Chapter 36 Monday Morning Feeling and Lunch Dates

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I could defiantly tell that it was a Monday morning, and by the looks of everyone else they could too. Smith and I came down, I was wearing a baggy owl Island T-shirt that Hannah had got but was the wrong size for her but it was still a little too big for me and some loose fitting jeans. Smith was in his three quarter lengths and burgundy shirt like normal but he had not made an effort to tame his bed head.

Ross and Trott were the only ones down when we came down at half nine this morning, they were sat in the dining room talking with their coffee and tea. 'The kettle has just boiled.' Trott told us as we walked in the room, I left the tea to Smith and I went and sat with the guys in the dining room. I asked where the girls were, 'Katie's back was killing her all night so she is staying at home catching up on sleep.' Trott said and I looked at Ross, 'Kim was getting changed when I came down, should be here soon.' I smiled and took my tea from Smith. 'What are we up to today?' I asked them. 'We are recording some Stunt lads voice over work with Sips and Turps this morning, then I believe we are recording a few GTA playlists, Trials and I think that's it along with a load of editing.' Trott told me. 'I think it's going to be a late one today.' He said getting up and putting his cup in the kitchen, 'We better get going, where's Kim?' Trott said looking at his watch. Ross got up leaving his cup and went upstairs.

He and Kim came down ten minutes later ready to leave so we did. We walked to the office, the sun was out and there were only a few clouds in the sky, we hoped that we wouldn't be caught out by any rain later in the day since it looked like we were going to be late back home.

When we got in people were already busy doing whatever they had to do, there was no Monday meeting since Lewis' wasn't here and Turps had sent everyone an email with any information but in bold at the top was Insomnia and then some other stuff that I didn't really pay any attention to. 'Ok then.' Trott started putting on his headphones, 'Smith can you get hold of Sips?' He asked, I put my headphones on as well, I was going to hang around until they started recording then I was going to go and find something else to do. 'Hello?' Sips' Canadian voice greeted us. 'Good day.' We all greeted him back and then there was some general laughing and mucking around involving a whole conversation about dicks, Sips' babby that was due around my birthday and then I belive the topic was changed when Turps appeared and then they were all talking about Insomnia which Is the part I paid more attention to. Sip's was coming over for I and Turps was saying how they are going to need more than one mini bus at this rate.

I left just as they started talking about the recording. I walked down the hall and into the common room. Sjin and Duncan were sat talking away, I got a can of drink out of the fridge, 'What are you two up to?' I asked opening my can, 'Waiting for video's to render and war hammer to dry. You?' Duncan asked, I told him that the guys were recording Stunt Lads. 'Are you lot coming to Insomnia?' Sjin asked and I nodded drinking from my can. 'Awesome, the pub quiz is the best part.' He told me, 'Yeah that's what everyone has told me.' We chatted amongst ourselves for a little while, we talked about the wedding and our experiences with it, turns out they couldn't remember much of the night, they could remember the service but everything after that was a bit fuzzy.

The guys finally finished recording by twelve when I came back after laughing and joking around with Duncan and Sjin. 'How did it go?' I asked walking in, Turps was sat on the sofa with a script in his hand. 'Yeah not too bad, we managed to get all of the voice work done and the bit's before the stunts are recorded.' Ross told me, 'Just need to film the stunt now.' There was a slight groan from Trott, I think that part was harder to record than the rest of it. 'Right then lads I am going to leave you.' Ross said standing up, 'Where are you off too? We have a shit ton of stuff to do.' Trott said slightly annoyed, 'Kim and I are going out for lunch, I will be back by two.' He said picking up his keys and putting them into his pocket, 'Mate, we are going to be here late as it is pretty much every day to get enough stuff for the weekend, if you go for two hours then your adding time onto out time.' Smith groaned. 'You go for lunch with Kim, have fun and ignore these two.' I told Ross, knowing that him and Kim needed the time. He smiled at me and left the room, 'Alright guys I have got some boring stuff to do but I will come by later.' Turps said getting up, the guys thanked him and he left.

Trott and Smith seemed a little annoyed by Ross just leaving which I clocked onto. 'He will be back, him and Kim need the time together. Now what am I editing?' I asked and Trott told me to edit the some Worms episodes, Smith did the trials and Trott was working on the Stunt Lads. I put on my headphones and started editing; it wasn't too bad since there was only one POV.

I finally finished editing just as Ross came back before two, 'How did it go?' I asked him since the others were still editing. 'Good, we just went out for lunch but she had to come back early to do some recording before the weekend too. Are the other two alright?' I nodded and he looked a little relived. 'Ok then I better start on this GTA stuff.' He said standing up, 'Ok I am going to get tea for us.' I said standing up and leaving the room.

I walked into the kitchen and Kim was stood drinking a mug of tea. 'Hey.' I greeted her getting four mugs out of the cupboard. 'Hey.' She didn't sound very happy. 'What's up?' I asked boiling the kettle. 'Nothing.' She said but she didn't look at me and she didn't sound herself. 'Come on tell me, what happened walst you were out?' I asked figuring something happened walst they were out. She sighed, 'I don't know if I can do this.' She said and I froze for a second. 'What do you mean?' I asked folding my arms ignoring the kettle now. 'I don't know if I can deal with it.' I looked at her, 'It being Ross?' I asked, she looked at me with red eyes, 'Yeah I don't know if I can be what he needs, I don't know if I can do it. I took into account what you had said but I don't see how there is a future where it' like this.' I was shocked with what she was saying.

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