Chapter 100 Getting Stuff Done and No Keys

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I was in a particularly good mood when i woke up Wednesday morning. i rolled over to face Smith who was still asleep I touched his nose with my finger. I did it until i got a reaction from him. 'What?' he moaned and i kissed his forehead. 'Love you.' i said and he opened his eyes. 'What have you done?' he asked suspiciously, 'nothing.' i said with a smile, 'what time is it?' he asked rubbing his face with his hand, 'almost nine.' i told him, he sat up and looked down at me and i just smiled at him, 'why you so happy?' he asked, 'nothing.' I said before skipping to the bathroom.

I came down wearing my new ripped jeans and stuntlads shirt accompanied by an odd pair of Smith's socks. 'What's for breakfast?' I asked walking into the dining room where everyone was sat. 'Pancakes.' Kim said stood with Ross at the hob, for the record Kim makes the best pancakes ever. I sat down next to Smith with a smile still firmly on my face. 'Why are you so happy?' Trott asked looking tired and fed up, 'leave her be grumpy.' Katie said nudging him and smiling at me. 'Have you heard anything from your mum?' Ross asked putting a steaming plate of pancakes in front of me. 'No, nothing why?' i asked he shrugged his shoulders. 'She lied to you when she said she was popping by after work if we believe the other waitress.' Smith pointed out. 'I think you should call her, just make sure she is alright.' Katie said, 'yeah i will, i will do it later.' i said and we all ate our pancakes.

We powered through work today. All but one of the trailers were done and most of the content was edited up and ready to go out we just had to record something with Turps and Sips tomorrow i think to fill some gaps and put in some variety. But other than that we were all done by four. Throughout the whole day they all kept reminding me to call my mum. Each time i said i would do it later. 'Alright lads and lass, let's call it there.' Trott said at four o'clock. Ross went downstairs and Trott had his headphones on down the opposite end of the room. 'What would you like to do?' i asked Smith, he shrugged his shoulders, 'i don't know what do you want to do?' he asked and i shrugged my shoulders and smiled. 'Have you called your mum yet?' he asked and i stopped smiling and sighed, if i do it will you leave me alone about it?' i asked and he nodded. I picked up my phone and called her and the phone started ringing. it rang and rang with no answer. 'Huh. i said looking at my phone, 'What?' Smith asked looking at his computer, 'she didn't answer.' i told him, i tried again with the same result. 'Let me have a go.' he said calling her on his phone, 'she didn't answer me either.' he said, i started to worry a little. 'Let's just wait a while , she might just be out at the moment.' He reassured.

We waited forty five minutes before we both tried again, she yet again didn't pick up. 'Alex i am worried about her.' I said and Smith looked at me. 'What do you want to do here?' he asked. 'Let's just wait a little while longer, call again and if she doesn't pick up then we go over and see her?' He suggested, 'sure ok.' i said now thinking the worse.

Smith and i were sat downstairs with Ross and Kim we had waited another hour before trying to call mum again. This time it said the line was disconnected when i called. 'Alex it says that the line has been disconnected.' i said and he looked a me. 'You want to go over?' he asked and i nodded. We both rushed to leave.

We drove the short drive to mums place, there was some traffic and i forgot to grab my anxiety pills so i was a quivering wreck as we drove over. 'Don't worry.' SMith said as we stopped at yet another red light, he placed a hand on my leg as we waited. 'Do you think she is alright?' i asked him and he looked at me with a slightly pained look on his face. 'I am sure she is fine.' he said, 'but if she isn't then we listen to her reasons and remain calm.' he said and we pulled away at the green light.

We parked up outside mums place. I looked up at the house and there were no lights i on inside and the curtains were all closed. 'See i think she was just asleep.' Smith said. i think we both knew something was up and that wasn't the case. 'You want to go and know?' He asked, 'yeah, i will be back in a second.' i said unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car. 'Ok, but no heroic moves this time.' Smith said as i closed the door.

There was a light mist of rain in the air and there was a breeze whihc was cold enough to make your hair stand on ends. The street lamps were pretty much the only light source and made the rain stand out against the dark. i made it to the front door and knocked. there was nothing, no movement, no answer. i knocked again and again nothing. I tried once more and heard a crash from inside and i instantly panicked. 'Mum?..Mum!.' I shouted banging on the door with the palm of my hand. 'Abbey? What's going on, is she in there?' Smit asked walking up the short path. 'There was a crash, we need to get in.' i said, 'what do you mean a crash?' he asked looking through the window in the door. 'there was like a crash or smash like someone falling over or something breaking i don't know beur we need to get inside.' i said panicking, 'how?' he asked, i looked under the mat, the pot and anything that might have a spare key under. 'Nothing. Maybe i can reach in the letter box and open it that way.' i suggested, 'err.' before SMith could stop me i reached in and opened the door.

The door opened inwards and Smith and i looked in. The air inside was somehow colder than outside and had a funny smell to it. I stepped in first, i couldn't see where i was going, i tried the light switch but the bulb looked like it had blown a while ago. 'Mum?' i said as we walked into the house even further. there was a door slightly ajar at the end of the hall that the front door opened into. 'Mum?' i said again. we pushed aside all of the junk mail that was by the door and headed to the door. 'Woah.' Smith said holding his arm in front of me. 'I will go first.' he said and he placed his hand on the door and pushed it open slowly. 

**Authors Note** 

Here we are at the end of the second book, i am planning on writing a third book as a continuation of the series as long as people are interested. Thank you all to those who have read this book and a special thanks to people who have been with me since the beginning. The Story will continue Tuesday April 1st 2016. Thank you all again for everything, until next time.

Abs :-)

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