Chapter 27 Zipping Zips and Tying Ties

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The wedding day was finally here. I woke up at seven and practically jumped on Smith to wake him up. I sat up and held his arm and shook him, 'Come on Alex get up.' I said over and over. He mumbled and grumbled and I knew he was just trying to annoy me but I played along because it was fun. I managed to roll him over so he was facing the ceiling and he had his eyes closed but he as smiling. 'Come on get up.' I said and he tried to roll over again so I grabbed him to stop and sat just below his stomach holding his wrists. 'Come on we have to get ready.' I told him and his eyes were open now. 'Are you comfortable there?' he asked, 'Why is it uncomfortable for you?' I asked looking down at him still holding his wrists to his stomach. He sat up and I was still sat and he kissed me, I let go of his wrists and put my arms over his shoulders as we kissed. When we broke apart we rested our heads against each other for a moment. 'Come on then let's get ready.' He whispered.

I got my dress out of the wardrobe and Smith started getting changed too, the dress looked so much better now that the day was finally here and it fitted so well. When I turned around after putting it over my head Smith was stood buttoning up his shirt with his black trousers already on. 'Can you zip me up?' I asked him and he nodded and I turned around for him to do it. 'You look beautiful.' He said and kissed my shoulder when the zip reached the top. 'Thank you.' I said turning around and he carried on getting ready walst I put my shoes on. 'Right I am going to go downstairs.' I told him. The girls were getting makeup and hair done at the hotel so for now I was pretty much sorted.

When I got downstairs Ross was stood leaning against the counter top in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea, he had his back trousers on, his shoes and his white shirt that was still un-tucked and at least two of the buttons were still unbuttoned at the top and his tie was on the counter top. 'Kim is still getting changed upstairs.' Ross said and I nodded. 'You look amazing.' He said, 'I havent seen Kim's dress yet, that's the reason I am down here looking like this, she booted me out, wanted it to be a surprise.' He said and I chuckled. 'Well it does look like you are only half ready.' I told him and raised his eyebrows as he took another sip of his tea. 'yeah I should probably smarten up a bit, he said before putting his cup in the sink next to him. I went through to the dining room to get a cup that looked like it had been abandoned from last night. When I came back through Ross was putting his tie on and looked like he was struggling slightly. 'I haven't had to wear a tie in ages, we use clip on ones for sketches.' He mumbled trying to tie it. 'Do you need a hand?' I asked putting the cup in the sink. 'Sure' he said un tying the knot he seemed to have made in the tie. 'Right like this.' I said doing it properly, I had to be on tip toes since Ross was tall like Smith. 'There you go.' I said sliding the knot up. 'Thank you.' He said tucking the other part of the tie into his shirt. 'How do you know to tie a tie?' I told him I used to have to wear one for secondary school. 'Well what would I do without you, I would be a mess.' He said leaning back on the counter and I stood next to him and we chatted for a little while.

Our chat was interrupted by Kim shouting him from the top of the stairs for Ross so he had to go but I listened from the kitchen. 'What do you think?' Kim asked him, I could hear her walking downstairs. 'Very beautiful.' He said and they both walked through into the kitchen, 'Oh look at you, you look amazing.' She said and I thanked her. 'Do you still need me to do your tie babe?' she asked Ross turning to face him. 'Oh you did it.' She said and he shook his head, 'Abbey did it for me.' And she looked at me, 'You would think he would be able to do it. Never mind you both look good. ' She said.

We waited for everyone else to come down, Trott and Katie came down together not long after Kim and Trott looked very smart and Katie looked outstanding, the red of her hair and the blue on the dress looked so good together. 'Right then where is Alex? We need to get going.' Ross said looking at his watch. We were going in Ross' car and Katie's car since Smith's was a bit mucky and their cars looked smarter. 'I will go and find him.' I said leaving the others in the living room and going upstairs.

I knocked on the door and heard a draw close before walking in, Smith was sat on his side of the bed looking over at the door. 'Hey what are you up too? We are leaving.' I said stepping into the room. 'Nothing.' He said bluntly and stood up and walked over to me picking up his blazer as he did so. 'Come on lets go.' He said and he followed a slightly suspicious me downstairs.

'Ok girls you are with Katie and lads we are in mine.' Ross said as we walked downstairs. We walked outside and got in the cars and drove the half hour drive to the hotel. Walst we were driving Katie asked if there was something bothering me. 'No I am fine I guess I am just nervous.' She looked over at me again before looking back at the road. 'Are you sure, you can tell us anything we won't tell.' I sighed and told them I thought Smith might be hiding something because of how he was acting before we left. 'I am sure it's nothing.' Katie said and I agreed.

We pulled up first with the guys behind, there were not very many cars in the car park I recognised Lewis' and Hannah's car but that was about it. We got out of the car and the guys parked up alongside. Ross got out first out of the driver's side and Trott out of the passenger side and Smith out of the back. We all walked over to the hotel entrance as a group. When we walked through there was a member of staff that directed us through to where the ceremony was going to be held. There was rows of chairs with blue orchids lining the sides of the room with white lilies mixed in. 'now I have orders from the bride and groom, ladies if you would like to follow me and gents if you just wait here then I will show you where you need to go.' The man said. Us girls followed him up some stairs and to a door and knocked and Hannah answered with come in. The guy left at this point back downstairs and Kim lead the way into the room. It was a large circular room and Hannah was sat in a chair having her hair done. 'Hey girlies.' She said clapping slightly, 'You all look amazing.' She said, 'Hannah calm down we are almost done.' The woman doing her hair said. 'You two have met my mum haven't you, Abbey this is my mum June.' I smiled at Hannah's mum, 'I have heard so much about you Abbey, so nice to meet you.' She said still curling Hannah's hair. 'Abbey can I ask you to do something for me?' Hannah asked and I nodded expecting her to ask me to get something for her since that is what it sounded like. 'Can you be my maid of honour?' she asked I was stunned slightly. 'Of course.' 

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