Chapter 85 Creative Food and Notebooks

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I woke up like a little kid on Christmas morning, it was nine o'clock when I jumped on Smith. I am not talking about a gentle roll on top of, I am talking about I stood up and belly flopped on him. 'Woah what the hell.' he said as I landed, 'Merry Christmas.' I said laying on top of him he chuckled, 'yeah merry Christmas to you too, fancy getting off now?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 'I don't know. This is rather comfy.'

I finally managed to get Smith out of bed and we began cooking our Christmas breakfast which consisted of pancakes and I managed to make mine into a shape of a Christmas tree and used fruit and whipped cream to create finagle and ornaments. 'Very nice.' Smith said as I sat down next to him. 'I do take pride in my creativity with food.' Smith just shook his head, 'when do you want to do presents?' he asked and I shrugged my shoulders, 'we need to be at Hannah and Lewis' by like 12.' I told him. 'Now it is then.' he said taking my empty plate.

I helped clear away all of the stuff we used to cook pancakes and considering there was only two of us we had made a fair mess. We finally finished clearing everything up including the rouge pancake mix on the light fixture. 'Ok I think that's it.' Smith said wiping his hands on a tea towel. 'Present time.' I said and Smith nodded. We walked through to the living room and I sat on the sofa with my legs curled up and waited for Smith who was putting on some music. Once the music had began playing quietly in the background Smith sat down next to me. 'So I think these are only for you and I, everyone took theirs.' Smith said and I nodded, that was what Katie and I had planned out. 'You go first.' I said and he picked up two presents, 'lets do it at the same time.' he said crossing his legs on the sofa and facing me. 'Sure.' I read the tag, this was from Katie and Trott, I peeled the paper off as did Smith. Mine was a shirt, the same design to the one that Tony Stark wore in Age of Ultron. 'Oh damn.' I said holding it up, I also got a arc reactor patch to go on my bag and a bear dressed as IronMan all form Katie and Trott. 'What did you get?' I asked Smith, he had got a whisky collection and a Dota 2 figure from Ross. 'Ready for another?' he asked and I screwed up my wrapping paper and nodded. Smith handed me another present that was from Ross. Once Smith had his we opened together. I tore the paper to the smaller present. The glitter encrusted paper revealed a notebook. I went to flicked through the pages as you do with a notebook or any new book and you expect all the pages to be blank. These were far from blank. Each page was jammed with tweets, tumblr messages and other fan quotes. There were pictures from Insomnia of me meeting fans, me in the office with other people each with a caption. For example there was a picture of Trott, Ross, Katie, Smith and Kim all stood next to each other the first day we got the house. Underneath was written 'Our Family.' I flicked through some more pages, all the tweets and messages were people thanking me, or saying how much they loved me. There was another picture of Hannah, Lewis and I in the don't starve challenge all cuddled up around the campfire we had built. On one of the last pages was a picture of Ross and I taken at my party and on the opposite page he had written a small essay.

I am terrible at this sort of thing so don't get your hopes up for a non ramblely scribbles of a guy. I made this book to show you how much you mean to so many people. You had people in your life who would think little of you, not believe in you, not respect you. Not love you. This book shows you have so many that do do these things. (Yeah I wrote do do, don't laugh you will ruin the moment.)

I chuckled and continued reading.

You walked in that day someone completely different form the brave person I have been lucky enough to meet. When I felt like the only one in the world you were there to pick me up. You have brought me back from the edge of oblivion more than once, dealt with old estranged girlfriend's, helped me understand my past and so much more. When I grow up Abbey I want be to as strong and brave as you.

Merry Christmas Abbey

Love Ross.

One tear splashed in the last line as I turned the page, there was my favorite picture. It was my phone wallpaper and I had a warm feeling every time I saw it. It was taken at the Don't starve challenge. Smith and I were mid embrace kissing each other it was just our silhouettes you could barely make out features as we stood in front of the campfire. He had his hands on my hips and I had my arms around his mid torso. 'You have no idea how long this took him to make.' Smith uttered I smiled closing the book. 'I wish I had given you mine first, don't think mine will stand up to that.' he said getting up and leaving the room.

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