Chapter 44 Hotels and Showers

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We had been on the move for just about an hour, Smith had fallen asleep a while back and everyone else had quietened down too. I looked out the window and saw Ross looking out the window in the reflection. I managed to stand up and shuffle past Smith and sat on the seat next to Ross. 'Hey.' I said sitting down and he took out his head phone on one side and looked at me and smiled. 'What you listening to?' I asked and he unlocked his phone and looked, 'nothing interesting.' He took his other head phone out and wrapped them around the phone. 'It feels like we have been on this coach for ages.' I said and he nodded, 'It always feels like it takes longer going somewhere then going back.' He said. We sat in silence for a moment, 'You probably should go back to Smith before he wakes up.' He said, 'Why?' I asked, 'He doesn't like it when me and you hang around together now, I can tell by the way that he looks at us, he hates it. He loves you and I don't want to ruin that again.' He uttered. 'Hey.' I started and nudged him with my elbow, 'It's not going to happen again, and we are just friends and Smith doesn't hate you, your one of his best friends.' I told him. 'And you didn't ruin anything, Smith and I are still together and you did nothing wrong with Kim, she just found it hard to deal with certain things.' I told him, Smith shuffled in the seat in front, 'Please just go back, I don't want to risk anything.' He practically begged. I smiled and stood up and sat back in my seat.

I sat back down and Smith rolled his head and woke up. 'How long was I out for?' he asked, 'a while.' I said fixing his hair, 'You need a haircut.' I told him and he chuckled, 'Where did you go?' he asked I looked at him, 'I felt it when you sat back down.' He said rubbing his fac, 'I was just.' I paused, 'Just talking to Hannah.' I told him. 'I wondered how much longer we had to go.' I told him. 'How long do we have?' he asked stretching, I told him around twenty minutes and he put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. 'Not long now.'

We finally arrived at the hotel that we were staying at which was a five minute walk from the convention itself. We all got off the coach, moaning, groaning and stretching walst the coach driver opened the side of the coach where all of our bags were stored. 'Alright guys gather round.' Turps said and we all listened in, 'we are going to drop all our crap in rooms which I have a list of and then we can meet in the restaurant for dinner.' He said and we all started unloading the coach, I carried my bag and Smith's backpack since he was carrying the bag with all our clothes in.

Once the coach was empty we all headed to the hotel, Smith, Lewis, Hannah and I walked together behind Turps and everyone else behind us, I managed to catch sight of Ross making sure he was alright, he was walking at the back talking to Sips. 'Ok we managed to get pretty much everyone on one floor.' Turps said stopping and turning around. 'Lewis, Hannah, Smith, Abbey, Sips and Ross your this way. The rest of you, Kim, Duncan, Sjin, Trott and Katie, your this way.' He said pointing the opposite direction to where he pointed for mine and Smith's room.

We all split and went to the rooms that we had been assigned, turns out mine and Smith's room was next door to Ross, Sips and Turps' room and Hannah and Lewis' were on the other side of them.

Smith and I walked into ours and it looked very modern, it had a shower room to the left as you walked in and a massive bed with and TV on the opposite wall. 'Bed test.' Smith said dropping the bag and jumped on the bed. 'Yeah it's good.' Is that I think I could make out from the muffled noise that he made. He rolled over and looked at me, 'I am going for a shower I think.' He said sitting up, I left our bags under the tv. 'Ok.' I said still looking around the room as he walked over to the bath room. He popped his head around the corner moments later, 'care to join me?'

I sat on the side of the bed in my towel drying my hair and Smith walked out of the shower room with a towel around his waist. 'We have fifteen minutes until we need to be at the restaurant.' I informed him as I turned the hair dryer off. 'Better get a move on then.' He said before kissing the top of my head. He used a hand towel to rub his hair dry as I looked through the bag of clothes, I pulled out my marvel shirt that just had the logo across the chest and some black jeans. I sat back on the bed and put my trousers on and listened to the hum of people around us, you could barely hear anything but with the combination of Sips and Turps next door nothing could stop that noise.

Smith finally finished getting ready and his hair was still ever so slightly damp, he was wearing a grey Dota shirt and blue jeans. 'Alright let's get going' he said looking at his phone for the time. We walked out and locked our door and made our way to the restaurant.

When we got there, Katie and Trott were the only ones there at a very long table, Smith and I were holding hands as we walked over to the table. 'See told you we were in the right place.' Katie said pointing at us. 'What have we done now?' I asked as we walked over, 'Nothing Chris thought we were in the wrong place.' She said, I sat next to Katie and Smith sat the other side of me. 'You had time for a shower?' Trott asked looking at Smith, 'yeah felt like I needed on after being sat in the coach.' He said and I was trying not to smirk too much. 'It looks like we are triple dating.' Turps said as he walked over with Sips, they both sat the other side of Smith and we were all talking gradually people started showing up, Lewis and Hannah sat opposite Smith and I but one space down so the chair in front of me was still empty until Ross came and I subtly nodded for him to sit there next to Hannah and Sjin. Once we were all sat down we ordered dinner and the fun began.


I know i missed a couple of days i a, sorry hopefully this chapter makes up for it, one of my favourites so far. Anyways for any that are interested i have just posted my second ever youtube video on my channel, Notagood Ninja_, have a gander if you want. But yeah some good stuff coming up in the book guys all the feels.

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