Chapter 58 Doughnut Machines and Jelly

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We were waiting for half an hour before Dr Manning came back with his file and he looked at us all, I was laying on the bed looking at the ceiling, Lewis was spinning a pen on the desk and Hannah and Smith were talking quietly. 'There's more of you.' He said and I sat up, 'Yeah sorry, this is Lewis and Hannah.' I told him and he shook their hands and Lewis got up off the chair and let the Doctor sit down. 'Ok so we have the blood work back, most of the results are normal.' He started, 'Most of them?' Smith asked and I looked at him with a worry building in my stomach. 'Yes there is a very abnormal level of oestrogen, it's a little lower than what we would expect to see.' I looked at him not really understanding what was going on. 'Lads maybe you should go an wait outside.' Hannah suggested and Lewis left the room with a reluctant Smith. Once the door was closed the doctor carried on talking about stuff I didn't understand. 'I think it is something we should be checking on, a couple of simple scans will let us know if there is anything wrong internally but chances are that it's just an imbalance.' He explained, I was biting the inside of my mouth as he spoke all this medical jibber jabber. I only understood that I had to be scanned and not really sure what for. 'A nurse will come and collect you within the next ten minutes or so and take you down to the right department.' He stood up again and left the room and Lewis and Smith came back in. I was in a daydream, I didn't really see or hear anything. I heard Hannah explaining and I felt Smith hug me and his stubble tickle my neck.

It had barely been five minutes before a older lady came in with blue scrubs and told me to come with her and we all walked and followed her down the corridor. I held onto Smith's hand as we walked into a new part of the building. 'Ok I need every one to take of any metal that they have and to leave it in one of these plastic trays.' She had an amazing Irish accent when she spoke. Everyone started taking off necklaces and belts before we moved on, 'if you want to come with me love, you three can go into that little room there.' She pointed to a room that had a glass wall an many computers and I followed her into a separate room.

In the middle there was a massive donut shaped machine, 'have you ever been in one of these before?' she asked and I shook my head. 'It's basically a big x-ray that can let us look at your whole body. 'Now it is loud so you will need these.' She handed me some headphones, 'I can talk to you through these and you can hear the others as well. You need to stay still so that we can get a clear picture but it wont talk long.' She said and we walked up to the machine and she told me to lay down which I did and she pushed a button and it came to life. I put the headphones on and she left the room.

'OK Abbey can you hear me?' the nurse said and I replied with yes and she told me I will start moving into the machine slowly and as she finished I did. It was very loud even with the headphones which had classical music playing which I didn't really care for. Hannah told me I was doing well and within fifteen minutes it was all over.

I sat up once I was out of the machine and rubbed my face with my hands and jumped off of the table and followed the nurse out of the room. 'I believe Dr Manning is going to perform you ultra sound which is just down the hall. She said and everyone else picked up the metal things and put them back on and we walked down the hall. 'That was weird.' I said as we left, 'yeah, we were able to see everything, it was like you were chopped in half.' Smith said and I rolled my eyes, 'I am pretty sure not every couple can say one as seen the entire inside of the other.' I said as Lewis held to door open for us and we walked in. There were a number of pregnant women sat on sofas reading magazines, there were some small children playing in the corner in like a child's play area. We all sat down on a sofa together, Hannah picked up a magazine and read it and Lewis looked on his phone every now and then. I was watching the kids play in the corner and one of the balls rolled over to us and I picked it up. A small boy toddled over nervously and I handed it back to him and he giggled and ran back over to the play area. I smiled and didn't feel so cold anymore. 'Abbey?' A nurse in pink scrubs called out and I put my hand up and she told us to follow her, 'I think I am going to wait here if that's alright?' Lewis said an I nodded and us three followed the nurse past some rooms until we came to one that had the door slightly open. 'Here you are.' She said knocking on the door and opening it.

Dr Manning was sat on a chair next to a machine with a fairly large screen there was also a hospital bed and it was darker than the other rooms. 'Hello again, you seem to have lost one.' He said and I told him Lewis was waiting outside. 'You can get changed back into your clothes now if you wish.' He told me and I nodded and took the bag from Smith and got changed behind a screen. Once I came back out he told me to lie on the bed which I did and he turned on the machine. 'This is an ultrasound, more commonly used to look at babies.' He told me, I knew what one of them was. 'Can you tell us what you're looking for?' Alex asked sitting down with Hannah on some seats at the end of the bed. 'We are just making sure that there is nothing wrong with the ovaries, it's mostly just a precaution.' He told them as he got a squeezy bottle out from under the machine. 'Can you lift up your shirt please?' he asked and I did so stopping just above my belly button. He squeezed freezing cold jelly onto my belly, 'sorry it's a bit cold.' He put it back under the machine and picked up a what looked like a mini paint roller and moved it around on my belly spreading the freezing jelly all over. There were a series of black, grey and white shaped appeared on the screen, I looked at Hannah and Smith and they looked as perplexed as I did. 'OK so your defiantly not pregnant.' He said, 'Well that's good.' Hannah said and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. The doctor remained quiet for a little while going over the same section over and over, pressing buttons. His face was one of concentration, 'I have taken a few pictures and I will consult with my other nurses and I will see you all back in the consultation room.' He told us packing everything away, I wiped off the jelly and got off of the bed. We met up with Lewis and walked back to the first room.


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