Chapter 6 Blue Berry Muffins and DeJaVu

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I walked out of the office with my bag over my shoulder and arms crossed trying to keep warm since it was unusually cold today. Smith was parked one car away from where Kim was parked. He was leaning on the back of the car kicking a rock around with his feet looking at the floor. I took a deep breath and walked over, he looked up and smiled at me and I smiled back. 'How's it going?' I asked him and he nodded, 'I felt like I was being babysat at home so I thought we should go out for lunch maybe talk things over.' I agreed and got in the front seat and he got in the driver seat.

We only drove for a little while until we got to the town centre and parked in the multi story car park. I got out first and Smith after and we walked until we got into the shopping centre, 'What do you fancy?' He asked and I shrugged my shoulders, 'What do you want?' He thought for a second before concluding he could go for a coffee and I agreed. We both headed for a small coffee shop near the end of town. It was a ten minute walk and we were talking more than I had expected but not about him or me, random stuff like shops and how he felt like he was being babby sat by Katie at the house.

We got to the small coffee shop and Smith went in first and held the door open for me to walk though and the bell chimed. 'Where do you want to sit?' I asked and he looked around and then walked towards the back of the shop and I followed him. We sat at a table in the back corner of the coffee shop pretty much away from everyone else. We sat opposite each other and I put my bag on the floor between my legs. 'Thank you for doing this, I expect you don't really want to.' He started awkwardly. 'Well if I am honest I don't know.' He looked at me puzzled. 'What do you mean?' I sighed and shuffled in my chair. 'When I saw you downstairs I felt both hate and love at the same time.' His head fell and looked down. 'I know leaving was a dick move. I understand that everything will not go back to normal straight away and I don't want it to go back unless you want it to.' I think in a around about way he was saying we weren't getting back together until I said I was ready. 'When you came back I was just about getting back to normal, I was going into the office and working rather than just sitting around. I was able to sleep properly.' I told him. 'So would it have been better if I had just stayed away and never came back?' He asked now looking very sad. 'No. Of course not, I am just saying that I had just adapted and now I just have to readapt before we start thinking about us again.' He nodded understanding where I was coming from; this would probably benefit both of us, just until we find our feet again. Our conversation was stopped briefly by the waitress asking what we wanted, we both chose coffee and I had a blue berry muffin and Smith had a brownie. 'So then how have you lot been doing in the office? I had seen that content was steady.' He asked picking up a packet of sugar and fiddling with it. I told him about the collaborations with other people in the office and bulk recording of the same sort of things. He nodded, 'I figured that was what would happen. I reckon that I will be back on Monday, if that's ok with you?' Smith asked. 'Just because things are different doesn't mean that we have to ask for each other's permission to be in the same room or whatever.' I chuckled, 'Yeah I guess not.'

The waitress brought over our drinks and food and we talked about other stuff rather than me and him. We were having fun just like friends; we were joking and laughing which I didn't think would happen. We finished up our lunch and then Smith insisted he paid for it and we left.

We were in the car on the way back and I picked up my phone and I had two text messages and three missed calls. I had a call from Ross and the rest were from Lewis and Hannah, 'shit' I said under my breath. 'What's up?' Smith asked as he drove, I told him about the messages and phone calls. 'You didn't tell anyone where you were going? Jesus. This could be bad.'

We pulled up in the office car park and Smith turned the car off and I looked at him, 'What are you doing?' I asked, 'Well I can't let you face an protective Hannah and Lewis on your own.' He got out of the car and I hopped out the other side. 'Why did Ross call you anyway?' He asked and I shrugged my shoulders, 'He is probably a concerned friend.' I told him and he made a small grunt noise.

I walked in with Smith behind me; I was having a slight case of Dayjavu. Hannah and Lewis came down the stairs in a hurry. Hannah looked at me than at Smith, 'Where have you been?' She asked calmer than I expected, 'we went out for lunch.' Ross came down stairs and stood on the bottom step and looked at me and smiled. 'Yeah we went out for lunch, we had some stuff to talk about. That's all.' Lewis was staring at him 'alright at least you're back now.' He said before leaving and Hannah gave me a hug then followed him upstairs. Ross stepped down, 'are you coming?' He asked me and I nodded. 'I will come too.' Smith said starting to follow us, 'You should go home mate.' Ross said turning around. 'Why? You two are very close all of a sudden.' Smith pointed out looking at me. 'Smith don't.' I could sense that there was tension. 'Ross and I are just friends, nothing else.' Ross nodded and Smith shook his head looking at the floor, 'I was only gone for a month.' I looked at him, 'only? Only! You left me. You left us all. You didn't say where you went or anything and you expect to just come back and everything to be back to normal?' I asked now angry. 'Ross was my rock walst you were gone. He was there because I needed him, which is more than I can say for you.' I uttered. I regretted saying it as soon as I did. 'Fine.' Smith whispered and turned around and left. Ross put his hand on my shoulder, 'come on, let's go in to the office.' He could tell I was going to cry.

We walked into the office and Trott was sat on the sofa, 'Oh hey we were worried where you had got too, Katie said you hadn't been at the house. What's up?' He asked getting more concerned. Ross explained and I sat on the sofa, both of the guys sat either side of me, 'he will be alright. It's probably what he needed Abbey.' Trott reassured but I was just staring with pools of tears in my eyes. At this point, all that normal stuff that we had been talking about seemed a bit far-fetched.

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