Chapter 52 Last Days and Exhaustion

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I was woken up by the noise of everyone coming back from the pub quiz; they were shouting and hollering down the corridor. I lifted my head up; the bedside lamp on the other side of the bed was on. I looked over my shoulder and Ross was asleep on the chair, I jolted my head towards the door as it opened, 'Are they in here?' I heard Lewis say, I shuffled up in bed rubbing my eyes. 'Yeah we are here.' Lewis, Hannah and Smith were all stood looking at Ross or me. 'Are you alright?' Lewis asked and I nodded, 'yeah, I shouldn't have drank, not a good idea, messes with my head I think.' I told him, 'How long have you guys been here?' Hannah asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 'Well Ross is well out of it.' She said, I looked over at Ross, he was partially curled up on the chair asleep, I smiled at the sight of him. 'Yeah he walked me back.' I told them getting out of bed and walking over to him, I nudged him until he opened his eyes. He jolted and his eyes darted around the room, 'hey, it's me.' I said and he looked at me for a second before smiling and sitting up, 'Sorry I fell asleep.' He mumbled, 'yeah you did, Smith's back now.' I told him and he sat up more and looked past me. 'I better be off then.' Ross said standing up and walking across the room. 'Thank you for walking me back and staying with me.' I said as he walked out the door and he smiled at me before he disappeared. 'Well we better get to bed too; see you two in the morning.' Lewis said as he and Hannah left. Smith shut the door, 'What's up with Ross?' he asked I looked at him confused, 'he was tired probably.' I said getting changed into my PJ's. 'He seems a little jumpy.' Smith said taking his shirt off, 'I think he is worried he might do something to upset you or you might suspect something.' I told him and he looked at me across the bed. 'Really?' he asked me and I shrugged my shoulders, 'Possibly.' I said putting getting into bed. Smith climbed in next to me and we snuggled into each other.

*** Sunday

You have no idea how glad I was that today was the last day, my head was like a drum and everything hurt. I groaned as I rolled over and Smith chuckled, 'how you feeling?' he asked and I groaned again, he propped himself up using his elbow and looked at me. 'It's the last day today, you going to be able to do it?' he asked and I nodded, 'yeah I will be fine.' I sat up, 'it shouldn't be as busy today right, we finish at four and it's ten now so it's not long.' He nodded and got out of bed. 'You had fun though didn't you?' he asked and I nodded, 'definitely, just need to be without this anxiety shit.' I said getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. 'Maybe the passing out isn't anxiety, maybe it's something else.' Smith shouted through to me. 'Maybe.' I said looking in the mirror.

After breakfast we all headed to the tent for the final day, some of the others were doing some Minecraft stuff today but I and the guys were only signing. We walked into our little room at the back and settled down until we were ready to go out. We all looked either exhausted or hung-over, I couldn't tell the difference. I sat on a chair next to Ross since Smith was talking to Sips over the other side of the room. 'You alright?' he asked putting his phone in his pocket. 'Yeah, peachy.' I said with a hint of sarcasm, 'you have done pretty well with all of this.' I told him and he smirked, 'wish I could say the same for you.' I just chuckled, 'yeah not been my best performance I will admit, but it's been fun nevertheless.' I looked at him; he was looking over at Smith and Sips. 'You know he has no problem with you right. He forgave you for the incident.' I told Ross and he looked at me quick before looking back at Smith, 'I just don't want to fuck up again.' He said, I tapped him on the back before standing up, 'you won't.' I said and walked over to Smith and Sips.

We had to have been signing for at least four hours without a break; I stood up as the queue got down to a few people and walked out the back. There was no one else there; they were either signing or somewhere else around, filming or being filmed. 'Hey.' I turned around and Kim walked in. I smiled at her and picked up a water bottle. 'How are you doing?' she asked, 'Better.' I told her sitting on a chair. 'Are you still mad at me? For breaking up with Ross?' she asked folding her arms. 'You said yourself that I should have broken up with him.' She started, 'can we not do this here?' I asked her, 'why do you care so much?' she asked me, she asked again and again walking towards me. 'Do you love him?' she said now very close to me, my body was shaking. 'Do you?' she asked again, I didn't answer and she huffed before walking back out. I fell back almost missing the chair completely; I was shaking and felt like I had just run from here to Bristol and back. Sjin walked in and looked over at me, 'hey.' He said walking over to me, 'what's up?' I couldn't talk, 'ok breathe; I am going to get Smith.' He said standing up and practically running back out. Smith came in followed by Sjin, Smith knelt in front of me, 'look at me, just breathe Abbey. You can do this, in and out.' He said as we began to breathe in unison. 'What happened?' he asked, Sjin was stood behind him. I thought for a second, 'nothing, just happened.' I lied; Smith put his hand to my face and used his thumb to stroke just below my ear. 'Just sit here for now.' He said and I nodded.

I managed to make it for the last hour or so of signing before we finally wrapped up, we all cheered when Turps said it was time to pack up. Smith and I walked together as we all made our way back to the hotel. 'Are we going home now?' I asked him as we walked. 'I am not really sure.' He said looking behind us, he asked Lewis, 'I think so, and if we all want to we might as well.' Lewis said and we all agreed that going home now was a very good idea.

Once we were all packed up and ready to go Smith and I made our way to the lobby of the hotel where we were told to meet up with everyone. Katie and Trott were the only ones there when we got there. 'I am knackered.' I said sitting in one of the arm chairs, 'amen to that.' Katie mumbled. Eventually everyone else made it to the lobby and we loaded up on the bus and started the journey home.

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