Chapter 3 Benches and Early Starts

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I had gone to bed around half nine last night and I slept in our bed and I don't think I cried myself to sleep but I did wake up cuddling his pillow. There was barely any scent left on it anymore but it was still comforting. I woke up around half seven and felt refreshed for the first time since. I got mu onsie and put it over the top of my vest top since it was too hot to wear proper PJs. I walked out of the door and everyone else seemed to be asleep still so I crept down stairs and put on the kettle before letting the dogs out into the garden. I took my tea out with me to watch the dogs and sat on the bench that had been there since before we moved in. I crossed my legs and just admired my surroundings. Both of the dogs were sniffing the grass which looked like small diamonds had been scattered over it catching the light and making the whole area glisten in the early morning sun. There was not a single cloud in the sky other than that of the first plane of the morning. I closed my eyes holding on the my cup in my lap and took a deep breath in. When I opened my eyes again the sun had just started creeping through the trees at the back and the light was fractured by the branches allowing we to stare at it for a second. I took as sip of my tea and sat back on the bench.

I was sat out there for as long as it took for me to drink my tea and when I was done I walked back inside to the smell of fresh pancakes coming from the kitchen. I placed my cup in the sink in the kitchen as Katie cooked away. 'You look happy.' She said flipping a pancake in the pan. I felt happy, I felt like I was glowing, a different person. 'Thank you, I feel it.' I told her and I grabbed cutlery from the draws and laid it out on the table. 'Can you go and knock for the others? Trott is awake but I don't know about Ross and Kim.' Katie asked putting the last pancake on the plate.

I jogged up the stairs and knocked on Katie and Trott's door and told him that pancakes were ready, he groaned and rolled over in his bed. I went to knock on Kim and Ross' door but I couldn't help over hearing their conversation. 'I am just being there for her, I am just being friendly.' Ross said oblivious to the fact that I could hear them. 'Yeah well it looks a little too friendly; I was fine with it up until you both came into the kitchen happy as Larry holding hands.' I could hear someone walking towards the door so I panicked and knocked telling them that pancakes were ready then swiftly headed downstairs. I grabbed my pancakes that Katie had served up for me with a few fresh strawberries just the way I liked it and headed out. 'Hey, where are you going? We thought we were eating all together?' Katie asked. 'I am going to eat outside, it's a lovely morning.' I excused myself and walked into the hall way and didn't make eye contact with Ross or Kim who were coming down into the kitchen. I could have possibly screwed up one relationship; I am not going to screw up Ross'. I sat on the bench eating my pancakes listening to the birds and the occasional chuckle from inside the house. Once I was done I put my plate into the dishwasher and went up to get changed. I wore one of my pairs of black skinny jeans and my Nano's noodle bar shirt and green converse shoes and walked down with my bag. 'Hannah has asked me to come too the office early to give her a hand.' I lied, 'I will see you guys later.' I watched Trott check the time on his phone. 'It's not even nine yet.' He called after me. I shut the door behind me and power walked to the office.

Hannah and Lewis' car wasn't even in the car park yet, no one's was people would normally be later on a Thursday for some reason, I think it's because most og the content is recorded my now and it is just editing. I walked into the office and turned on the lights and walked straight down to the hat office since I couldn't get into Hannah's without a key. It was strange being in there without anyone else in there. I stopped as I walked in and looked at Smith's desk and then went and sat at mine and pulled my phone out of my bag and texted Hannah.

Me: Hey can you come into the office earlier today? I am already in.

Hannah: Of course we are on our way give us fifteen minutes.

I put my phone face down on my desk and rubbed my face with both hands and sighed. I span round on my chair and turned on my PC, I looked through Tumblr and my ask box telling me there were 100+ messages. I read a couple, some were asking how my holiday was but a large majority were asking where Smith was since he had been away for a month now. I told them that he was visiting family. I managed to answer twenty odd before Lewis knocked on the door and walked in. 'Hey we are here. Is everything alright?' He asked walking in the room. I span around in my chair to face him and told him what I had heard from Ross and Kim's room. 'Ross is just being a friend. That's what you need. Kim just probably read it differently.' He reassured me. 'IS that everything? You look better this morning.' He pointed out and I told him that I slept better he told me he was going to go and set up for the day and that Hannah was in the kitchen if I wanted her.

I stayed in the office for a little while just until I had read all the emails and I picked up an old mug from my desk to take to the kitchen. As I walked past Smith's desk I noticed there was a glass that had been sat there for a while. I debated picking it up but decided I should take it. I took both cups to the kitchen and Hannah was just taking the tea bag out of her mug. 'Hey Lewis told me what was up. Don't worry about it ok?' I nodded and put both cups in the dishwasher. 'Where are the other guys?' She asked as she headed to the door. 'I came in by myself. Needed to talk and some space.' I told her she nodded and went off.

By half nine the office was a busy as ever. Ross, Trott and I played GTA with some other people for a majority of the morning then in the afternoon I had a few thumbnails that I need to do so that the video was set to go up.

It must have been around half two when I finished but the guys were still editing and I didn't want to disturb them so I decided I would see if anyone was free. I was walking down the hall listening in to people laughing and the occasional scream. I walked past the live stream room and Kim and Duncan were setting up with Sam, Duncan noticed me and called after me I stopped and walked backwards and stood in the door way. 'We are going to play some Splatoon, Zoe dropped out for something and we need one more. Fancy playing?' I looked at Kim and she was fiddling with some wires. 'Sure I will play.' I said and told him I was going to get a drink then I would be back. Kim didn't even acknowledge me.

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