Chapter 47 Short Breaks and Burps

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Smith and Trott walked back and Smith had a bag in his hand, 'Trott I thought you were meant to make sure he didn't buy anything.' I said as they walked over to Katie and I. 'Only got a few bit's it's fine.' He said looking in his bag and I just rolled my eyes, 'Alright ladies and Gents, let it begin!' Turps said in an epic voice.

Before I knew it there were people walking towards us with massive smiles on their faces, we were all pretty much there sat ready to go. 'Are you ready for this? If you need a break at any point just go.' Smith said as the first person gradually made his way down the line to us, 'Hey man how's it going?' Smith asked him. He looked as nervous as I did, 'Yeah I am good how are your four?' he asked and we all nodded and told him we were all good. Smith slid the poster to me and I signed my name. 'Are you guys going to play Minecraft again? I liked the fact that Abbey was like Smith's little minion.' He said, 'We will be just not yet.' Trott said as he signed his name.

We signed for at least three hours before Turps came down to us and asked if we wanted a break, the others had been taking short breaks but we had gone without. 'Maybe once the queue has died down a bit.' Smith said and we agreed and regretted since he queue didn't really die down for another hour or so. 'Come on get a drink you guys we have it under control.' Turps insisted and we all stood up and walked back into the partitioned area.

Hannah and Lewis were sat together talking as we walked in, 'You guys are ridiculous, your wrists must kill.' Lewis said as we walked in, he was right mine was aching a lot from writing my name over and over. Smith sat on a chair on next to the table and I sat next to him and opened my bottle of water. 'What time do we finish today?' I asked Smith and he looked at his watch, 'Well it's almost half two now I reckon we have another two ish hours of signing.' He said, 'You getting sleepy?' he questioned brushing my hair behind my ear, I shook my head and leant my head on his shoulder.

Our brake was short lived and we were back out after our ten minute brake, I sat next to Ross and Trott this time one away from the end of the table. I was still amazed each time someone brought a poster down that they wanted me to, let's face it by this point, scribble on it. I was even on one of the posters, I was drawn smaller then most of the others on it, I was sat at a table with Hannah and Kim walst Smith, Ross, Trott and Sips were playing instruments and then Duncan, Turps and Lewis were sat at another table. One girl came over to us and she was talking to Smith about his music with The Tin Box Boys, it sounded like the viewers had found out about it and were raving about it. I listened into their conversation and the more I listened the more is sounded like she was trying to flirt with him. I knew the whole deal with Fan girls but this was happening right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. She eventually moved on to Trott, Ross and I and we signed it and she left.

We signed for another two hours before the queue had finally diminished, I put my head on the table for a second after Turps shouted that's a wrap. 'Come on you.' Trott said nudging me I sat up and followed them back into the room. When we got into the room I realised I had left my water bottle behind and went back to get it. Ross was sat on the table talking to the ginger girl who was wearing the green shirt. 'You coming?' I asked him bending down to get my bottle from under the table. 'Yeah in a bit.' He said and carried on talking to her. I walked back into the room and it looked like people were gathering up their belongings. 'Have we got everyone?' Hannah asked looking at us all, 'Where's Ross?' She asked and I nodded towards the door as I put my bag on. 'I will go and get him.' Trott said leaving the room with his hands in his pockets.

Eventually Ross and Trott came back and we were allowed to go, I enjoyed when we all walked in one massive group with our for lack of a better description, men in black, following us and leading us to where we need to go. I was walking with Hannah and Katie in the middle of the pack, Hannah was surprised that no body asked about her ring. They decided that her and Lewis were going to wait before letting the community know about the wedding. The whole place was far quieter now, the main convention was closed and now only open for those who were exhibiting. I could hear the guys all getting excited about a boat race which I had no idea what they were on about. We all suddenly stopped and our men in black escorts all left us as we got into the actual building. I looked around, Duncan, Sjin and Turps wandered off in one direction and Hannah and Kim were talking about going to a certain stand and wandered off to. I panicked slightly and migrated over to Smith, Katie and Trott who were talking. 'What's going on?' I asked Smith. 'Well the boat race is in half an hour so we have some time to waste.' He said, 'Anywhere you want to go?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

We spent half an hour looking at computers and new games before Smith, who had been periodically checking his watch every two seconds. 'What's the boat race?' I asked him as I struggled to keep up with him, Katie and Trott. 'Basically a massive drinking game, you have to down a pint of beer and then the next person on your team drinks one and so on.' he told me. We got to another massive open space where there were picnic tables and lots of people. 'Are you going to join in?' he asked me and I shook my head, 'I think I will just watch with Katie as you two make fools of yourselves.' We walked towards the other yogs who had claimed a picnic table of their own. Hannah and Kim both had bags and everyone was talking and laughing. A guy with purple hair came over and everyone seemed to know who he was and him and Lewis shook hands. 'You all ready? You have some pretty stiff competition.' He said, I discreetly nudged Smith with my elbow and nodded towards the guy. 'He's syndicate, Tom, he is a friend and massive on YouTube.' Smith told me I looked over at him and he was talking to Lewis still. 'Alright ladies and gentlemen.' A voice sounded through some speakers. It spoke about rules and as he did people came around with trays of beer and placed them on the table. 'The first team to finish all of the beer on their table wins £1000.' He went on about some other stuff about Insomnia, 'Only one person on each team must be drinking at the same time. Good luck.' I looked at Smith and he and the others were talking about strategies, 'Just go in a circle, quick form a circle.' Kim said and we all shuffled so we formed a ring around the bench. 'Sips you start.' Smith said as the countdown started. 'Three...Two...One....Drink!' the guy shouted and that was it Sips picked up a pint glass and started drinking the beer. He was done pretty quick then it went to Lewis who was a little slower, then Ross, then Trott, Then Sjin. The noise was crazy, we had not even made a dent in our stack of drinks. Katie and Hannah were moving empty glasses since they were opting out of this one but Kim and I had been persuaded to take part. I was after Smith and Kim after me. Sjin finished his drink and Smith pretty much downed his faster than he picked it up. 'Go.' He said before wiping his mouth and I picked up a glass and drank it as fast as I could before putting the empty glass back on the table. Drinking it wasn't really the issue, the burps after were the issue.

We went around the circle three times before Duncan downed the last pint and we all cheered. 'The Yogscast have finished!' the man over the speakers shouted. Smith started chanting, 'We Drink we die We drink again!' then we were all cheering and chanting as the last teams finished up. 

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