Chapter 10 Spirit Animals and Beliefs

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It was a very lazy Sunday. Kim and I played left 4 dead for three hours walst Smith went off to air soft. Ross and Trott were either sat watching me and Kim play or up in the attic playing games. Katie was sat in the sitting room making her jewellery with both of the dogs. The weather was unstable, one minute it was raining the next it was sunny and Ross was convinced that we were going to have a thunder storm.

After mine and Kim's session of zombie killing it was around one in the afternoon and she had gone upstairs to find Ross and I had had a text from Smith telling me he was on his way home. I went into the sitting room where Katie was to wait, 'how's it going?' I asked her and she took her headphone out of her ear. 'Good, I am testing out some new metal stamps.' She said holding up a ring that had a polar bear stamped on the inside. 'That's really cool.' She smiled at me and explained how a polar bear was her favourite animal. 'What's yours?' She asked. I thought a second, 'Well it is a tossup between a white tiger and a falcon it think but if I had to choose it would have to be a white tiger.' I told her and she picked up her phone. 'There's this test online that tells you what your spirit animal is.' She scrolled and fiddled about.

She asked me almost fifteen questions about myself and my habits, Smith came home walst we were in the middle and sat on the floor next to me. 'Right and your spirit animal is a Deer.' She told me and read out the description, 'The main characteristics of the Deer combine soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination.' She finished and smiled at me. 'That sounds pretty accurate.' Smith nodded, 'And deer are pretty cute as well.' I turned and looked at him. 'Did you get hit on the head with something?' I asked jokingly before he kissed me. 'Alright you tow bloody hell.' Katie said putting her phone back down. 'Right I am going for a shower.' Smith said getting up and leaving the room. I watched as he walked until he disappeared around the corner. 'So what are you making now?' I asked Katie and she shrugged her shoulders. 'I might tidy up and then start dinner since there is roast to be cooking.' She said putting all of her little bits and pieces away. 'Do you need a hand cooking dinner?' I offered and she said I was welcome to help if I wanted but her and Trott should be able to manage.

Trott, Katie and I started dinner, Trott had to cut up vegetables, Katie was prepping the chicken and I was in charge of the hob making sure nothing boiled over.

It took around an hour and a half to finish dinner and we all sat around the table and ate which we had been doing a lot lately.

Dinner was amazing, cooked to perfection, even if I do say so myself. We all helped clear up and it didn't take very long at all and by half six we were all sat in the living room completely stuffed. We had started watching Sons of Anarchy season 5 and I found out that the only reason we are watching it is because Ross' brother had recommended it and now we were all hooked, a bit like Orange is the new black but that had finished for now. Katie had a pillow which she was cuddling ready to hide behind when it got gory and was snuggled into Trott. Kim and Ross were sat on the other end of the sofa and Ross had his arm around Kim and Smith and I were sat on the floor and I don't think we were really in the mood for watching and sitting still since we were poking each other subtly, the problem is on my sides I am very ticklish and occasionally he would catch me off guard and I would make a high pitch noise and then we would laugh and the others didn't really like it since they were watching the programme.

In after the first one ended Smith said we should go upstairs and I agreed and we went up leaving the others down stairs. When we got upstairs I sat on the bed and Smith went around his side. I was going to get changed but Smith started poking me again, he was sat cross legged on the bed facing me. 'Can I help you?' I asked looking over my shoulder. 'I am board.' He said poking me again. I shuffled about until I was cross legged on the bed too facing him. 'What do you want to do?' he shrugged his shoulders before poking me again and I poked him back harder. 'Ow. I thought deer were meant to be gentile.' He said pretending that I hurt him. 'What do you think your animal is then?' I asked him. I took my phone out of my pocket and found the quiz that Katie used.

'Ok your spirit animal is a Hawk.' I told him and he seemed pretty happy with it. I read him out the description that read, 'When you have the hawk as a spirit animal, you may have an inclination towards using the power of vision and intuition in your daily life.' 'So you are a deer and I am a hawk, that's pretty cool.' He said now laying on the bed with his legs bent at the knee and hands behind his head. 'Do you believe in all that sort of thing?' He asked and I asked him what he meant. 'Like spirits and stuff.' I shrugged my shoulders, 'I like the whole idea of spirit animals but I don't believe in much else, I prefer the science aspect of it all.' I told him and he said he did the same. I lay down next to him on the bed and we talked about theories and the whole spirit animal thing along with many, many tangents. 'My mum was a Christian but she wasn't the kind that went to church every Sunday just believed in the whole intelligent creation and stuff.' I rolled my head to look at him and he took a deep breath in. 'Did she have a funeral? If you don't mind me asking.' I uttered realising it was still a very tender topic. He nodded, 'Yeah, it was walst I was away.' He sighed again, 'I couldn't go. I tried to but I couldn't.' His voice changed, I rested my head on his chest and put my arm over him. We stayed like this for a little while before he kissed the top of my head and I moved back next to him and ran my fingers through his hair lying on my side. I only did it a few times then I just held my hand on his cheek moving my thumb to stroke his cheek. His stubble was course and he cheeks were warm. 'Thank you.' He whispered and I smiled at him and kissed him.

We broke away from each other after our kissing as the others were coming upstairs. 'I am going for a shower.' I told him leaving him on the bed. And when I came back out I was wearing one of Smith's long t-shirts and he was now sat up in bed looking through his phone. 'I was thinking in the shower.' He looked up. 'We need to go and get you a suit or something for Hannah and Lewis' wedding.' He nodded as I climbed into bed. 'Make you look all smart.' I told him and he put his phone on the table next to him. 'Smart and sexy.' He said snuggling down. 'Smart is a challenge but sexy as well, we might have an issue.' I told him and he poked me again before putting his arm around me.

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