs.

When I walked into the room Smith had already made himself comfortable on the bed. Face first. 'Honey?' I asked closing the door behind me. Smith rolled over and looked at me, 'Sorry I woke you up last night.' He sat up and looked at me, 'It's not your fault, I don't like hospitals the best of the time but when it's as busy as it was then it's just annoying.' I sat on the bed next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. 'So is there anything the doctor said you couldn't do with that club of yours?' I asked holding his hand and resting both on his leg. 'Just don't get it wet I think.' He said, I looked at him and smiled and he smiled back.


I came down after and everyone was sat in the living room. 'Were have you been?' Kim asked as I walked into the room. I said 'looking after Smith.' To which she chuckled along with the others. 'You lot are dirty minded you know that?' I replied and sat on the sofa with the rest of them.

I was half not expecting Smith to come down since he was so tired but he did none the less and stood watching TV for a little while before heading to bed around nine after pinching a chicken wing from my dinner plate. 'Hang on I will come with you.' I said after him standing up and heading to the kitchen. 'Twice in one day. Smith you are a lucky man.' Katie joked and I just rolled my eyes at her and put my plate in the dishwasher and headed upstairs with Smith.

As I walked into the room Smith was half changed, he had his Pj bottoms on but no shirt yet. 'What were they on about?' He asked and I told him how apparently we had a little smirk that gave it away which made him chuckle. 'I had noticed your little smirk didn't know anyone else had noticed. It is a dead giveaway.' He told me and I started getting changed. 'How's your hand?' I asked him as he put his shirt over his head and I took my trousers off, 'not too bad, doctors said to keep an eye on it.' He told me but I know for a fact that they said more than that. 'Yeah and what else did they tell you. I said crossing my arms, 'What did Sjin tell you?' He asked looking defeated, I read the list that Sjin gave me and produced a bandage and cream that Smith had been told to get which I had asked Katie to grab from the local chemist. 'You lot worry too much. I am a big boy. I can handle my boo-boos.' He smiled at me and I left the stuff on the bedside table as I finished getting changed.

'Come here then' I told him sitting on the bed with both the bandage and cream in hand. 'Honestly it feels fine.' He told me, 'I am sure it is now but when it is infected and horrible I am sure your view will change. Now stop being a babby and get your arse here now mister.' I told him and he rolled his eyes and sat on the bed close but opposite me. I slowly peeled the bandage from around his hand slowly revealing his red raw hand that had blistered and peeled in some places. 'How does that not make you flinch?' He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. 'It doesn't bother me.' I told him and he looked like he had more questions but chose to keep them to himself. I carefully applied the cream before bandaging it back up, 'You are the cutest nurse I have ever had. Thank you.' He said kissing me after I finished wrapping his hand back into a club. 'Your welcome, now does babby want a present for being so brave?' I asked him and he looked at me concerned. 'Don't look so worried.' I said leaning over the side of the bed and rustled around in the bag that I got the bandage and cream from and produced some oven gloves. 'See, no more burns.' He chuckled 'Does that mean I can handle hot things like you now?' He asked cheekily. 'Alex Smith, that is possibly the cheesiest thing to have come out of your mouth since I met you.

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