Chapter 17 Mario Games and Hen Dos

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Friday was pretty much the same as Thursday, we recorded a little bit before editing and trailer work and finished earlier, I would say around eight. In the evening we all just sat around and played some board games which I found out I wasn't very good at.

Saturday was a busy day for everyone, the lads were heading out at midday to go for Lewis stag do and Hannah was going to drop by later along with some others for her night. But at the moment I don't think anyone was awake other than me. I had been laying looking at the ceiling since half seven and thinking about random stuff, sometimes creeping myself out. 'What you looking at?' Smith asked after rolling over onto his back, now also looking up. 'Nothing, just thinking.' I told him, he rolled over again to face me and propped his head up on his hand, 'care to share your thoughts?' I sighed and rolled my head to look at him, 'I re read your letter the other night.' He shuffled a little. 'It's funny how someone like me can be someone's whole world.' I uttered without moving, sill fixated looking up. 'What do you mean someone like you?' he asked me, 'I mean I don't know if I will ever get over what has happened in the past, with my uncle and stuff.' I told him with much hesitation. 'Is this what you have been thinking about? That because of your history and how it has scared you that it would bother me?' I nodded looking at him. 'Fist of all, next time you are laying there thinking wake me up it's not good for you. Secondly I obviously care about what happened in the past but I care more for what you are now. The past is the past you can't change that yeah it was crappy but you are a different person now. And I love that you and the old you no matter what happened or happens.' He said before kissing me, 'I am going to have a shower then we go out for breakfast.' He said sitting up. 'Can we just stay in?' he nodded and went into the bathroom.

I went down stairs and Ross was sat at the dining room table already dressed. 'Good morning.' I said making myself tea, the kettle was still hot. 'Hey.' I went and sat with him at the table. 'I have to tell you something.' Ross old me as I sat down. 'Sure what's up?' I asked ready to listen to whatever he had to say. 'I heard you and Smith talking. I know I shouldn't listen but I was concerned for you. You both. I just felt guilty for listening in.' I didn't mind. 'It's fine. How much did you hear?' I asked and he told me he heard Smith talking more than me. I filled him in with what he had missed and he looked slightly concerned. 'Do you think that your history will come back?' He asked me and I sighed. 'I hope not.' I said picking up both of our empty mugs. 'Right, you need to go and get sorted out you need to get going in half an hour.' I told him coming back into the dining room he nodded and stood up, 'Thank you for telling me you heard.' I told him as he stood up from the table and gave him a quick hug then he went upstairs.

I cleared up after dinner from last night when all the guys came downstairs dressed looking ready to go. 'Do you lads want a drink?' I asked them as they all came down. 'No we are good, we need to get going.' Smith said sitting on the chair in the dining room to put his shoes on. 'You guys be careful. I mean it, try not to walk home tonight call home and we can come and pick you up or something.' I told them worried that something bad might happen if they walk from in town. 'Nothing will happen. I promise.' Smith said kissing me before they all headed out. I finished tidying up for tonight, Katie went out to get some stuff for our girly night and Kim was out walking the dogs.

The afternoon dragged on a bit since we weren't really doing anything, I was sat with Katie in the sitting room as she did her jewellery making. She had got a bunch of new metal stamps with animals on them and she was showing me how she used them. She let me make a necklace but it didn't look very good so I put it up in the bed room.

At around half six Hannah showed up with Minty and two other girls, one I kind of recognise and another that I didn't. 'Hey this is Charlie and Ruby she introduced them as I opened the door to let them in. Charlie was Duncan's girlfriend and Ruby was Sjin's girlfriend. Hannah was wearing jeans and his blue 'streaming' hoodie, Ruby was wearing black leggings, a blue tartan skirt and black plain t-shirt. And Charlie was wearing a pink polo shirt and jeans with holes in the knees. They came in and went through to the living room where Katie and Kim had set everything up. We were nail painting and other girly things that I didn't really understand which I think I was in the same boat as Kim and Ruby. They didn't really seem that into the nail painting and stuff instead we talked about games and conventions. 'Yeah Paul said he had been playing it but I hadn't had a chance to.' They were talking about the new batman game that came out and Kim said they could play it which we did.

By nine o'clock the girly thing had kind of gone out the window and we were playing a very intense game of Mario Smash Bros. I was playing as Ike and I think I had picked up my salt from being around Smith since every time I disappeared of screen there was a very loud shout. We were all playing so the chaos on screen was very much real, we played team games where Kim, Ruby and I were on one team and Katie, Hannah and Charlie were on another but Minty had gone home since she couldn't stay long, she was off somewhere early tomorrow. We were shouting and screaming with the occasional laugh and I think we were all in agreement that this was better than nails and stuff.

The team game finished with us winning wiping the floor with Hannah's team, 'you play us at Mario kart and we will eviscerate you.' Hannah insisted. So we loaded up Mario Kart 8 and stayed in the same teams.

We wrapped up Mario Kart with a draw after many games at half twelve. 'Do you know if the guys are coming back here or going back to homes?' Hannah asked. Nobody seemed to know I picked up my phone to text Smith and I had three missed calls and text messages from Ross and Smith.


Went to Insomnia 55 today and met all of the Yogscast, they were all lovely and cheeky Hatfilms started a whole who can deface my Sips poster the best, he now has a black eye, a tattoo along with a number of other accessories. So glad i met them, such amazing people who have no idea how much we value them. Any ways hope everyone is enjoying the story, getting close to the wedding now :-). 


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