Chapter 99 Booths and Lanes

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Kim and I walked into the cafe and Trott, Ross and Smith were already sat in our booth at the back. I didn't have our name on but you know when you go somewhere enough you kind of claim a certain area. 'Afternoon, you go sightseeing or something?' Trott asked sarcastically. 'I guess you could say that, we ran into one of Abbey's old friends.' she said and Smith looked at me slightly worried. 'Old friend?' He asked concerned, 'you alright?' he asked putting his arm around me, 'yeah we are fine Kim got us lost and he helped us back is all.' I told him and he kissed the top of my forehead. 'This old homeless guy was sat at the end of this alley.' Kim began telling the whole story to the guys.

'Then he just vanished as fast as he appeared.' Kim finished. 'Alley Cat?' Ross questioned and I explained the origin behind the use of nicknames and such. 'It sounds like Reservoir Dogs.' Smith said and I nodded. 'Got any more exciting stories about your time out and about?' Trott asked, 'Sure plenty but I would like to just sit down and have a cup of tea.' I said slouching a little. 'How did everything at the office go then?' I asked them changing the topic. 'The trailers are good, only three more to do before Texas and we recorded some more trials since we were there.' Smith told me, 'Only three more trailers and all the content for when we are out.' I said and they all nodded.

We had to wait a little longer than normal before a waitress came over to take our order. 'Sorry for the wait.' She said pulling out her notepad, 'what can I do for you?' We all ordered what we wanted, me a warm brownie and cup of tea. 'Where's Kelly She works today right?' I asked the waitress, 'your guess is as good as mine, she hasn't been here for a week or so.' she said before walking off. 'A week?' I said, I am sure she is fine.' SMith said squeezing my arm slightly, 'i know.' I said but I was slightly worried. 'Oh my god, today Harry and a couple of other guys were sorting some stuff put in the office and they found a cardboard cutout of a weeping angel.' Ross said, 'yeah they were hiding it outside offices and in cupboards scaring the crap out of everyone. They hid it in the toilet cubicle and pretty much made Sjin shit himself.' Trott said. 'Here you go.' The waitress said putting a tray with mugs and plates filled with tea, coffee and cakes. 'Shout if you need anything else.' She said and she smiled at us all. 'You got an admirer there mate.' Ross said and Trott and Smith looked at eachother no knowing which Ross was talking to. 'Who?' I asked. 'Smith, she smiled at Smith.' Smith was good when this happened like at events or on livestreams. I didn't mind that girls fancied him because I knew I was with him and we trusted each other. 'Yeah whatever mate.' Smith said handing me a cup of tea.

We spent a large proportion of the rest of the day in the cafe just talking about random crap, it was basically like in friends when they were in the coffee house or in Big Bang Theory when they would all eat together, like a weird combination of them. We hadn't intended on staying as long as we had but I was waiting to see if my mum would show up and everyone else seemed happy to hang out. The waitress came over and filled our mugs at least three times. 'So is Kelly not coming in?' I asked her again, 'no, like I said she hasn't been in in a while.' She said. I turned to Smith, 'she said she was popping in after work the other day when she came over.' I said, 'you want to go over and see her?' He asked. I thought for a second I really wasn't in the mood to go and see her at the moment, I was tired and it was four o'clock and getting late. 'I will call her.' I said, 'you sure?' He asked and I nodded, this could have been a mistake.

We finally got home around half five filled with cake and tea, I had wrapped up a brownie for Katie since she missed out on some prime brownie action. That sounded a lot better in my head. Anyways, SMith and I decided that we were going to go back to the world of Fallout, he gave the game a lot of crap but we enjoyed playing it together. We both quit after a while, Smith gave up after being chased around a small house by a deathclaw for an hour and had died multiple times. 'Screw it, I am playing Dota.' He rage quit after the umteenth time, I chuckled and kept to myself that I had no trouble clearing the house.

I also left the wonderful apocalypse that is fallout after playing the sims with my settlements for an hour or two, maybe three. I watched Smith play dota until 1am which was pretty funny. Him, a couple of his friends, Harry from the office and Pryion were playing and Smith and Pryion were arguing like an old married couple. 'Smith! Would you get in your bloody lane!' I heard Pryion shout, 'I am in my lane, you're in the wrong lane!' Smith shouted back trying not to laugh too much. 'Where are your wards? there are none in this lane.' Pryion critiqued meanwhile, me, Harry and the other guys were all laughing uncontrollably. 'Get out of my lane.' Smith said calmly sounding slightly sarcastic. This was pretty much how the rest of the evening went.

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