Chapter 45 Bathroom Sleeping and Sofa Beds

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I think it's safe to say dinner got a little noisy. Most of us were getting merry I think Katie and I were the only one's not drinking. Trott, Sips, Sjin and Lewis were doing shots down one end of the table with some of the others cheering them on. Katie and I were sat down the other end talking to Hannah about France. I wasn't really paying attention I was watching Ross. He was sat halfway down the table swigging from his bottle of beer staring into the distance. Every now and then he would look at Kim who was talking to Turps down the other end. 'Abbey?' I snapped back to the girls. 'Yeah?' I said looking at them. 'You were well away, you alright?' they asked, 'Yeah, sure I am fine just a little tired I think.' I said. Hannah looked over at Ross. 'Hornby!' She shouted and he looked over and she waved for him to come and sit with us. He stood up and brought his bottle and sat next to me. 'Alright?' he said sitting down. 'You looked like a little lost lamb.' Hannah giggled he took another swig from his bottle. 'Why so glum chum?' Hannah asked him, 'I am sorry to hear about you and Kim. You two were good for each other.' She said, the whole time I looked at Ross. The topic changed and he stayed for a moment before excusing himself and leaving his bottle. I waited so it wasn't too obvious then I also got up excusing myself and followed Ross.

I managed to catch him as he went out the front of the hotel into the car park, there was a definite chill in the air as I walked out. 'Ross.' I said stopping and he stopped, 'were you going?' I asked after him. 'I cant be here.' He said his voice wobbly and his face looking like he was in pain. 'Why not?' I asked walking towards him, 'I love her Abbey. I love her so much, she seems fine and I am stood here in a car park feeling like my life is over.' He sobbed. 'Your life is not over. You can move past this you just need time.' I stopped for a second. 'Come on we should get inside, Smith told me that I shouldn't just wonder off, could be fans anywhere. Let's just go back inside.' I told him we were within a meter of each other now. 'Come on.' I said and held my hand out, he looked down at my hand before he took it and we walked back towards the hotel. I let go of his hand and we got back into the hotel main entrance. 'Now then.' I said reaching to his face and wiping his cheek, 'Let's go and see how trashed the others are.' I said and he smiled, 'Yeah we should probably stop them soon, we have an early start tomorrow.' I agreed and we walked back to the others.

When we got back Sips and Trott were signing and Smith and Turps were arm wrestling. 'Jesus Christ.' I said looking at the carnage that was our table. 'Hey where did you two go?' Hannah asked us, there was a loud cheer from the other end of the table and Smith had his hands in the air. 'Ross needed some air.' I told her. Smith looked over at us and his arms came down and his smile switched to curiosity. He walked over, 'What's going on?' he asked, 'Ross felt a little ill so I went with him to get fresh air.' I told him and Ross looked at me nervously. 'Come on you have had enough for tonight.' I told him, 'Yes ma'am.' He said saluting. Katie helped me gather up Turps and Sips and I walked with them, Smith and Ross back towards our rooms. It was 10 o'clock and the guys were all very noisy and I had to keep telling them to shut up.

We finally got to their door after a few trips and spills, 'right guys who had your key?' I asked, 'I do.' Turps said patting himself down trying to find the key, 'Here it is.' He said giggling as he pulled out the key from his pocket and tried to put it in the hole, 'Haha Turps cant get it in the hole.' Sips said laughing. 'Excuse me sir but I have a daughter, I think that proves I am able to put it in the hole better than you' I face palmed, as the guys all laughed, 'I have a son and one on the way I will have you know.' Sips said, 'I am better than you.' He slurred. 'Alright guys you are both very good at getting your wives pregnant now to bed.' I said pushing the door open and them two walked in. 'Good luck.' I said to Ross as he walked in. 'Yeah I think I might need it.' He said before closing the door. Smith at this point was sat on the floor. 'Come on mister, let's get you to bed.' He stumbled up and I unlocked our door and he plodded in and almost fell over making himself laugh. 'What are we going to do with you?' I said locking the door behind us. He tried to take his shirt off but got tangled up, 'here let me help before you brake something.' I said lifting his shirt up over his head. He put his hands on my hips as I lifted the shirt up. 'I love you.' He said and I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, 'I love you too. Now can you manage your trousers?' I asked with my hands on his shoulders, he kissed me lightly before standing up. I walked over to our bag and got out our PJ's. 'I did it.' Smith shouted standing in his boxers. 'I am so proud.' I said sarcastically, 'Put some bloody clothes on.' I said throwing his jogging bottoms and green shirt at him. I started getting changed over by the TV.

Once I was done Smith was laying on the bed pretty out of it still in his boxers on top of the covers. I slid them out from under him and managed to lay them on top of him, I stroked his hair away from his forehead and lightly kissed him.

I was tidying up the clothes that had managed to become spread out, I folded them and placed them next to the bag of clean clothes. I barely noticed the knock on the door and Smith didn't even flinch. I walked over in my shorts and vest top and unlocked the door and opened it slowly. 'Hey.' Ross was stood still wearing his black button up shirt and jeans on, his shirt was unbuttoned by at least three buttons and he looked exhausted. 'Hey what's up?' I asked folding my arms across my chest. 'I hope I didn't wake you, Is Smith awake?' I looked voer my shoulder and Smith snored. 'No why?' I asked him and he sighed, 'Sips has passed out in the bathroom and I can't move him on my own. I will go and get Trott or Lewis.' He said as he started walking away. 'Hey I will help.' He turned an raised his eyebrows. 'Are you sure? It's not pretty in there.' He warned me. 'I am sure it will be fine we just have to lift him into bed right?' I asked and he shrugged and walked back and I followed him into the room.

The room was a mess, worse than ours. Turps was asleep on a bed still fully dressed, there was a singular lamp on between the two beds lighting the room in a warm glow. Ross swung the door open and Sips was sat leant against the wall. 'Bloody hell.' I said looking down at him, 'yeah he was getting changed apparently and just fell asleep.' Ross explained stepping over him. 'Right you get that side and I will get the other.' Ross suggested. Baring in mind that Sips was pretty tall and me not so and Ross was also pretty tall this was going to be interesting. I put Sips' arm around me and Ross did the same the other side and we lifted Sips up slowly. 'Whoa.' I said almost slipping as we got out door and Ross laughed, 'it's not funny.' I said but I was happy that he was happier. We managed to juggle Sips over to the other bed and pretty much body slammed him down, Ross and I snorted trying not to laugh too loud. 'Alright, that will have to do.' Ross said wiping his brow. 'So where do you sleep?' I asked looking at the two now occupied beds. 'Sofa bed.' He said pointing at the sofa. 'Do you want a hand with that?' I asked pulling my vest up. 'I think I got it.' He said walking over and taking the pillows off. He managed to get the folding part out but couldn't quite unfold it. 'Look push this.' I said looking at the instructions on the side. The button released a mechanism and the bed could now unfold. 'Look at that, just like magic.' He said picking up the bed linen from the end of Sips' bed. 'Alright I am going to bed.' I said folding my arms again. 'Ok thanks for that, see you in the morning.' He said and I nodded and left the room.

I walked back into our room and Smith was still laying on the bed, I climbed in next to him and snuggled into him. 'Where did you go?' he asked making my jump. 'Ross needed a hand next door, Sips passed out in the bathroom and needed help putting him to bed.' I told him. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep. 

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