Chapter 48 Pillars and Doorways

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We hung around that area for a little while before, I stuck to Smith like glue there were so many people in one place and it was upsetting my anxiety slowly. He was listening to what the others were talking about and I was too until I spotted Ross who had managed to split off from the group. He was talking to that ginger girl again who was at the stand with us, they were over by a pillar well away from the group. I had to keep moving around since there were so many people and they kept blocking my view. 'What are you doing?' Smith asked. 'Errm.' I didn't know what to say, I know that there were very strict rules about interactions with fans and stuff. 'What are you looking at?' Smith asked again. 'Ross is with that Ginger girl over there.' I told him feeling guilty instantly. 'What? Where?' Smith asked trying to look over the crowds. 'What's going on? You two alright?' Hannah questioned standing next to me. 'Abbey said she saw Ross with that ginger girl that was at the stand.' Smith said, 'yeah look they are over there. What is he doing?' he started to sound fed up. 'I got it, you go with the others, the party starts at eight by the way.' Hannah said before walking off. 'Come on you, we have to go and get ready.' Smith said and I reluctantly followed him my anxiety now really starting to take effect.

We were walking through corridors with lots of people and I could feel my heart beating harder and harder. I tugged on Smith shirt and he looked at me, 'Can we stop for a second?' I asked. 'Yeah, yeah of course.' He said and he put his arm around me and guided me into a door way and put my back up against the wall and slid down and sat on the floor breathing heavily. Smith knelt down, 'just keep breathing in and out deep breaths.' He said comfortingly. I closed my eyes and concentrated but it wasn't going away. I heard Smith rustling around and then he started talking, 'Hey I need some help...yeah I am fine it's Abbey...I don't know can you just get here.' Smith said and then I felt his hand on my shoulder. 'It's ok just keep breathing.' He said and I opened my eyes, I was cold yet I swear I could feel sweat on my back.

We sat there for a couple of minutes before Lewis appeared slightly out of breathe with Turps, Sjin, Sips and Duncan. 'What's going on?' Lewis asked kneeling down next to me. 'She asked to stop and got worse from then.' Smith sounded panicked. 'We need to try to get her out of the crowds. Turps call Kevin and a couple of guys so we can move faster, Sjin you take her bag, Duncan can you go and find Hannah and Sips go and tell the others that we will meet up at the hotel.' Lewis ordered and everyone did as they were told, 'it's alright, your fine just a little bit much for one day.' Lewis said. I felt like an idiot, I had put everyone into a slight panic, they didn't show it but I could tell especially Smith he was worried the most. 'The guys will be here in a minute.' Turps said hanging up on the phone. 'Alright Abbey can you stand up?' Lewis asked and I nodded and slowly stood up, 'Put an arm around me if you need to.' Lewis said. The men in black guys showed up and we all started to move slowly, my head was spinning and I felt like I was on a boat. I was having flashbacks to when I passed out at the office and hit my head. 'Only a little further now.' Lewis sai as I felt the fresh cool air hit my face. I stopped again and everything suddenly sounded like I was underwater. Then nothing.


I felt a dribble of liquid run off of my forehead and down past my eye before I opened my eyes with the light creating a burning in my head. I lifted my hand to hold my head, the light dimmed, 'Is that better?' a voice said, it still didn't sound right but not like I was underwater again. 'Yeah.' I grumbled and blinked adjusting to the light levels and managed to make out that was sat next to me on a chair walst I was laying on the bed. 'How you feeling?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders, 'my head hurts.' I told him squinting, 'Where's Smith?' I asked wandering why he wasn't here, 'I told him to go to the party with the others and I would watch you for a while.' Lewis told me. 'We are kind of on shifts, Smith watched you then some of the others came and sat with you.' I looked at him confused, 'how long have I been out for?' I asked, 'Well it's half eleven now so for a while.' He told me. 'You worried us all. When you fell over we think you managed to hit your head on the floor. Smith was worried It was going to be like last time but looks like you're doing alright for now.' Lewis paused for a second, 'maybe we should take you to see if we can't combat these episodes. This is the second one and it's not fair on you to have to keep going through it.' I shook my head, 'There might be something the doctors could do Abbey, just think about it for me will you.' He said and the door opened, 'Hey you're awake.' Smith said walking in with a massive smile on his face. I smiled at him, 'I thought someone else was coming over?' Lewis asked him and Smith shrugged, 'I had enough, got to be ready for the pub quiz tomorrow anyways.' Smith said standing beside the bed too looking down at me. 'Well then I am off, see you in the morning and you, if you don't feel at least 110% tomorrow don't worry about coming over.' Lewis said and I nodded, Lewis patted Smith on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Smith sat on the bed next to me and swung his legs up and put his arm around me and I snuggled into him. 'What happened then?' he asked me and I shuffled, 'anxiety attack I think, there were loads of people, it makes sense.' He nodded, 'at least your alright now, you scared us all the poor security people were amazing though.' He told me I looked up at him. 'Do you know if Hannah got to Ross earlier?' I asked him and he nodded, 'yeah she had a word with him but who knows, he could have just been talking to her but they were getting in very well during the quiet times of the signings.' Smith told me. 'Anyways you don't need to worry about him just focus on feeling better.' I closed my eyes listening to his heart. 'Lewis thinks I should go and get checked out at the doctors at some point see if they can't help.' I told him, 'What do you think?' I asked him and he shuffled in place, 'well I guess it couldn't hurt.'


i am sorry again for poor uploads but i have a time table and i will stick to it from now on. Life just got a little more manic since we got a 8 week old puppy but i should be back on track now 

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