Chapter 29 Ushering and Piggy In The Middle

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We all were talking and Hannah's mum came up to me, 'Sorry for interrupting girls but Abbey, Lewis and Hannah want you for pictures.' She told me, I said I would see Fiona and Zoey later and tried to keep up with Hannah's mum as we walked over the grass. 'Here she is.' June said, Hannah and Lewis were both sat on a white bench with a photographer aiming a camera at them. 'Come sit here Abbey in-between us.' Lewis said patting the space next to him and Hannah. 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'Of course, you are part of this family are you not?' Hannah said and I smiled at them both and sat down. 'Is this how you would want your wedding?' Lewis asked and I shrugged my shoulders as the guy took the pictures. 'Alright let's bring Simon over now mum.' Hannah said and her mum went off again. 'this day couldn't get any better.' Hannah said sitting back on the bench. Simon came over and we all stood up and the photographer had me stand next to Hannah who was stood next to Lewis and then Simon was stood the other side of Lewis. We took a few more pictures before the group one. I was sat next to Hannah and Smith was stood to the side of me other than that I had no idea what was going on, there were so many of us, family, friends and then people from work. After that ordeal we were ushered inside which I believe was the guys job but the hotel staff had it under control.

We were ushered into the main dining area of the hotel, this is where Smith and I had our date. When I finally found the table Smith and I were sitting at it was near the front where there was a long table as opposed to the circular ones dotted around the room. On our table was Smith and I, Kim, Ross, Trott and Katie and we were on a table next to Turps, Jodie, Rosie, Sips his wife and his son. 'Have you two not been trusted to sit at the adult table yet?' I asked over my shoulder since I was partially sat back to back with Sips. 'Probably not no.' He chuckled as he tried to entertain his son with a colouring book from the restaurant. Simon weaved his way through the tables to the front table and picked up a glass and tapped it with a fork end. 'Here are the Bride and Groom.' He said and the back doors swung open and Lewis and Hannah weaved through as well with their arms linked as we all cheered and clapped.

Once they were sat down a member of staff from the hotel gave Simon a microphone. 'Ok people calm down. As the best man I guess I should say a few words. I have known these two for years, we even lived together for a few and I could not wish for better friends. Hannah you have put up with Lewis and I and I don't know how you have done it. Lewis you are my best friend and partner in crime and I wish you both the best and hope whatever the future holds is what you deserve.' Simon concluded and everyone clapped again Katie and Kim were crying along with some other people as Simon sat down and handed the microphone to Lewis who stood up. 'I would firstly like to thank you all for coming today, some of you have travelled from far away and some not so. Everyone in this room matters so much to both of us and I am so glad that you can be here today. I would like to say a special thanks to some individuals. Hannah's parents, June and Chris, thank you for creating this wonderful woman right here, you have been kind and generous ever since I met you. To my mum and dad, thank you for supporting me and allowing me to follow my own path and allowing me to become the man I am today. To Simon who has been a rock that has always been there through everything and helping me to create what we have today. And finally Abbey.' I looked up from the table to look at Lewis. 'You have been in our lives for such a short time but you have brought us so much joy and love. You have taught me so much about myself and life in general and never to give up. I am glad to welcome you into our family.' He said and I felt a tear run down my face and Smiths hand on mine. 'Now all that speaking is out of the way I think it is time for food.' Lewis said and we all cheered again as hotel staff appeared with trays of food.

We all ate our meal and we kept having little visitors in the form of Sips' son, Austin, and Rosie who had become attached to me. I shared half of my desert with Rosie sat on my lap and Austin was playing catch with a balloon with Smith. 'How are we all?' Lewis asked as he got to our table. He was talking to everyone else walst Rosie and I ate my pudding and Smith played headering with Austin with the balloon. 'And how are you girls enjoying your time?' Lewis asked Rosie and I as he crouched down to her level, she clapped her chocolaty hands together and smiled. 'I am guessing that's a good response, and you madam, how are you?' he asked me and I told him I was having fun. 'You are a natural with Rosie, I think you have made a friend for life there.' He said before standing back up and moving onto the next table. 'I think we should take you back to daddy before you leave hand prints everywhere.' I said to Rosie standing up carrying her over to Turps. 'Oh god did you dunk her in chocolate sauce?' He said taking Rosie from me smiling. 'Have you seen Austin?' Sips' Wife asked who's name I learnt was Becky. 'Yeah he is playing with Ross and Smith at our table. 'He isn't bothering you is he?' Sips' asked and I shook my head as I watched Ross and Smith play piggy in the middle with the balloon and Austin.

We finished eating by four and the hotel Staff were clearing away our plates and stuff, Austin had gone back to the other table and was sat on Sips' lap and I think Rosie had passed out on Turps. We were talking on our table about kids and that sort of thing, Katie wanted one or two, Trott wanted two, Ross wanted one, Kim didn't want any. 'What about you two?' Katie asked, 'I wouldn't mind one, maybe two.' I said and Smith said he would probably only want one. Our baby chat was interrupted when Lewis spoke on the microphone that we were all to move to the hall where the ceremony was. When we walked in all the chairs had gone instead there were three long tables in a U shape along the back wall that the two sides and music was playing quietly to begin with just as people filtered in. This was going to be fun.


Hey you guys, hope you are enjoying the story. Thank you all for reading it even though there are not many of you. You guys are amazing :-)


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