Chapter 57 Doctors and Needles

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**Authors Note**

hey me again. in the next few chapters there is talk of medical procedures and some other pretty scary stuff. I would like to point out that i am not a doctor so a lot of the stuff mentioned could be complete crap and not accurate in the slightest. 

Hope you enjoy

Abs :-)

'Wake up miss, we need to get going soon.' Was my wake up call this morning, 'its almost eight, come on.' my eyes adjusted and Smith was knelt next to the bed level with me and he was brushing my hair with his fingers behind my ear. 'you awake?' he asked and I nodded and he kissed my forehead before walking over to the wardrobe. 'You were pretty fidgety last night, I kept thinking any minute your going to sit up and shout.' I sat up and apologized, 'it's fine, just glad that it wasn't too bad.' He turned around and he had my raven claw jogging bottoms and a hand of truth shirt and put them at my feet. I assume you want something comfortable.' He said and I nodded and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and started getting changed walst Smith went off into the bathroom. I really hated hospitals, like with a passion but today I feared them more than ever. I am one of them people who thinks what I don't know won't hurt me, what if the hospital found something that took me back to square one? Made me miserable, back in that deep dark place. 'Hey. Daydreaming is not getting ready. We leave in ten.' Smith lent down and kissed the top of my head before leaving the room.

Everyone else was just up when Smith and I headed out, we drove to the hospital my stomach churning and turning. Smith was humming along to the radio and I just watched the road until we pulled up in the car park. I went to open the door, 'Hey.' Smith said and I looked at him, 'Nothing bad is going to happen but I want you to know that whatever happens I will love you.' He put his hand on the back of my neck and rubbed it. 'I hope so, I am pretty amazing.' I said and smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes.

We were waiting in a small room after being told to wait here until a doctor was ready to see us. There was a desk and a bed with a few cabinets and draws, the floors were blue and the walls were white. The amount of times that I had to tell Smith to stop looking in cupboards and various medical stuff was ridiculous. 'You will get us in trouble.' I told him as he looked through draws, the door handle twisted and Smith froze and I sat back in my chair. A guy in a long white coat came in, i am pretty sure Hannah said that there would be a lady doctor. He had black hair and was dressed smartly and had a file under his arm. He looked at Smith and then at me, 'good morning, please take a seat sir.' The doctor said to Smith who sat next to me. 'My name is Dr Manning, your Abbey and this is?' He said Looking at Smith. 'This is Alex, he's my boyfriend.' I told him and they shook hands before Dr Manning sat opposite us at the desk. 'I am lead to believe we are here to try to get some form of medical history for you today since there nothing on you and also see if we can find a solution to some anxiety troubles' He opened the file and read and I nodded. 'so I believe we have a number of things to be getting on with so if you don't mind getting changed into the medical robe and letting me know when your ready and we can get started.' He explained and I nodded again and he left the room. I leant over and picked up the robe, it was in a cellophane wrap. I peeled it away, the robe felt almost like paper. I stood up and started taking off my hoodie. 'He seems alright.' Smith said as I got undressed, I handed him my clothes to fold up. 'Yeah he seems like a wonderful man.' I said sarcastically putting the robe over my head and tying it at the side. 'That's a good look for you, maybe we should take it home.' Smith said raising his eyebrows, 'Yeah not happening.' I said and we let the Dr know that we were ready.

He came back in and sat down on his chair, 'If you wouldn't mind sitting on the bed for me.' He said and I did so, he asked me question after question, some more easy to answer than others I was glad that Smith was the only one in the room. I was honestly glad for a second when he said that was the end of the questions but that was short lived when he got a syringe out of a draw. 'Have you ever had a blood test before?' he asked, I couldn't really remember, as he unwrapped the syringe I felt my hands get instantly clammy and my whole body tensed up. He wrapped a plastic tie around my arm which apparently made the veins on my arm come up, 'Ok ready?' He said, I looked at Smith and smiled at me, 'Sure why not.' I said and without hesitation he plunged the needle into my arm, it stung more than I had anticipated. He put a vile on the end of the needle and my blood filled it up in no time, there is something very un nerving about seeing your blood leave your body and into a tube. 'How you feeling?' He asked and I told him I was alright and just looked at Smith across the room.

He pulled the needle out and placed a cotton wool ball on the small hole on my arm. 'So that's done we can move onto the anxiety.' He said putting the vile into a envelope, 'how long has it been going on for?' he asked and I thought, ever since my mum left, so when I was ten maybe, I can't really remember. 'Ten I think maybe eleven.' I told him and he went back to writing. 'Have you ever had anything for it before? Medication or counselling?' I shook my head, nothing apart from talking to friends about it but I don't think that counts. 'Do you have any idea of what caused the anxiety?' he asked and I looked at Smith and bit my top lip and shuffled in place. 'I had some family trouble after my mum left.' I told him very vaguely, I wouldn't want him to know everything. I know a stupid move. 'Has it been coupled by anything else? Eating disorders, depression etc.' I thought for a second and nodded, 'Yeah depression but that subsided after a while.' I told him and he carried on writing. 'Right then, we will get this blood tested then we will go from there.' He said closing the file and standing up with the envelope and leaving the room.

The door closed and Smith stood up and sat on the bed next to me and I rested my head onto him and sighed. 'That was hard.' I uttered, and Smith put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. Someone knocked on the door and Smith jumped down off of the bed and opened it. 'Hey come in.' He said and Hannah and Lewis walked in with their coats on, they looked slightly wet. 'Hey your looking rather glamorous.' Lewis said giving me a hug and I chuckled, 'Have you been prodded already?' Hannah asked when she gave me a hug and I nodded. 'We are just waiting for blood results.' Smith told them as he sat back down, Lewis sat on the doctor's chair and Hannah sat on the chair next to Smith and we played the waiting game.

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