Chapter 50 Britney Mics and Charlies Angels

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After my break I walked back out and down the line and took my place next to Ross, and carried on signing for the rest of the time. At one point there was hardly anyone in the queue since there was a stage thing next door at half one. So we were all being a little less professional, Turps and Smith were throwing shirts as if they were rugby balls down the line at one point and Katie and I were sorting out merch. 'Boys will be boys.' She said as we folded and rolled shirts. 'Ok Hatfilms, Lewis, Sips, Hannah, Duncan, we need to go and get miced up and stuff, Sjin you come as well.' Turps said as he looked at his watch having just caught a terrible throw from Smith.

We walked to the backstage area, there was all kinds of technical magical shizzle wizzle going on, we all had to have microphones taped to our faces with a cable running to a box in our back pockets. Hannah called it a Britney mic. 'You up for this?' Hannah asked me and I nodded, 'you don't have to do it you know.' I nodded and she put her arm around me, 'what you did for that girl was really nice, Turps told us what you told her about anxiety.' She looked down at me, 'I am proud of you.' She said and I put my arms around her. 'Alright we are on in fifteen minutes the last show just finished.' Turps told us. 'I think we are doing like a mini pub quiz from looking at the presentation. Hatfilms vs. Yogs on game based questions.' He told us.

The fifteen minutes flew past, before I knew it the guys on stage introduced Turps and he went funning up the small flight and the crowds cheered. 'Alright how are we all doing are we having a good time?' Turps shouted and the people cheered louder. 'OK so we have the battles of all battles today, the quizzes of all quizzes. We have team Yog verses team Hat!' he said and the people cheered again. 'You ready for this?' Lewis asked me and I nodded, I am pretty sure I had close to a thousand butterflies in my tummy and my heart could out run anyone. 'Firstly on team Yog, a handsome space man and founding father of the Yogscast, Lewis!' I will admit Turps was a natural at this announcing stuff. Lewis went up and he and Turps had a little chat before Turps announced the next member of team Yog. 'Her and her owls make sure everything at Yogtowers is running smoothly and is defiantly one of the more mature members. It's Hannah!' like Lewis Hannah went up the stairs and onto the stage. 'Hey we should do like a Charlie's angels thing!' Ross said and we all looked at him, Turps should just announce us all together and we walk on and pose like on Charlie's angels.' Trott and I just looked at him but Smith seemed up for it, 'fine we can do it.' Trott said and we did a little planning before Turps started to introduce us. 'One of the more energetic, loud and crude bunch of people in the Yogscast, they are the now the group of four who make you team Hat!' Turps said and we walked out looking very serious and when we got to Turps at the front of the stage Smith said now and we all posed. Ross held his held like a gun and faced one way, Smith did the same facing another and in front Trott and I knelt down and pointed in different directions. The crowds cheered and the others laughed, we all stood back up and waved. That's when I actually noticed how many people were going to be watching us. 'Alright very nice. Now teams take your places.' Turps said in an epic announcer voice.

We managed to lose by one point, the forfeit for losing was we all had to do a stupid dance which Trott and Smith got into, Ross and I kind of just bobbed around a bit. 'Ok that's a wrap for us here but be sure to come and see us back at out booth.' Turps signed off and we walked back behind stage. I stepped off of the last step and a woman came over to help me take my mic off and a guy went over to Smith to help with his. I took a deep breath let it out, trying to get my heart to return to its normal pace. 'You alright? You did really well.' Smith said as his mic got removed. 'Yeah I am fine just might need to sit down for a bit.' I said, the woman walked away having taken my mic off and I clumsily managed to perch on a stack of equipment boxes. Smith finally got free from his mic and put his arm around me, 'You feeling dizzy? Are you going to pass out?' He asked worried, I shook my head. 'Just need to go and sit down some where a little quieter.' I told him holding my head. 'Ok let's go.' He said helping me up and we all made our way back.

Hannah had her arm around me as we walked and Smith stood the other side of me as we moved at a reduced pace through crowds of people. We finally made it back to our area and we all went into the room at the back. Hannah sat me on a chair, 'Right if all four of you wait here for a little while we will tell people you will be back soon.' Hannah said knelt down in front of me. Hannah, Lewis, Turps, Duncan, Sips and Sjin all went back out to the signing and me and the guys all sat in the room. 'Here drink this.' Ross said taking the cap off of a water bottle for me and handing it over. I smiled at him and sipped on it slowly, 'How you doing honey?' Smith asked and I sat back in the chair, 'alright I think the noise was a little too loud and my heart was going a million miles a minute. I will be fine in a second.' I told him, 'Well you were amazing out there; you handled it like a pro, I am proud of you.' He said kneeling down in front of me and he leant forward resting his forehead on mine. 'Ok well if you two are quite done Ross and I are going to head back out.' Trott said standing up and leaving with Ross, Smith kissed me before he stood up and we went back out as well.

Signings were done for day two, everyone looked pretty dead, Katie's back was killing her and I don't think anyone made it out without a head ache. But this was not going to stand in our way. The pub quiz was upon us and we were going to crush the competition.

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