Chapter 75 Scrambling and Promises

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I shuffled in my seat slowly realising who this was. 'Ok I think that's enough.' Smith said in his slightly scary stern voice. 'Come on son, it's alright we're family isn't that right Abbey?' He said looking at me, 'running off wasn't smart was it? You had me worried sick, your mum too.' he said, I was waiting to wake up, but it wasn't happening, this was real. 'That's enough, come on Abbey.' Smith said standing up and I scrambled all my stuff together and Smith held his hand out and I took it with all my stuff bundled in my arms and we hurried out the cafe. 'Running away again, you shouldn't make a habit of this.' he shouted after us.

Smith and I hurried back to the car and didn't say anything, we sat in the car. I scrambled in my my bag looking for my anxiety pills. The only thing in my head was how. Smith held my fore arm before taking my bag and looking for me. 'don't worry about him ok. He can't get to you.' Smith produced the Orange bottle from my bag and began to open it. 'let's just go home.' He said handing me two Which I took and swallowed as he started the car, I was still shaking but I think that was fear more than anything.

We pulled up home, the whole time I noticed Smith was periodically checking his rearview mirror. He stopped the car and we both got out and went into the house. 'Smith's driving isn't that bad is it. You look terrified.' Trott said coming down the stairs. 'Not now mate.' Smith said, Ross came out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel, 'what happened?' He asked looking at me. ' He found me.' I looked at Ross with tears in my eyes. Ross's face turned from placid to horror to anger in a matter of seconds. 'How Did it happen? Where were you?' He asked and Smith told him. 'What do we do?' Trott asked. We all looked at each other, what could we do?.

Smith, Ross and I were all sat in the dining room and it had gone nine. Every set of headlights that shone through the window I thought was him. Nobody had Said anything we were trying to figure out what to do if there was anything. 'Do you feel safe here?' Ross asked and Smith and I looked at him. 'could he have followed you home?' He asked and Smith said he didn't think so. 'He can't do anything, even if he did show up on the doorstep he can't do anything.' Smith said but I was kind of zoned out, I really was convinced that I had left all that behind. 'We just need to try to carry on.' Smith said and I looked at him, 'carry on?' I said quietly with a very wobbly voice. 'You have no idea, you don't know what he might do.' my voice getting louder and tears building. 'He will ruin everything,I know he will, we can't do anything. DONT TELL ME TO JUST CARRY ON!' I got up from the dining table and ran upstairs all the way to the attic.

I sat in the dark on one of the chairs just staring out of the window at the shadows of the trees out the back of the house. I had stopped crying and I was just having frequent flashbacks and daydreams. I heard someone come up the stairs and I was expecting it to be Smith. 'Hey.' Ross said softly reaching the arch say of the room, I doesn't move from my slightly paralyzed state. He walked into the room and sat on the chair next to me and neither of us said anything for a couple of seconds. 'I can't do this again.' I uttered and Ross looked at me. 'You won't have to, I know Smith won't let anything happen and I won't either.' Ross said and I felt his hand wrap around mine. 'I'm scared Ross.' I said and I felt him squeeze my hand, 'we can do this, you're strong and you shouldn't let this ruin everything you have.' I looked at Ross and he smiled at me I stood up and sat on the same chair as him and snuggled into him, I think he was surprised at first but I felt his arm one around me and rest on my leg. 'We can do this.' Ross whispered and I shuffled, 'We can do this.'

Ross and I were sat upstairs until I think around twelve maybe later when I heard someone else come up, I was so tired I kept drifting in and out of sleep but when I heard someone come up the stairs, I doesn't move, They both thought I was asleep. Smith leant on the arch way with his hands in his pockets, 'Hey.' Smith said and I felt Ross move his head towards the entrance and his body tense for a second. 'What's up?' Smith asked walking into the room. 'She's asleep.' Ross uttered and Smith sat in the seat next to us. 'What are we going to do?' Ross asked after some momentary silence. 'I don't know mate.' Smith sat forward in his chair hunching over. 'We can't let this guy win.' Ross said, 'he won't.' We all sat there for a little while before Smith sighed. 'Thank you for what you do for her.' he said, 'I see how much she values you and you, her. But you have to promise me something.' Smith sounded like he never had before. 'Until this ends we have got to keep her safe. This guy is crazy, God knows what he might do. Promise me you won't leave her.' Smith said more serious than ever. 'I promise. I am with you here, we will pull through.'  


Hey guys hope you had a good (holiday season of choice) i am hopefully going to put out a chapter once a day for the next week or so since i have built up such a back log and i would like my story to try to run parallel to real life timelines like it has been sort of doing since the beginning. I have no intentions of stopping the series at all and we are coming up to the end of this one and i need a title for the next book any suggestions are welcomed if you have any. Hope you all enjoy.

Abs :-)

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