Chapter 24 The Pact and Grease

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Ross and I sat and talked for a while before Katie came up to investigate where we had got to. 'You two need anything?' She asked standing in the door way. We were both fine and far happier than we were, 'Ok, Trott said they would be home soon, they started walking about five minutes ago.' She let us know and she walked off again. 'Come on we should go downstairs.' Ross said standing up, after all we had talked about I felt lighter, like I had let some stuff go. 'Thanks for letting me talk.' I said standing up following him out of the room, 'yeah it helps to talk about it, I have never shown or talked about that stuff to anyone.' He said and I agreed, he stopped as we got to the door and turned to face me. 'What do you say we make a pact?' I looked at him and put my other hand in my pocket, the other still pretty sore and I had lost pretty much all feeling in it. I agreed to hear the pact and he stated, 'We both tell Kim and Smith about the scars today. It means no more hiding, they are the only ones who need to know.' He said, I could tell he was nervous about the idea as was I but it sounded like a good idea. 'Sure, let's do it, as long as it is before tomorrow morning.' We both agreed and shook hands on it and left the room.

All three of us were sat in the living room when Smith, Trott and Kim came in. I stood up when I heard the door and met Smith in the hall way and went on tip toes to put my hands around his neck before kissing him. 'You look better. How are you feeling?' he asked and I told him that Ross and I had just been chilling out. 'Good, you worried me earlier, you both did. I am going upstairs to put my suit away if you want to come?' I nodded and followed him upstairs.

Smith hung the suit zippy up cover on the door of the bathroom, 'let's have a look then.' I said sitting on the bed; he looked at me putting his bag on his side of the room. 'You don't have to put it on I just want to see.' I told him and he walked over and unzipped the cover, the suit was jet black and he had a white shirt to wear with it and he got his tie out of the wardrobe and put it with the suit. 'Looks pretty dapper honey. That smart and sexy look might actually happen.' I said and he looked at me. 'Really? Good because I am never going suit shopping again, we had to try loads on before we found the right one and there was a guy measuring us in very awkward places.' I couldn't help but snigger slightly, 'I am so glad you are happy, Kim and I were worried about you both, you are both very similar.' He said zipping up the cover again and I sighed and took the opportunity to tell Smith.

'I need to tell you something.' I started which probably wasn't the best thing to say, Smith looked over at me over his shoulder, 'What's up?' he said coming to sit next to me. 'I would have told you sooner but I didn't know how and I guess anytime is as good as now.' He put his arm around me. 'Whatever it is you can tell me. I can keep a secret promise.' He uttered. I sighed again before standing up and turning to face him, I took my left hand out of my shirt with my other still in my pocket hiding it but I will have to do something soon because I couldn't even feel it. 'What are you doing?' he asked confused and baffled. 'Showing you.' I said twisting my arm over to reveal the scar lines. 'Shit.' It was all he said for a little while looking at my upper arm. 'How didn't I realise that?' he asked, 'why didn't you tell me none of these are from lately right?' he asked holding my hand and I shrugged my shoulders, 'they are covered when I wear a short sleeve t-shirt and is I am wearing a vest top I consciously hide them, there's a few on my foot as well. I had to put them in places where they wouldn't be seen otherwise school and my uncle would get involved and I didn't want that.' I told him putting my arm back in my shirt and sitting next to him. 'That explains the socks in bed thing I guess.' He said and I chuckled as did he I think it was for the not knowing what to say thing that had encapsulated us both. 'You have stopped now right?' he asked randomly. 'Yeah I haven't done it in ages.' He looked at me, 'then what is up with the other hand?' he noticed looking down at my right hand which was in my pocket. 'Oh, yeah, it's pretty beaten up after I hit Lucy.' I said slightly bashful and embarrassed, 'Let's have a look.' He said shuffling over a bit. I tugged to get my hand out of my pocket, due to the swelling it was a little tight but I got it out and it was a very dark shade of purple all around my knuckles but most of my had had swollen. 'Fucking hell. That looks terrible, have you put anything cold on it?' I shook my head, 'Been kinda busy.

Smith made me go downstairs with him and we went in the kitchen and he rustled around in the freezer for a moment before revealing a bag of frozen peas. 'Hear put this on it for now.' He said wrapping the peas in a tea towel and allowing me to put it on my hand. 'That looks pretty bad, what are we going to do with you.' He said ruffling my hair. we walked through to the living room where everyone else was sat talking about what to have for dinner. After the eventful day we had been through we all agreed that Chinese food sounded the best.

We all sat in the living room to watch Grease on the projector since Katie had put it on walst Trott and Kim went to get dinner. I sat next to Smith with my hand wrapped up still in some slightly cold peas and tea towel. He knew most of the words to the songs and I could remember them most of the time from when I used to watch it with my mum, we would sit in bed and watch musicals whenever there was bad weather outside, I didn't care for many of the musicals but Grease was my favourite. She used to like Danny, she would say he was cute and I would laugh. I snapped back when Trott and Kim came in with food and we shared it all out and carried on watching the film until we went to bed.

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