Chapter 41 Coordinated Outfits and Secret Songs

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I woke up on Wednesday morning knowing we had a very busy day ahead since we were leaving tomorrow and we needed enough content ready to cover for the time we were at Insomnia. Last night Smith and I were watching tv with Katie and Trott and Ross was up in the attic. I hadn't seen him since dinner, I think I may have upset him. 'Hey, what you thinking about?' Smith asked laying on his side looking at me. 'Insomnia and stuff.' I said, 'It will be fine.' He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, 'It's good fun, pub quizzes and stuff.' He closed the door and I heard the shower start. I started getting changed, I chose my black skinny jeans and hand of truth shirt from the wardrobe and sat back on the edge of the bed and got changed.

When I got downstairs Trott was getting mugs out of the cupboard, 'Good morning.' He said turning around, 'Look at us we're coordinated.' He said, he had the same hand of truth shirt on as me. 'Do you want a drink?' he asked and I nodded and went and sat in the dining room. Katie came down in her dressing gown, 'Have you and Smith put you washing basket outside your door? I am going to try to get most of it done before we go away.' She said and I nodded. 'Has anyone seen Ross this morning?' she asked sitting down at the table with me. 'He was still up in the attic when I went to get a drink at half two this morning.' Trott said handing Katie and I our drinks. 'I will go and see where he is.' Trott said before kissing Katie and going upstairs. As Trott left Smith came in, his hair was still wet from his shower, he was wearing his stunt lads shirt and had his hand in his pockets. 'The kettle has just boiled.' I told him and he made himself a drink. 'Where's the other two?' he asked sitting next to me resting his arm on the back of my chair. 'Chris has gone to get Ross.' Katie told him.

We waited and waited for either guy to come but after half an hour and with a busy day in mind Smith got inpatient and went up to see what was going on. after he was gone it was just me and Katie. 'You alright?' she asked. 'Yeah I am fine.' I told her. 'Do you know what is up with Ross? You spoke to him didn't you?' I nodded, 'Yeah I think he is finally realising the whole situation.' I said holding my mug with both hands. 'It's better in the long run, he might hurt now but the sooner he comes to terms with it the sooner he can recover.' I nodded agreeing with her. I liked talking to Katie, she was like Hannah, more mature and gave you real advise. Smith did too but it was nice to have a girl to talk to who understood, who you could trust. 'It's not the only thing on his mind.' I mumbled. 'What do you mean? What has he told you Abbey?' she said sliding over to the chair next to me. 'When he came back after being with Kim.' I started and told her everything that had happened and I we both felt about it. She sat in silence after I had told her. 'You have kept this to yourself the whole time?' she asked, 'If I told Smith he would kill him, it didn't mean anything, he was just sad and it just happened.' I told her. 'It's not your fault, you were being a friend which is what he needed and he was overwhelmed. It's no ones fault. Have you tow spoken about it?' she asked me, we were interrupted by shouting up stairs.

We both got up and ran up the stairs, all three of the guys were shouting, Katie and I walked into Ross' bedroom and Ross was stood in his PJs and Trott and Smith were looking at him with their backs to us. 'What's going on?' Katie asked. 'Ross kissed Abbey!' Trott told her Smith was still focused on Ross. 'Smith I can explain.' I said holding onto the back of his arm. 'You better do a better job than he did!' Smith said turning around to face me. I told him the room was silent other than me talking. Once I was done Smith just looked at me before turning back towards Ross. 'It's no one's fault Alex.' I said again. Smith stormed out of the room and Trott followed him out. After they had gone I looked at Ross. 'What the hell did you tell him for?' I asked. 'he asked what was wrong I told him. I was being honest.' He said. 'Abbey should have told him herself, get changed and sort yourself out.' Katie said putting her arm around me and we left Ross in his room.

When we got back downstairs Trott and Smith were putting shoes on in the living room. I walked through and stood in the door way. Smith looked up at me after putting on his shoe.' He stood up, 'Why didn't you tell me?' he asked I told him I was going to, 'Of course you were.' He said walking over to me, 'It's no ones fault Alex, I was being friendly and Ross wasn't Ross.' I told him and he sighed. 'Do you promise it will never happen again?' he asked and I looked at him. 'I promise, cross my heart.' I said and he hugged me.

We walked to the office, Ross didn't say a word and I walked with Smith a head of the others just thinking about everything that had happened, and how it could have been much worse.

When we got to the office Turps was just coming down stairs with Lewis following him. 'Hey.' He said looking in our direction. 'Your not meant to be back until Friday.' I said, Ross and Trott went down to the office. 'Nice to see you too. Well we got a bit bored really and we didn't want to be tired for Insomnia.' He said I looked at him confused, bored in France. 'How have you been? You two alright?' he asked us and we both nodded. 'I will catch up with you later Turps and I have a meeting to go to. Have fun.' He said before leaving with Turps. Smith and I walked down to the office, 'That was surprising.' Smith said holding my hand, 'yeah just a bit.' I said and we walked into the office and Ross and Trott were already hard at work.

Smith and I sat at our desks and I started answering emails and then I started on a worms episode and the thumb nail to go with it. It finally felt like a normal day even though we were busy there were no surprises it was just a normal working day. I didn't have my headphones on since they were playing up a bit walst I was trying to listen to my music, I think the cable was on its way out. Since I didn't have my headphones on I could hear Smith singing. He was singing a song that I hadn't heard before but he knew it very well, he wasn't singing very clearly but I made out that it was about a warden or something. I stood up and looked over the partition. I waved my hand in front of his screen and he slid his headphones off of his head and around his neck. 'You alright?' he asked, 'What are you singing?' I asked, 'Nothing.' He went to put his headphones back on. 'I haven't heard it before.' I wasn't an expert on new music since I preferred older music and was never up to date with the music scene. 'It sounds good.' I told him. I sat back down and started editing and within five minutes I had a notification on the shared Google Doc. It's this song. Smith typed and left a link and I clicked on it which took me to a Youtube video. It had a picture of Smith with a guitar and the music started. It was the song he was singing but it was him singing it on the video. I scrolled down and read the title. Smith hadn't told me he was in a band, or that he sung original songs. I sat and listened to the song, his voice was amazing, he was so talented. The song its self wasn't a cheery topic but listening to his voice was making me fell happy and warm. 


I did it. I have committed. I have started my own youtube channel :-). Yep, it's called Notagood Ninjia_ surprise surprise, and if you fancy checking it out, go for it just letting you guys know if you don't follow me on twitter and tumblr since I have posted the link on there for the firs video. But thanks for all the support on the books since I don't think I would do youtube if I hadn't been encouraged by you wonderful people. 

Abs :-)

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