Chapter 53 Rattling Cadges and Backwards Shirts

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Smith fell asleep almost as soon as we left Coventry. The bus was quite with only a few murmurs of conversation. I had my headphones in and was cuddling Smith's arm which he had around my shoulders, Sips and Ross were sat next to us talking away, Ross was happier than when we came and they kept laughing. I listened to my music and just watched as the trees and fields passed by, my phone vibrated on my lap, I looked at the text, it was from Katie, she had sent me a picture of Trott asleep with his face pressed up against the window. I chuckled to myself and replied before going back to my music and watching the world pass by.

We finally made it back to Yogtowers by eight, it was pretty much dark by now and it was pretty cold too. I nudged Smith awake, he had been asleep since we left and he wasn't really with it when I woke him up from his slumber. 'Hey sleeping beauty we are back.' I said winding my headphones around my phone. Smith stretched, I had made his arm slightly num from leaning on it. We were the last ones off of the bus; there was only the light from the street lights and the light on the side of the building. Smith got our stuff out of the bus; he gave me the keys so that Trott, Katie, Ross and I could get in the car and be ready to go.

Once we got home the dogs came running up to us, we were all juggling various bags as we got in the door, and the house was dark and cold. There was a small pile of mail in the table in the dining room and a note from Ross' brother. Smith turned on the light in the dining room and kitchen before coming back and picking up some of the bags that belonged to us. 'Let's get this upstairs.' He said and I walked up stairs and he followed. Walking into our room we both just dumped our bags by the wardrobe and Smith fell face first onto the bed with a groan. I sat on the bed next to him and took my shoes off, and laid down next to him, 'what's up?' he asked slightly muffled, I didn't answer; I just looked up at the ceiling. 'Hey.' He said rolling over onto his side, 'what's up?' he asked again, 'you have been quiet ever since the little wobble earlier, tell me what's up.' He said placing his hand on my stomach. I sighed and looked at him, 'Kim rattled my cage, about Ross, but it's fine I think she is just... .' I paused I couldn't find the word to describe it; I didn't know how to describe it. 'Don't worry about it.' He said kissing my forehead, 'you are a friend of Ross nothing more, yeah you have a fairly unique relationship but there is nothing going on there.' He said sitting up and getting off of the bed. 'I am going for a shower.' He said walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

I walked into the living room and Trott and Ross were sat watching something on the TV, I walked over and sat next to Ross. Katie sounded like she was in the kitchen so that's probably where the dogs were. 'What we watching then?' I asked putting my feet on the coffee table. 'Monster Trucks.' Ross said eyes fixated on the TV. 'He had us watching this all the damn time when we lived together.' Trott groaned, 'that and bloody grand designs.' I chuckled. I remembered that my uncle would watch monster trucks on a Saturday night, beer in one hand cigarette in the other. I shivered and curled up on the sofa and watched as the massive vehicles jumped over obstacles. I would hear faint voices, his voice, shouting at me, randomly shouting for no reason. 'Abbey?' I snapped back to reality, 'hey, you with us?' Trott asked and I nodded, 'yeah, sorry, daydreaming, what's up?' I asked quietly. 'We are all off to bed are you coming too? Smith is in the kitchen.' He told me and I nodded and stood up and went upstairs.

I was getting changed as Smith walked in with a glass of water, 'I thought you might have waited for me.' He said walking around to his side of the room. 'Sorry.' I said not really paying much attention to what was going on. 'Your shirt is on backwards.' He said looking at me perplexed. I looked down and the little dwarf was nowhere to be seen, I took the shirt off and started again. Once I was changed I crawled into bed and waited for Smith, he was talking away but I was far too focused on the voices, 'you're no good, no wonder your mum left you, you're a waste of space' they kept saying over and over. 'Abbey?' Smith asked loudly, I looked at him, 'what do you think?' he asked and I just stared at him blankly, 'geckos? What do you think?' he asked and I nodded, 'yeah.' I said, smith climbed into bed next to me and I rested my head on his chest. 'Are you really tired for is there something else going on? I told you not to worry about Kim, she is nice she will come around it's just her way of dealing with it.' I didn't hear anything after that, I fell asleep.


'NO!' I shouted waking myself up, I was sat upright, my legs tangled in the sheets which were stuck to me with sweat along with my hair to the back of my neck. I looked around the room; Smith was stood over by the wardrobe looking at me shocked. I panted and looked at him, 'you awake?' he asked I nodded and swallowed; Smith walked over and sat on the edge of the bed on my side. I shuffled to him and he put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. 'You're alright. What happened?' he asked me, 'he knew where I was, he came and took me.' I uttered, 'he doesn't know where you are, he is not coming to get you, I promise.' He said before kissing the top of my head again. I put my arm around him and my hand under his shirt to his side and cuddled him. 'You promise?' I asked and he nodded, 'I won't let anyone hurt you, take you or anything, I promise you.' He said. 'Let's get back to bed, you probably woke everyone else up, and we have a busy day tomorrow.' He said and I nodded and we went back to bed.

*** Monday

Waking up was more difficult than ever, I would fall asleep after every time I tried to get up, in the end I forced myself to get up and go for a shower, I kept it cold and it woke me up more. Smith knocked on the door and asked if I was alright and he had made me a cup of tea. I told him I was fine and thanked him and I heard him leave, I stood in the shower letting the barely warm water run over my face. I stood there for a little while before I turned it off and got out.

I chose to wear one of the Stunt Lads shirts that were a little too big for me but too small for Smith along with my raven claw jogging bottoms with my green shoes. It was defiantly a comfy clothing day, I felt very fragile after last night. It hit me pretty bad, I couldn't fall asleep for a while and even when I did the voices would creep back waking me up. 'You ready to go?' Trott asked as I walked into the dining room, I nodded and Ross and Smith who were also sat at the table stood up, 'can we take the car today?' I asked as we walked out of the door, the all looked at me and Smith nodded, 'yeah sure.' He unlocked the car and we all got in.

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