Chapter 25 Guitars and Poorly Babbys

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Wednesday flew by, we were so busy thanks to our visitor, we needed to catch up on so much work. The guys only finished editing at nine and they still had to put up episodes to the schedule and Stunt Lads planning. We didn't get home until half ten and we were all exhausted and Smith and I fell asleep instantly opposed to having our little pre-sleep chat for a little while.

We woke up on the Thursday and it was like waking up in a monsoon. The rain was pelting the window making a racket and I could swear that I heard a few rumbles of thunder. 'It's people moving around down stairs sweetie.' Smith said in his deep, croaky morning voice rolling over to face me. I looked at him, 'I felt you tense up when there was a noise downstairs, there's no thunder probably someone moving chairs downstairs.' He told me and I smiled at him. 'Come on its half eight, we should get moving.' He said sitting up, I told him I was going to go for a shower walst he got ready.

Walst I was in the shower I could swear I could hear a guitar. There were a few random strums to start but then they all started to fit together to form a song. I listened carefully to the music and managed to decipher it over the sound of the shower and I heard the main cords and then Smith started singing along. It was muffled but I could hear him, it sounded like he didn't want anyone to hear it but I heard him. He was singing 'Let her go.' Which had almost become our song, we would always sing it when we were alone and he would hum it before we went to sleep at night.

I finished up in the shower and went back into the room with my towel around me, Smith was sat in the middle of the bed guitar in hand. 'Sounds good.' I said putting my Pjs in the washing basket. He looked up from his guitar and smiled at me before going back to strumming random cords. 'Yeah it's getting there, I am going to make some tea, do you want some?' He asked leaning over and putting the guitar down beside his bed side table, I nodded at his offer and he went off leaving me alone to get changed.

I was getting changed, I had chosen my blue jeans and iron man chest plate shirt. I was putting my socks on but stopped. I looked at the scars that were on them, I ran my thumb over each individual bump, physical scars heal over, mental ones seem to be far more stubborn but I had conquered both forms. I smiled to myself and put my socks on and headed down stairs.

Ross was sat in the dining room along with Trott and Kim, Smith was in the kitchen boiling the kettle. I was greeted by everyone and I sat myself down next to Ross at the table, 'How are we all?' I asked they all responded positively. We were talking for a little while, I was talking to Ross, he said how well my hand had sorted it's self out. We went down to the local doctors and they said it wasn't broken just badly bruised and should be all good before Hannah and Lewis' wedding which was tomorrow. 'I think us lot are getting ready here and then we are meeting people at the place.' Ross told me since I hadn't paid much attention to what Hannah had told us all yesterday in the little meeting she held. Throughout the meeting I was distracted by Smith who kept blowing gently on the back of my neck making it tickle.

We managed to get to the office around quarter past nine; we got there faster than normal since we didn't walk because of the rain. We took Smith's car since we would all fit nicely, I sat in the front with Smith and the other three sat in the back.

When we got in we went down to our office and set up for the day, we were recording with Turps and Sips this morning doing some rocket league, then the guys were recording trials, then we were braking for lunch before the mass of editing.

I logged onto mumble and rocket league before going to find Turps for the guys since he wasn't logged in yet and we were all waiting for him. I walked up the corridor past all of the offices and up the stairs. I asked in the editors room and they said he walked past a while ago. I carried on up the corridor until I came to Lewis' office. I knocked on the door and waited for his reply and when it came I walked in. 'And what can I do for you young Abbey?' he asked in a very happy tone. 'I was wondering if you had seen Turps?' I asked him and he thought for a second, 'He was just here he said he was going to record with you guys.' He told me.

I walked back down stairs and saw Turps in the kitchen, 'I have been looking for you.' I said standing in the door way. 'Yeah sorry just had to talk to my wife, be there in a minute.' He told me and I walked back down towards the sound of screaming of Smith.

When I walked in they were shooting each other with elastic bands, which isn't the smartest idea. 'I can't leave you lot for a second can I.' I said walking over to my desk. They were ducking behind their partitions, luckily when I was sat down they just flew over my head. I put my headphones on and poor Sips was still there singing to himself. 'How are you Sips?' I asked and he told me he was expecting another baby around November time, I told him that Smith had told me ages ago. 'Oh, well yeah around November so not long now. Where have the guys gone?' he asked and I filled him in and he just laughed. 'Come on then people let's get this sorted.' Turps said a little mellower than normal coming over mumble. 'You alright Turps?' Sips asked and Turps said he was just tired after being up with a poorly Rosie all night and his wife had taken her to the doctor this morning and they were just waiting for a verdict.

We finished up all of our recording for the day by one and I was pretty much spent, everyone in the office was busy since we weren't in tomorrow for the wedding so we had two days work in one. I went down to get a glass of water to sooth my throat after that recording session of shouting and screaming mixer over and over again. I met Hannah and she was getting nervous about tomorrow and trying to get work done which wasn't really happening. 'When you guys get to the hotel can you and Kim come up to the room so we can meet up before hand?' I agreed and went back with my glass in my good hand.


Back to every other day uploads for a little while guys. Had a little writers block lately, had a lot of stuff going on so not as much time for writing as i would like and my mind hasn't been in the right place. So every other day there should be an upload, I will post on my Twitter if there is any changes to the schedule. At notagoodnija which is my twitter.


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