Chapter 62 Muddy Cars and Shooting Pains

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I woke up with nearly no pain what so ever with my head on Smith's chest and the birds singing outside. I snuggled into Smith more and closed my eyes listening to the song of the birds. 'You awake?' Smith said in his deep croaky morning voice that I loved more every day. 'I am.' I said and he shuffled and managed to free his arm from under me and laid it on my side. 'Do you want to stay home today?' Smith asked and I moved my head so my chin was on his chest and looked at him with my hands just in front of my chin, 'I don't know why I even asked.' He said and I smiled, 'it's Friday, I will be fine, plus Katie is at home today if I need to go home she can come and get me.' To told him and he agreed. 'We should probably get up.' He told me and I laid my head back on his chest, 'Five more minutes.' I said.

Half an hour later Smith and I rushed down the stairs. I say rushed, I took each step one by one but still it was pretty quick. 'What were you two doing. On second thought's I don't want to know.' Trott said unlocking the door, 'We were sleeping actually numb nuts.' I said and Ross sniggered as we all walked out the house. 'Whose car?' Trott asked, 'mine is a little low after going to and from the hospital.' Smith said, 'I will drive.' Ross said unlocking his car which looked even better up against Smith's green muddy 4x4. Trott got in the front and Smith and I got in the back, it was easier to get into than Smith's since it was lower down.

The guys all talked as we drove and stopped at the endless red traffic lights I was listening to the radio and looking in my bag. There was all sorts of crap in there, I had the new anxiety meds that the doctors gave me along with some pain meds. I had a note book that had seen better days that I had been using as more of a place to make to do lists. I had my house key with a key ring on that I had been given. I also had my phone and a picture of Smith and I that was taken at Lewis' party. I had a bunch of receipts and random paper things too that I had gathered somehow.

When we got to the office I got out of the car slowly and slung my bag over my shoulder, 'you want me to carry it?' Smith asked holding my door open. 'I think I can manage.' I said, we walked into the office and Hannah just rolled her eyes when she saw us, 'take it easy miss, mean it.' She said before going into her office. I actually diddnt mind the fact that everyone kept going on, it was nice to know that they all cared, I had gone from no one caring whether I excised to being cared about a whole lot. I acted like it was annoying but between you and I, I like it.

I walked into the Hat office and it felt like nothing had happened, it was nice to just have a normal work day. After insomnia and the surgery I just wanted a normal work day, where nothing went wrong and everyone was happy. I sat at my desk and put my bag under my desk and fired up my computer. Sjin burst into the room moments later with a massive smile on his face and looking more excited than a child on a snow day. 'Spit it out Sjinny boy.' Smith said taking off his coat. 'Sips had his baby!' He said looking at his phone, 'Was It a girl after all?' I asked and he nodded, 'yeah they've called her Maddy, look.' Sjin thrusted his phone in my direction and sat on the edge of my desk and Smith leant the other said. I looked down at the picture of the little red human being in the cradled arms of Sips' wife with Sips stood to the side with Austin. It pained me to know that this might never be me I handed Sjin his phone back and smiled, 'She's adorable.' I said a slight lump in my thoat, Smith placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed slightly. 'I am going to go and tell the others.' He said and left the room in a hurry. 'You alright honey?' he asked and I took a deep breath and nodded.

I was emailing about the trailers that the guys had been working on and sending out final cuts today and I think we were going to come in tomorrow to catch up on lost recording time. Ross was editing some GTA multiplayer stuff and Smith and Trott were both working on the latest Stunt Lads footage.

I was halfway through writing an email to X-box when I had a message ping up on steam. 'You alright?' Ross had sent and I replied that I was fine. There was a couple of minutes before it pinged again. 'I am going to the kitchen I will be back in a minute.' He said and I asked for him to bring me a drink back and I heard him get up and leave the room.

It was dark outside the next time I looked up, I looked at the time and it was half five and the guys were still working hard and I was exhausted. I stood up from my desk and walked over to Smith. I tapped him on the shoulder and he slid his headphones off and onto his neck. 'You alright?' he asked and I nodded. 'Can we go home, I am ridiculously tired.' I said rubbing my face with both hands. 'Sure errm.' He looked at his computer screen and clicked around a bit. 'I can finish this back at home, let's get ready.' He said standing up and putting his coat on. I walked over to Trott, 'We are going home are you coming? You should just finish it at home.' I told him and he nodded and I told Ross that we were going home too.

We walked out of our office and down the corridor, some of the offices were already empty and dark but others still had lights on and it was very quiet. 'I have just got to go and drop something off with Turps.' Trott said running up the stairs and we waited for him by the door. 'Bollocks. I left my keys in the office, can I borrow yours to unlock it?' Smith asked Ross who handed his bunch of keys over to Smith.

It was once again just Ross and I left alone, I dreaded yet enjoyed these times ever since the accident and accidents that seemed to keep occurring. 'I am sorry about not visiting you in hospital.' He randomly said and caught me off guard. 'No worries, you wouldn't have wanted to be there anyways, it was boring.' I told him and he put his hands in his pockets. 'I saw how you looked at the picture of Sips' baby. I am sorry.' He said and I felt slightly uncomfortable. 'It must be hard. I would dread being in your position.' He said and I looked at him. 'Can we not talk about it please?' I asked him and he looked slightly guilty as Trott and Smith returned. 'Ready to go?' Trott asked, 'Yeah.' Ross mumbled opening the door and we all walked out.

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