Chapter 69 Birthdays and Wrapping Paper

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I woke up after having dreams of wandering the wasteland with Smith fighting abominations and raiders.I Rolled over with my eyes flickering awake. 'Morning.' Smith mumbled I smiled at him not really awake yet. 'Happy Birthday.' He said and I smiled again and snuggled into him and he put his arms around me and kissed my forehead. When I was finally more awake I shuffled away from Smith and sat up in bed and he did the same, 'do you want your present now or later?' he asked and I looked at him. He leant over and got a small box out of his bed side table and handed it to me.I Slipped the lid off of the black box with a lime green ribbon and took out the green tissue paper to reveal a ring. At first I thought it was just a silver plain band but as I pulled it out of the box there was a small green gem. 'with you always.' Was engraved around the inside. 'It's beautiful. Thank you.'I Said giving Smith a hug, 'I am so glad you like it, Turps and I were looking for ages to try to find one for you.I Had to convince him that it wasn't an engagement ring so many times.'I Chuckled and Smith smiled at me. 'Maybe one day.' He said and I looked at him and smiled, 'one day.'

When Smith and I came downstairs the others were all sat at the dining room table they all sang happy birthday to me and I noticed a small pile of presents in the centre of the table. Smith went into the kitchen and Katie told me come and sit down. Smith brought me in a cup of tea and sat down next to me. Katie handed me a present that was in purple wrapping paper, 'this is from Chris and I' she said,I opened the card first and then peeled the wrapping paper off. It revealed a brown box which I opened and pulled out an Ironman statue. 'We knew he was your favourite.' Trott said and I thanked them both and Ross handed me the remaining present which was in light blue shiny paper.I opened the card and read the essay that was inside.

Happy birthday Abbey!

I hope you get the amazing day that you deserve.I Can't think of someone who deserves a day dedicated to them more than you. You have given me strength when I needed it and just been a rock to me.I wish I knew your secret to remaining positive through all that you have been through.I Am so glad that you found your way into all of our lives and improved them tenfold.I Wish you all the happiness in the world because that's what you deserve. Happy birthday.

from Ross :-) 

I smiled at him and opened the present, it was smaller than the box that Katie and Trott had given me when I finally got past all of the tape he had used there was a small box similar to the one Smith had but it was blue with a silver ribbon.I Opened the box and there was a silver chain with a small slightly misshapen circle of metal hanging from it. In the circle there was a deer indented into it I looked at Ross, 'Katie helped a little.' He said, 'yeah but you made it.' Katie said.I got up and hugged Ross, 'thanks it's amazing.'I Then hugged Trott and Katie.I threaded my ring on to the chain and asked Smith to put it on for me whilst everyone else went to get ready. 'There you go.' He said fastening the clasp, 'they go together really well.'I Said turning around. 'I know, Ross came with me to get the ring and picked the silver chain so I picked the silver ring. It's meant to match.' Smith told me as we walked upstairs.I Felt so happy that they had managed to collaborate presents after the roller coaster that we all been on.

I chose my hand of truth shirt and black jeans and black shoes and we walked to the office. When we walked in Hannah and Lewis were waiting for me. 'Happy birthday.' They both said in sync and Hannah proceeded to give me a massive hug. When Hannah let me go I hugged Lewis too,I Think he was getting better with being hugged. 'Wow, that's beautiful.' Hannah said looking at me.I Looked down at my necklace which had the circle and ring, 'yeah Smith got me the ring and Ross got me the necklace.'I Told her and she smiled 'Well you will have to wait until later for Lewis' and my present I'm afraid.' She said and she smiled at me. Something was going on.

We walked down to the office and I sat at my desk,I Could tell that we weren't going to get much done today. You can feel the energy in the office was not intended for working, especially in our office. Smith was sat on the sofa and I was laying down fiddling with the ring on my necklace with my head on his lap and Ross and Trott were sat on their chairs in the middle of the room. There was a knock on the door and Trott shouted enter and Sjin, Duncan and Turps walked in. 'Invasion!' Smith shouted and I sat up. 'No just present bringers.' Turps said as they all looked at me. 'You didn't have to.'I Said as Turps handed me a present wrapped in white paper,I Unwrapped it and there was a shoe box,I Lifted the lid and inside were some converse shoes with Iron man on the sides. 'Oh my god Turps I love them. Thank you so much.'I Said getting up to hug him,I Was apparently in a very huggy mood. 'Oh I wish I went first now.' Sjin said handing me a present that was smaller than the box that had red wrapping paper that had like white paint splats all over it and inside was another brown box which I lifted the lid and inside was a pure green playstation controller with matt black analogue sticks and it said Abbey on one of the handles. 'Damn.' Smith said, 'Sjin this is awesome, thanks.'I Said giving him a hug too, and Sjin being Sjin I don't really think he knew what to do. 'I was worried that you wouldn't like it.' He said and I told him he was silly. 'There you go.' Duncan said when I sat back down in now a small mound of wrapping paper handing me a present in black paper that had shiny flecks.I Unwrapped it and it was a model Arc reactor that would be in Iron mans chest just like from the film that had proof that tony stark has a heart. 'Holy crap really?'I Looked at him, 'yeah Charlie found one and I made it look like the one from the film.' He said and I gave him a hug too. 'Guys thank you all so much.'I said and they all stayed to chat for a little while before they left to do some work. 'Right we can record some GTA or something else?' Ross suggested.  

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