Chapter 5 Blanket Skies and Vibrating Bags

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I woke up after last night with a slight headache and pins and needles in my arm from where I had been laying on it. I was woken up by what I thought was my pillow moving but it turned out to be Ross getting up. 'Sorry I was trying not to wake you up.' He said and I propped myself up on my elbow. 'I didn't think you were staying for the whole night.' I mumbled with a morning voice. 'I didn't have much choice, you fell asleep on me and I tried to lay you down instead of sitting up and you kind of pinned my arm down and slept on me.' I chuckled slightly embarrassed. 'I am sorry.' He shrugged his shoulders, 'I don't mind. Do you fancy a cup of tea?' I nodded and he walked out of the room and I laid back down.

Ross returned five minutes later with two cups in each hand, he placed one down on my bed side table and then he went into his and Kim's room. I decided that I was going to get changed before everyone else was even up and head downstairs to sit in the garden again. I wore my hand of truth shirt and some jeans. I took my cup downstairs and walked into the living room. Smith was asleep on the sofa, I stopped and looked at him and he looked over his shoulder. 'Morning.' He said now rolling over to face me. 'Morning. Why did you sleep down here?' I asked him wondering why he didn't sleep in the spare room. 'I don't know I must have just fallen asleep after you went up stairs.' I nodded still holding my cup. 'Do you want a drink?' I asked him and he shook his head, 'I will do it don't worry.' He said getting up and waking towards the door. I headed to the door way, 'Is all my stuff still in the room or..?' I nodded and told him it was all upstairs and then walked into the garden.

It wasn't as nice as yesterday, there was a blanket of cloud covering the sky and it was pretty cold and it looked like it was going to rain. I sat on the bench with my legs crossed. I put the cup in my lap and listened to the birds and the faded hum of traffic in the distance. I heard the door open and looked over. 'Oh. I am sorry I didn't know you were out here.' Smith said before turning around to head back inside. 'Smith. Its fine' I said looking in front of me and sipping my tea to warm me up. He stood there for a second before coming to sit on the bench too. There was a fairly long awkward silence. 'What are you doing today?' He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, 'probably go into the office. What about you?' He sighed, 'I don't think I will go to the office today, I will start maybe next week.' I nodded and that sounded like a plan. We sat outside not really talking; I don't think either of us knew what to say.

I finished my tea and headed back inside and into the kitchen Katie and Kim were talking and stopped when I walked in. 'Hey, how you doing? Chris and Ross told us that Alex came back last night.' I nodded and put my cup in the dishwasher. 'Are you going in today?' Kim asked and I nodded and said that Smith wasn't. 'Oh well I am not going in today so I can stay with him.' Katie told me and I nodded. 'So are you two..?' Kim asked, 'Honestly I don't know, he left for a month and now he is suddenly back. I still love him but I don't know if we are together.' I told her and she nodded, 'Yeah it is a difficult situation, well I have to be in the office early to record with Zylus if you want to come?' Kim offered and I accepted and she ran upstairs to get ready and Katie and I were left in the kitchen. 'I hope you two get back together. You are perfect for each other.' Katie told me before giving me a hug and leaving the room.

Kim came back down with her keys in hand, 'You ready to go?' she asked and I nodded and we left. 'Do you want to walk or drive?' She asked me and we chose to drive since it looked like it was going to rain. We drove listening to the radio and when we arrived Hannah and Lewis' car was already parked up. Kim parked next to their car and we walked into the office and as we walked past the kitchen Hannah popped her head out. 'Morning girls, how are we?' She asked, 'Where are the lads?' she asked, 'They are all still at home.' I said and Hannah looked at me, 'All of them? Is Smith back?' She asked and I nodded. 'Oh. He just came back? When?' I told her about last night and after I finished she gave me a hug. 'Just give it time, whatever happens it will be fine.' I nodded and said that I was going to go and set up for the day. Kim went into her office and I went into our office and sat at my computer powering it up. My bag was leant up against my leg and I felt it vibrate slightly. I opened my bag as my computer started and pulled out my phone. I had a text message from Smith I hesitated to open it but I did.

Hey. If you're not too busy do you fancy going out for lunch. I understand if you don't.

I sighed and put my phone on my desk and set up Photoshop and looked at the pictures that Trott had sent over and put on my headphones and listened to spotify and started the thumbnails. I was listening to We The Kings when Ross and Trott came in and Ross put a cup of tea in front of me. 'You are being far too productive. This is Hat Films. We aren't productive.' Trott said as he sat at his desk and I chuckled and thanked them for my tea.

We all worked solidly for around an hour and a half on various projects and stuff and it was getting towards lunch time and the text message was starting to bother me more and more. I decided that I would take Smith up on his offer and he told me he would pick me up and text me when he is outside. I had enough of doing thumbnails and I decided to take a break, I went to sit on the sofa, I scrolled through Tumblr and Twitter for a little while. 'Are you all done all ready?' Ross asked taking of his headphones I shook my head, 'No just taking a break.' He nodded, 'Sounds like a plan.' He said standing up and leaving the room. Trott stood up too and sat on the sofa next to me and scrolled though his phone. 'How are you doing?' He asked and I told him I was doing alright. My phone vibrated again and Smith told me he was outside and I stood up. 'Where are you off to?' He asked. 'I am going for lunch. See you later.'

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