Chapter 20 Coffee Runs and Unwanted Visitors

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We were up and out of the house by half eight, we had to take the car since it was raining but it was meant to clear up later. I think we were some of the first people in since the lights were still off in all of the offices and there was only one car in the car park which belonged to one of the editors. 'I will do the coffee run.' Smith said. He had been allowed to take his bandage off but we still had to use the cream since there was still some damage. 'Sure, just be careful.' Trott said and we three walked down to our office.

We were all called to the Monday meeting at nine and I sat with Sjin and Smith near the back in the corner as various people talked about various numbers. 'Oh yeah, don't forget we are getting married on Friday so make sure you are there.' Lewis said as everyone stood up ready to get to work.

We were all editing this morning and then the guys were going to record Trials, Worms and run a Stunt Lads script with Turps so they were going to have a busy day and I was set to do some more thumbnails and one or two emails but that was it for me. We were all getting on with whatever we had to do and every so often there would be some link on the Google doc from reddit that interrupted us for at least five minutes.

I had finished around five thumbnails and done all of the emails and it had been three hours and the guys hadn't had a proper break. 'Right who wants' a drink? Tea, coffee or whatever.' They all placed their orders and I went down to the kitchen, it looked like everyone was very busy. I was boiling the kettle when Duncan came in, 'hey, what have you been up to?' I asked him. 'Just finished recording with Kim and there is some girl sat in the common room.' I looked at him, 'Has it become a hobby of the Yogs now, just picking up random girls they find on their door step?' I asked him and he just rolled his eyes. 'No I think she is here to see someone, one of you guys I think, she said he worked here. We had checked with the editors but they don't recognize her.' I left the cups that I was using and walked to the common room with Duncan following me.

When I walked in a fairly tall lady was sat on the sofa legs crossed, she had long blonde hair that had been styled curlyish, she was wearing a white cropped vest top so her tummy was showing and she had shorts on with high heels. 'Hi can I help you?' I asked walking in, Duncan stood in the door way. 'Depends, I am looking for Ross Hornby, you know him.' She said standing up; she was taller than me by far. 'That also depends. Who are you?' I asked her crossing my arms. 'I am Lucy, don't worry Ross knows me. We are friends.' She said crossing her arms. 'Well he is working, and very busy so come by another time.' I said not liking her one bit. 'Aww sweetie, I don't think you understand, I think Ross would like to see me so if you would like to point me in the right direction, like good little girls do, so I can see him.' She said stepping towards me. 'Look she is right, you need to leave.' Duncan said backing me up. 'Fine I will go and find him, keep your pretty little butt here and try not to disrupt, this is a working environment, and by the looks you are not used to an office as yours.' I said leaving the room and Duncan closed the door behind us and followed me down. 'You know who she is?' He asked and I looked up at him as we power walked, 'I have a pretty good idea.'

We got to the office and I swung the door open. 'People we have a problem, she is tall blonde and thick as two short planks.' I said standing in the middle of the office. 'What did you just say?' Smith asked looking at me very confused. 'Ross, Lucy is in the common room.' I said looking directly at Ross. 'What? That's not possible. How?' he asked standing up in a panic. 'Well she is there and she wants to see you. Just a heads up, me and her, I don't think we are going to get along.' I told them. 'Well what do I do?' He asked me. 'Well you can go and see her and see what happens or we can hope she just leaves but I don't think that will happen.' Smith said standing up. 'Mate she is insane and if you go in there god knows what she might demand or think.' Trott said leaning on his partition. 'Oh look you are all talking about me. You know it's rude to talk about someone behind their back.' I turned around and she was stood the door way. 'Oh don't look so shocked it's hard not to tell where you are going with your tall friend here following you.' She said pointing at Duncan. 'Lucy what are you doing here?' Ross asked putting his hands in his pockets. 'I am here to see you of course. I have missed you.' She said stepping towards him. I stepped sideways so that I was in-between her and Ross. 'Take one more step, I dare you.' I said looking up at her. 'Your guard dog is cute, need to put her on a leash.' Smith grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. 'Oh so she is your little guard dog Alex.' She taunted again, 'Back off Lucy.' Ross said fairly sternly. 'All I want to do is talk to you. I think it will be good for both of us.' She insisted. 'I don't think we have anything to talk about, I have moved on, like you did.' Ross told her. 'Fine we can talk later I understand that your busy. See you all soon.' She said turning around and leaving. 'Make sure she leaves.' Trott told Duncan and he left as well and Trott shut the door.

Ross sat on the sofa, 'Thank you for that.' He said thanking me. 'No problem, what did you ever see in her?' I asked sitting down next to him. 'We were at University together started dating just before we started, met at a open day type thing.' He explained. 'Let's keep Kim out of it for now. I want to tell her myself, explain to her.' We all agreed. 'And if she comes back Abbey please don't rip her head off.' Smith asked as we all went back to work. 'Why? You got a step ladder I could borrow?' We all chuckled and went back to work.

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